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Am I trying to hard? Dizzy/Vomiting during workouts

I just did 30DS (making it through the warm up levels) I got nausea and dizzy during the push ups, which is where I vomited last time I attempted this DVD (about three weeks ago) Is this common? I get really hott, dizzy and feel like im going to puke if I continue.

I thought it would be easy doing these work outs but clearly i'm more out of shape than I first thought (Have an 15mth old son and have been unemployed for about 2 years ~ so I do a whole lot of nothing throughout the day.)

Do I need to start out with lighter things before jumping into 30DS? Perphaps walking on the tredmill? (I can walk about 8minutes at a time on the tredmill before my chest starts to hurt and I get dizzy) <--Do I need to do 8 minutes randomly through out the day, Like do 8minutes (or as long as I can stand it in the morning, then a couple more times throughout the day?)

I'm 209lbs 5'5. I'm 23 years old.


  • gmichaelguy
    gmichaelguy Posts: 123 Member
    I get sick working out if the temperature is too cold or if I drink water that's too cold. So take a look at these other factors too. I prefer to be on the warmer side and drink room temperature water to keep me going.
  • How many calories are you eating? I know whenever I do 30DS if I haven't eaten very well before hand I can get dizzy and light headed. You can start out like I did only doing half of level 1 (10 mins) and work your way up until you can endure the entire workout. Its really hard at first but after a week or two your endurance gets a lot better and it becomes a little easier.
  • smkcx
    smkcx Posts: 69
    I dont have the air conditioner on, so the house is warm and the water I drank came from the faucet. =/
    Last time I did the 30DS I had the air conditioner on and etc.

    I think maybe I just need to gradually build myself up, master the treadmill =/ I'm clearly wayyyyy out of shape. *sigh*
  • SpecialKitty7
    SpecialKitty7 Posts: 678 Member
    i definitely think you are working too hard for your skill level yet. slow it down, work out in a cool room, and maybe eat a snack before working out. when i started out, i couldn't go more than 15 minutes at 2.5 mph. now i regularly go 45 minutes at 3.6 mph.
  • I'm not sure if you're trying to hard, but what you could do is drink more water well before you work out to counteract the dizziness and wait longer after eating to workout to counteract the vomiting. Try to change those things and see if they work, then re evaluate.
  • Jeeenjohnson19
    Jeeenjohnson19 Posts: 54 Member
    If your chest is hurting just through walking, then I think the best thing to do is to just keep upping your walking for now, until your body gets used to exercise again.
    I think the 30DS is more for "fit" people who wanna "up their game" so to speak lol Thats just what I think, personally I haven't tried the 30DS, and the main reason why is because I still don't think i'm fit enough (i've been exercising more for over a year now haha)
  • smkcx
    smkcx Posts: 69
    I ate about 200 calories for breakfast =/
  • smkcx
    smkcx Posts: 69
    If your chest is hurting just through walking, then I think the best thing to do is to just keep upping your walking for now, until your body gets used to exercise again.
    I think the 30DS is more for "fit" people who wanna "up their game" so to speak lol Thats just what I think, personally I haven't tried the 30DS, and the main reason why is because I still don't think i'm fit enough (i've been exercising more for over a year now haha)

    I'll master the treadmill first, then do 30DS and I really didnt think it was going to be that hard but it takes a toll on me =/ I had to quit because last time I spent longer in the bathroom than I did actually doing 30DS.
  • If you're out of shape, the best thing is to consult a doctor prior to doing that workout.
  • LoveMyLife_NYC
    LoveMyLife_NYC Posts: 230 Member
    To push hard and feel sick every now and then is one thing, but it shouldn't happen all the time. Make sure you're drinking plenty of water all day and are getting enough protein. Then, go see a doctor, who can recommend where to start with workouts. You might need to start with something lower impact. Dizzy and nauseous sounds like your heart is working too hard to keep up right now.
  • kehuizenga
    kehuizenga Posts: 151
    Turn on your AC! I would vomit too if I worked out in my living room, which doesn't have AC. It's hotter in there than it is outside!
  • missmayeb
    missmayeb Posts: 182 Member
    I would talk to you doctor also. Maybe they can give you some insight as to why you are feeling this way. But in the meanwhile I would do as much walking as you possibly can and stretch throughout the day. Surprisingly these will help you build up some stamina. I hear the 30 day shred is intense so it may not be the best to start out with.

    Make sure you are also getting enough water throughout the day, not just right before your work out. Also eat something small before your workout, that can cause me to be nauseous. Nothing heavy but maybe an apple or protein bar.
  • Linbo93
    Linbo93 Posts: 229 Member
    No matter how fit I get I still have this issue on occasion. i just had it yesterday, in fact. For me, it's a low blood sugar issue, I've had it my whole life. I've found that if I plan what I eat before my workout, I have a better chance at making it through. I usually have a banana 45-30 minutes before a workout. I hydrate all day leading up to it.

    But, no matter how hard I plan, sometimes I still get hit with workout induced nausea if I push harder then I'm used to. As you continue to work out and push yourself you'll find you will lessen how often it happens. For now, since you're just starting, perhaps ramp up to 30DS? Its a good workout, maybe you could take more time between the exercises, going half-speed?

    And do keep doing cardio....that will help a LOT!

    Good luck!
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    First make sure you are well hydrated before and during your workout.

    Second, if this does not go away in a week or two of similar regular workouts. See a doctor! You may have high blood pressure issues.

    I have high blood pressure and occasionally get dizzy. Usually after big cardio outputs where my head goes below my heart during the routine. Think burpees.

    Also, if you are going to give a maximum effort and get your system ramped up for any period of time. I suggest not eating up to 90 minutes before a workout. A full tummy does not react well to things like jumping jacks and burpees!
  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I ate about 200 calories for breakfast =/

    I average about 600-900 for breakfast
  • 5pmsomewherenow
    5pmsomewherenow Posts: 163 Member
    For lasting results and the best plan for a permanent change to a healthy lifestyle -- I highly suggest professional help. Plan to see your doctor, and discuss your desire to change your habits to promote a healthy lifestyle change. At 209lbs, 5'5" - you've got a good 50-60 lbs loss to get you into the "healthy" range, and if you don't have a good plan for this, you'll get frustrated and quit before you see any benefits. You've already admitted that you are severely out of shape, to the point of extreme discomfort at exertion.

    Your doctor can point you in the direction of consultation for wieght loss within your healthcare system: clinics, support groups, low-cost, or free help for nutrition and increased physical activity. You need a plan to do it safely, and consistently for optimum chance for permanant change. 30DS video, unsupervised, would probably not be part of the initial plan for success.

    I can understand that you're motivated to start in, but you should really get a good plan for your success -- otherwise you won't get the results you are looking for, -- just frustration and heart-ache, because all the effort will be for naught.
  • !!!!!!! You may need to get into your doctors office to rule out hypertension !!!!!!!!
    Those symptoms aren't uncommon for people who may have a heart issue/ blood pressure
    issue. I understand you're young and people will tell you- "oh yeah- when I push hard
    I throw up- keep pushing..." which once you've been cleared by the doctor would be fairly solid advice.
    Until then though- I would back it off and do 30 minutes of moderate cardio a day.

    If you've already seen a doctor and have no such problems- please disregard my remblings ;)
  • smkcx
    smkcx Posts: 69
    !!!!!!! You may need to get into your doctors office to rule out hypertension !!!!!!!!
    Those symptoms aren't uncommon for people who may have a heart issue/ blood pressure
    issue. I understand you're young and people will tell you- "oh yeah- when I push hard
    I throw up- keep pushing..." which once you've been cleared by the doctor would be fairly solid advice.
    Until then though- I would back it off and do 30 minutes of moderate cardio a day.

    If you've already seen a doctor and have no such problems- please disregard my remblings ;)

    I've seen a doctor about my bloodpressure. It is fine, I had to go get tested every week for two months because my blood pressure was so high while I was pregnant with my son, so they induced and I had to go get it checked for two months.