My turn for diary/calorie help! :)



  • think48
    think48 Posts: 366 Member
    Your BMR based on Height, weight, age is 1393. TDEE is only effective on calculating every day. at 1500 calories alone, you are over-eating for a lifestyle based on caloric focus, alone.

    I suggest taking the 1393 - 20% (279) as your goal for weight loss. Ensure that you are wearing an HRM with your workouts to get an accurate burn to get your DAILY TDEE. Run with that for a couple of weeks, if you still see no movement, adjust your diet from there. Carbs are good for you, especially if you are lifting. Carbs are FUEL for the body. Do increase your protein and if you are still hungry, increase your carbs.

    Also, "Clean Eating", in my opinion is a farce. Just because you make it homemade, doesnt mean all the ingredients are 100% all natural. Eat in moderation, hit your macros, and you'll be money.

    Wow, really? That's scary. I think I'd crumble over in hunger. :( Makes me rethink my desire to lose some of this fat. I have a hard enough time keeping it down to 1400. I thought it was dangerous to go under my BMR of 1393? Especially if I'm exercising 6 days a week.

    You see why this has me so very confused in the first place. :(

    And okay, maybe I'm not perfect on eating all natural and whole foods, but I do pretty darn well. I'm sorry if I'm mixing up my lingo on homemade and clean and whole, but I don't eat boxed/pre-processed foods for the most part. All my food comes straight from the ground or straight from the animal, I guess is what I'm trying to get at.
  • braga1992
    BMR is how many calories you need at minimum just to maintain your weight if you were to be bed ridden all day every day. Because we arent bed ridden, we are up on our feet, walking around throughout the day, exercising, etc. So the BMR isnt sufficent for someone who is active. Get your TDEE here - Select your goal 15-20% and it will display your cut value (third row under TDEE value). Because your activity level is included into the TDEE, theres no need to eat your exercise calories. What I am currently in the making of doing is Subtracting 250 from my TDEE for week 1. If i see no fat loss, subtract another 250 from the total for Week 2. If im not making progress, subtract another 250 calories from my total for week 3. Then once i see some losses, ill slowly cut it back 50 calories a week. Every body is different and we all have different metabolisms and numbers which work for us and only us. If you find out the correct number that works for your body, youll know its sweet spot. Give it a try.
  • braga1992
    And in my opinion on eating clean, unless your eating tons of sugar and spiking your insulin levels, I dont exactly see a point in "eating clean". The only real difference it has is your energy level. If you eat like crap, your gonna feel like crap and not have the energy and boost you would have in the gym if you ate clean. That ive experienced. Also, if you eat clean, you usually 9 times out of 10 can eat a whole lot more than someone who eats dirty. Other than that, this processed nd prepackaged foods and preservatives, wont stop me from eating them. If theyre easy to make and cheap to buy, im all for it.