How Many Calories Would I Need To Burn To Reach My Goal?

Hey guys!

My 21st birthday is in 55 days from now, and I would absolutely love to lose weight by then.

I know this is a long shot, but theoretically... I think I need to lose 50 pounds (I haven't weighed myself in a while so this may be off). This seems impossible... But I want to try anyway.

If I ate 1200 calories a day, how many calories total would I need to burn every day to reach my goal? I have a lot of free time, so time isn't an issue. Also, I have burned up to 1800 calories in a day before while eating 1200 calories, so if I push myself, it is definitely feasible.

My details: I'm 4'11, a female, 170 pounds, and I want to weigh 120.

Also, does anybody know of any really good high-burning calorie exercises and foods I could add to my diet that help with weight loss? Thanks! :)


  • beckajw
    beckajw Posts: 1,738 Member
    Hey guys!

    My 21st birthday is in 55 days from now, and I would absolutely love to lose weight by then.

    I know this is a long shot, but theoretically... I think I need to lose 50 pounds (I haven't weighed myself in a while so this may be off). This seems impossible... But I want to try anyway.

    If I ate 1200 calories a day, how many calories total would I need to burn every day to reach my goal? I have a lot of free time, so time isn't an issue. Also, I have burned up to 1800 calories in a day before while eating 1200 calories, so if I push myself, it is definitely feasible.

    My details: I'm 4'11, a female, 170 pounds, and I want to weigh 120.

    Also, does anybody know of any really good high-burning calorie exercises and foods I could add to my diet that help with weight loss? Thanks! :)

    You would have to burn/save 3500 calories a day to reach that goal. That's not going to happen and if it does, it's not healthy. Assuming you need 1500 calories per day and you eat 1200, that saves 300. Then you'd have to burn an additional 3200 calories. You'd be living in a constant deficit.

    I would focus on toning up in the next 55 days. Toning can make it look like you've lost much more weight than you actually have.
  • thebunnies
    thebunnies Posts: 168
    if there's one thing i've learned on this journey, it's "don't set unrealistic goals".. it leads to disappointment. instead, focus on being as HEALTHY as you can be for the next 55 days.. that means consistent exercise & healthy eating. with that, the pounds will melt off. if you push yourself too hard, and eat too little, you'll end up doing more harm than good. 15-20lbs loss will be noticeable, so try starting there if you NEED a number to go by.

    lift weights (don't be scared to lift heavy weights, you won't bulk up.) and get your cardio into high gear by adding hills & resistence to treadmill or elliptical work. sprints mixed in with jogging or walking burns the most calories.