Low-Carb heavy whipping cream v. unsweet almond milk

Originally when I started low-carb dieting, i was using heavy whipping cream for everything. I would sub it for milk in gravys and use soy flour instead of white flour. After starting atkins back up again from realizing i need to restrict carbs to have success while dieting, i'm wonder if i should use unsweet almond milk instead. I know during atkin's induction, they encourage more fat consumption, but i'm not sure if using 1 cup of heavy whipping cream (800 calories) would be beneficial. i guess my question is, does it really ONLY depend on carb consumption, or should calories play a role, also.

I know many people are opposed to the low-carb diet, but after doing some soul searching, i realized i am addicted to food, and if i ever want to reach my goal, i have to restrict most carbs (unless its green veggies) and sugars (including fruit).. so please don't lecture me on diet choice :)


  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    Calories absolutely play a role but I do use heavy whipping cream in sauces I'd usually make with a roux because they thicken nicely without the flour -- and taste absolutely delicious (I've never used it before until I started eating low carb, high fat). And really the extra calories works out fine for me since I've reduced my calories from snacking since I'm not hungry all of the time.

    I've never cooked with coconut milk before though but if it thickens like heavy cream does I'd be open to trying it and now I'm curious as well. The calories from heavy cream still shock me even though when I use it I'm still within my calorie range.