Sweet Treats

What is everyone's favorite sweet treats?

I have such a sweet tooth, but have been trying to watch my sugar intake better. (you dont realize how much sugar is really in things that ARENT even sweet) Yikes.

I've tried things such as to substitute Splenda and/or Truvia in my morning coffee. YUCK! Cant do it. :sick:

So I'm looking for ideas/suggestions/recipes on what everyone likes to sooth a sweet craving. Substitutes, or otherwise.


  • confettibetti
    confettibetti Posts: 405 Member
    I bought a bag of hershey kisses dark chocolate, and eat like 1-2 a day. They are 20 cals each. ;-)
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    I love cut up strawberries with a little Cool Whip Free on top. If you're being extra decadent, you can add some melted dark chocolate. Nom!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    frozen pineapple. yum.
  • AshleyBananas
    I do a banana with peanut butter. The peanut butter ruins me on calories, but it's high in protein so it's a balance!
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    Fruit and/or chocolate. Local peaches/berries in season, fudgesicles, Edy's fruit bars/popsicles, Fiber One brownies. Anything to keep me away from the Cadbury Fruit & Nut bars ;)
  • splashblob
    splashblob Posts: 249 Member
    Ice cream and berries pie for me!! Blueberry pie, ummmm. :)
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    I try to eat fruit first, but if that doesn't work then Nips caramels are 30 calories each.