Pre-Workout Snack?



  • Cherryblosm3
    Cherryblosm3 Posts: 106 Member
    So it looks like its mostly a personal opinion thing? Or has anyone actually seen studies?
    I am not hungry in the morning (especially that early) and feel fine after i work out without food..
  • bberg0521
    bberg0521 Posts: 49 Member
    Ive never even thought about this, but i was looking at other people's posts and some were talking about it.
    I am working out in the morning, around 5:30 and it never even occured to me to have a pre-workout snack..

    Do you do this? What do you eat?
    I cant work out on a full stomach.. ive also heard you burn more on a partially or completely empty stomach?



    When I was working with a personal trainer, she said you dont necessarly need to eat before working out. She said if you wanted to, try something small like a few almonds, 1/2 banana, or something like that.

    When I worked out in the am I would just get up and go with out eating.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    So it looks like its mostly a personal opinion thing? Or has anyone actually seen studies?
    I am not hungry in the morning (especially that early) and feel fine after i work out without food..

    Exactly. Whatever works for you.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    A few almonds would just piss me off. Why do people always recommend that as a good snack? I bought a package of almonds at a gas station a few months ago and ate all of them. There were about three almonds in there and it was 600 calories (well, something like that). Damn. All my calories for the day and I'm still hungry.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I always eat something. It starts your metabolism.

    It doesn't have to be much. I usually have a Lean Chew from GNC just to have something.

    I pound pretty hard in the gym for a good 80-90 mins though.
  • betrayalunknown
    It never occured to you to have a pre-workout snack?? Obviously you are not the hungry.ravenous in the morning type of person like I am!!

    However, I must say that I am surprised to see just how many folks really don't have even a *bite* before a workout! I personally work out hard for 1:30-2 hours every morning, so for me, I need the energy. Otherwise, I feel like without a bit of caloric energy for fuel inside of my body, my workouts would suffer.

    I honestly believe that eating a small amount (or large, if you're hungry and don't feel sick working out on a partially full stomach like I can) really goes a long way to give you the strength and endurance to have an amazing workout. I usually workout that much harder and within the same time frame, I can burn off my whole "pre-workout snack" without using a tremendous amount of strength.

    I urge you to have a bit of fruit (my preference is a higher carb fruit) and see if it helps you with your workout. It honestly attributes to my workouts tremendously. But that's just my personal experience.... everyone's different in his/her own right!!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I always eat something. It starts your metabolism.

    It doesn't have to be much. I usually have a Lean Chew from GNC just to have something.

    I pound pretty hard in the gym for a good 80-90 mins though.

    How does YOU eating something start someone else's metabolism.

    My metabolism doesn't stop over night. I won't speak for you but I bet yours doesn't either.

    Also, I'm offended at you talking about how long you pound it.
  • airbent
    airbent Posts: 150 Member
    Nuts work for me, or fruit or a glass of dairy milk. The other day I tried a whey protein shake instead but halfway through the workout my blood sugar dropped so fast I felt super weak and had to quit early. Maybe I should make it with real milk next time instead of almond milk, so I get the carbs.
  • bicoastalgirl
    bicoastalgirl Posts: 85 Member
    if i'm working out first thing in the morning, i generally do not eat. if i wake up hungry, i have a half serving of raw almonds. but usually, i work out on an empty stomach.

    if i am working out during my lunch break, i eat a snack around 10:30 (greek yogurt with granola and berries; almonds and fruit; clif bar), and then work out around 12-12:30. i feel sick if i have too much food in my stomach.
  • Sherylmarlee
    Sherylmarlee Posts: 224 Member
    I have always struggled doing any type of vigorous work outs without any fuel (especially if it was an am workout). Its a fine line figuring out what is enough, but not too much - for me it was anyway. For me personally, a protein shake with a handful of nuts works for me (having it about 30-45 mins prior to the work out). If its a longer hike or anything longer than an hour I will take additional fuel as well. I found that I would get this intense burning in my stomach if I was not fueled and it would diminish my intensity. I eat like a horse when I am done though too! lol
  • luv2hate
    luv2hate Posts: 38 Member
    what the hell
  • luv2hate
    luv2hate Posts: 38 Member
    what the hell
    I always eat something. It starts your metabolism.

    It doesn't have to be much. I usually have a Lean Chew from GNC just to have something.

    I pound pretty hard in the gym for a good 80-90 mins though.

    How does YOU eating something start someone else's metabolism.

    My metabolism doesn't stop over night. I won't speak for you but I bet yours doesn't either.

    Also, I'm offended at you talking about how long you pound it.
  • DevSea
    I always eat something. It starts your metabolism.

    It doesn't have to be much. I usually have a Lean Chew from GNC just to have something.

    I pound pretty hard in the gym for a good 80-90 mins though.

    How does YOU eating something start someone else's metabolism.

    My metabolism doesn't stop over night. I won't speak for you but I bet yours doesn't either.

    Also, I'm offended at you talking about how long you pound it.

    Um....First of all, when he said that it starts your metabolism, he meant that it starts whoever eats the food (But thanks for being a smartass)

    And your metabolism doesn't stop, but it does severely slow down, and it won't start back up until you eat/drink something.

    This whole forum is for people to be able to talk about what they eat and how they work out, so if you're offended, you should probably just leave the website. Learn to be respectful.
  • luv2hate
    luv2hate Posts: 38 Member
    I AGREE!
    I always eat something. It starts your metabolism.

    It doesn't have to be much. I usually have a Lean Chew from GNC just to have something.

    I pound pretty hard in the gym for a good 80-90 mins though.

    How does YOU eating something start someone else's metabolism.

    My metabolism doesn't stop over night. I won't speak for you but I bet yours doesn't either.

    Also, I'm offended at you talking about how long you pound it.

    Um....First of all, when he said that it starts your metabolism, he meant that it starts whoever eats the food (But thanks for being a smartass)

    And your metabolism doesn't stop, but it does severely slow down, and it won't start back up until you eat/drink something.

    This whole forum is for people to be able to talk about what they eat and how they work out, so if you're offended, you should probably just leave the website. Learn to be respectful.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    I always eat something. It starts your metabolism.

    It doesn't have to be much. I usually have a Lean Chew from GNC just to have something.

    I pound pretty hard in the gym for a good 80-90 mins though.

    How does YOU eating something start someone else's metabolism.

    My metabolism doesn't stop over night. I won't speak for you but I bet yours doesn't either.

    Also, I'm offended at you talking about how long you pound it.

    Um....First of all, when he said that it starts your metabolism, he meant that it starts whoever eats the food (But thanks for being a smartass)

    And your metabolism doesn't stop, but it does severely slow down, and it won't start back up until you eat/drink something.

    This whole forum is for people to be able to talk about what they eat and how they work out, so if you're offended, you should probably just leave the website. Learn to be respectful.

    You're telling me to be respectful while you're defending someone talking about how long they "pound it". Seems a little backwards to me.

    And no, your metabolism is not going to slow down enough overnight to make that big a difference. I can run for 8 or so miles after not having eaten for 12 hours with little difference. I did eat a banana before my 11.5 mile run this morning but that wasn't to "start my metabolism", it was to give me a little more fuel for a longer run.
  • kimosabe1
    kimosabe1 Posts: 2,467 Member
    I have to eat something before exercising because of type one diabetes... Usually I'll eat a granola bar or a banana or something.....
  • ashumeow
    ashumeow Posts: 151 Member
    i drink one glass of water and after 20 or 30 mins, i will start my cardio workout... :P