what exercises?

Today is my day one. I have about 100 pounds to lose. But when I get there, I want to feel good naked!

That being said - I know a major part of weight loss is toning.

What exercises should I be doing now, to ensure that when I do get this weight off, I don't have nasty extra skin going on.

Thanks guys!


  • jenniet04
    jenniet04 Posts: 1,054 Member
    Just make sure you incorporate some sort of strength training into your workouts to maintain your muscle and don't try to lose it too fast. Slow and steady weight loss is best.
  • skatardrummer
    skatardrummer Posts: 60 Member
    Hey, thanks for the add. 101 lbs is a great goal, but take it slow. I agree iw ienniet04, slow and steady leads to lasting results. Also, it will help you avoid the extra skin problem. Sinc you are young, your skin has more elasticity. If you loose weight, continue to tone, use moistureizer on your skin daily, and take vitamins, you shouldn't have too much of a skin problem. I've lost 100lbs once already (gained a few back, working it off) and I have no skin sag yet. I have about another 98 lbs to go. I can't afford skin removal surgery, so I have no choice but to work on my body naturally.

    Resistance training leads to lean muscle and burning of fat. This with walking helps me loose weight while keeping toned muscle, instead of trading the fat for muscle and staying the same weight.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    A mix of Strength Training (i.e. lifting weights) and cardio (riding a bike, elliptical machines, treadmill, running, whatever trips your trigger) is key. You'll get lots of opinions on strength training workouts, the best thing I can tell you is to make sure you use all of your muscle groups over the course of a week (upper body one day, abs and back another, lower body/legs on yet another). Some will tell you 30 minutes a day is enough, personally I disagree. A workout session could take an hour or more. For starters maybe split an hour session 30 minutes cardio and 30 strength. Once you get comfortable you could switch off days, 60 min of cardio one day, 60 min. strength training the next. Finally, I always recommend take one day a week as a rest day. Let your body recover.