Hypothyroid and fatigue

I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about a year ago and started taking Levothyroxene in the mornings. My TSH level was back in the normal range when I was tested a little under a year ago.

My doctor said that many people feel like they've suddenly woken up to life after being medicated but warned that I may not get the same reaction. And that's just what happened - I can't tell a single thing is different. I wasn't diagnosed because of any symptoms I was having -- I had a blood test for my iron levels and this popped up -- so I can't say I suddenly noticed symptoms and want to be how I was before this disorder. But it all adds up now.

I'm 23 with thinning hair and am always tired and very frequently freezing my butt off. I don't know what else I can do. I go to bed at 9 PM most nights and wake up at 5:30 AM. I'm sure I could do better to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. I'm also tired regardless of how long I sleep and am actually more awake after 2 hours of sleep than I am after 12. I also exercise almost every day -- I literally have to drag myself to the gym, though.

Is there anything that has worked for you to get your energy back? I'm looking into possibly having other issues that affect my sleep but I know this is a big factor.


  • browntracy72
    browntracy72 Posts: 24 Member
    I too have problems like this, I had mine tested and it came back fine, so they say so I went to a natural herbist and got some thyroid support and it changed how I felt, I still think there is a problem I work out all the time, watch what I eat and I am still over weight and not losing. I have been tired too but that is due to my sleep pattern, I am switched from shift to shift on my job and I am fighting allergies. I wonder if I have an allergy to a certain food or something that is preventing me from losing weight and feeling good. I am going to go to a different doctor and have the same test ran to see if maybe it is more than just my thyroid, I am curious so please keep me informed.
  • Kamnikar64
    Kamnikar64 Posts: 345 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism 15 years ago. And your thyroid, unless it is completely burned out can fluctuate. I have had mine checked multiple times within a single year because it was still producing (whatever it produces) at different levels. I have now been stable for the last 2 years and this last checkup, the Doc said I could wait for a whole year for bloodwork, very excited about that. You may want to get checked again and have the lab run a full panel diagnostic (whatever that is).