Healthy Camping

Whenever we go camping my mom loads up on sugary snacks, sugary drinks, fatty treats, etc. It is so hard to ignore a bag of cheetos when everyone is eating them! How do I control myself? Its peer pressure, but also I WANT to eat crappy! How do I stay healthy while camping while the rest of my family is not?


  • Mindmovesbody
    Mindmovesbody Posts: 399 Member
    That's hard, especially when camping! It's all about your will power. You either want it, or you don't. Simple really.

    You could ask your Mom ahead of time to pack more healthy snacks and less of the horrible ones for you and see if she will agree. If not, bring your own!
  • SouthernArt77
    SouthernArt77 Posts: 265 Member
    Can't help you there...I have no will power when camping and end up eating what I want. I just start back on track on Monday. LOL
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    Bring fruit and maybe some roasted almonds? Fruit you could do melon or grapes. Apples don't need to be kept cool and the crunch may satisfy. What about luna bars for your sweet tooth? Veggies such as carrots or celery with pb are good alternatives as well. Best of luck! Don't worry too much maybe you can inspire them to eat your fixings instead of vice versa! :happy:
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    If you can't bring completely healthy snacks, or if you're afraid you won't eat healthy options when junk is there, bring some healthiER snacks, like baked chips or popcorn or something, that still let you feel like you're having a treat. Also, if you have any say in meals, I JUST came back from a camping trip where we made chicken and veggie stir-fry one night, and steaks with green beans and sweet potatoes another. So it may not be AS healthy as if you were at home, but there are ways to be healthy-ish while still indulging in the camp-food goodness.

    Oh, and yes, I brought granola bars and almonds as my hiking snacks.

    Another side note: I will note that I didn't lose weight while camping last week, but I didn't GAIN weight, either!
  • mrsevanrust
    Take your own snacks- and if you still feel the pull- ask them to support you and not take that stuff. Another thing you could do- is when they break out the cheetos- take off on a short hike- just stay in it! 2 or 3 days camping isn't worth wrecking your efforts! The prize is bigger than cheetos! ;)
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    We are planning a camping trip for September, I will be buying chicken breasts and cooking them in the oven and then freezing them before we go, so we can have "barbeque chicken" without all the crap... Snacks will be fruits and veggies (ranch for the kids) and healthy things like nuts etc.

    Its not hard to do if you plan for it =)

    As for your situation, you just have to be strong and resist temptations, it is hard, but if you are the type of person that cannot have just a small portion without inevitably devouring the bag, then just don't indulge. It isnt worth 2 seconds of 'yummy' to feel aweful and full of regret for days.
  • Annie_Fannie
    See if Mom can make some room in the cooler for some healthier snacks and bottled water. Just took my family camping over the weekend and packed myself serving size of carrots, celery and almonds in baggies, so I could just grab and new right off how many calories I was eating because I pre-measured. I know the tempations are very hard!

    If your family is like mine and enjoys the goodies made with campfires.... a S'more is a 143 cals. I just ate ONE... that is the key. Another night we made camper pies..... I used Nickles Low Cal bread and sugar free Apple pie filling and that was just 100 calories for the pie... quite yummy i must add!
  • photorific
    photorific Posts: 577 Member
    If you can't bring completely healthy snacks, or if you're afraid you won't eat healthy options when junk is there, bring some healthiER snacks, like baked chips or popcorn or something, that still let you feel like you're having a treat. Also, if you have any say in meals, I JUST came back from a camping trip where we made chicken and veggie stir-fry one night, and steaks with green beans and sweet potatoes another. So it may not be AS healthy as if you were at home, but there are ways to be healthy-ish while still indulging in the camp-food goodness.

    Oh, and yes, I brought granola bars and almonds as my hiking snacks.

    Another side note: I will note that I didn't lose weight while camping last week, but I didn't GAIN weight, either!

    This is how I approach it... I allow indulgences in a controlled way... otherwise, I'd end up going all out and eating a ton of cr@p. Sour Cream and Onion Pringles are a lifesaver! (As are the Hebrew National 97% FF hot dogs.)