Nutrition information for coffee house drinks???

Broke down and had a 20 oz Nonfat Snickers Coffee from at coffee hut this morning...any idea of what the damage is? Can't really find it for 20 oz and skim only....not sugar free...
Any help??

Thanks so much!


  • Well, you can guesstimate what the calorie count was.

    If you had a 20oz latte, you can guess that at least 3/4 was milk, so say 16oz milk

    Fat free milk has 90 calories per cup, and there are 8oz in a cup, so 180 calories for that portion, and say at least another 50 calories for the syrup.

    I'm guessing your drink was around 230-250 calories. It's hard to say, but I always error on the side of more, since you never know exactly how much of what was put into the drink.
  • Thank you. That is about what I was guessing, but I wasn't sure with the syrups they put in them.:)
  • lyttlewon
    lyttlewon Posts: 1,118 Member
    If I am not sure of the content I log milk and then syrups separately.