Hi, new on here and under Drs orders :S

My name is Barbara and I'm under Drs orders to lose 7 + stone as have three hernias (hiatus/umbilical/epigastric) However the Dr has been naff all use in suggesting how they expect me to do this . I've had a life long battle with being over wieght despite doing gardening/kick boxing/submission grappling and eating reasonably healthfully .
All and any advice gratefully received x :cry:


  • rmirollo
    Hi Barbara, I would suggest you give myfitnesspal a go and try to approach it in a positive manner. Be honest with yourself. The Myfitnesspal app is completely private. The calorie limit that has been set for you is based on your age, height, etc. is only known by you. It may take some time getting used to entering everything you eat, but the more you use it the easier it becomes because the foods you routinely eat will be listed there so that after a while there's less time time spent searching the database, plus you scan prepared food items. I find that knowing I'll be entering everything I eat helps me to make better choices and especially helps me with portion control. I've already lost 2.5 lbs in 2 wks. and my sister has lost 5 lbs. We're there to support each other, so you should definitely invite friends and family to the app. You also have your myfitnesspal community support. Remember, your info is completely private Your friends will be there just to cheer you on and help you through any difficulty.

    You mention that you're active which is more than half the battle. You should enter any cardio or strength training activities you do and be instantly rewarded with getting more calories to "spend" on any given day. You've mentioned that you have pretty serious health issues as a result of being overweight. This should be a wake up call to finally do something about it. The excess weight you're carrying will lead to even more serious health consequences such as diabetes, stroke and heart disease and also it will take years off your life. The time to turn this trend around is NOW.

    There are other weight loss approaches you can try but they all are based on a simple premise--calories in and calories out--and that's what myfitnesspal does and it's FREE and there's no WEIGH INs or MEETINGS or SPECIAL FOOD to buy. No gimics thankfully!

    So, really, the only thing holding you back is yourself. You have to be ready and willing. The "able" part resides in all of us, including you. Give your "able" a chance by working on the ready and willing part. Best wishes and keep us posted, Robin
  • barmum
    barmum Posts: 73
    Thank you x I've started the food diary and hopefully as soon as I get a clear idea of what is safe exercise to do then I can start putting that in as well :)
    Fingers crossed and yes I'll let you all know what will hopefully be good news updates :/ (must think positive,must think positive)