HELP PLEASE... Have you Read it? ... OR Can you recommend i

OK so I saw my Doctor today and one of the things he recommended was a book " You: On A Diet: The Owner's Manual for Waist Management. Michael F. Roizen, M.D. and Mehmet C. Oz, M.D."
I was researching it a little online but not sure if it is going to be of much help since I have already started developing a workout / exercise routine that works for me and gives me one heck of an energy high..and currently on a reduction of calories to lose weight and using MFP to keep track of it...

So has anyone read this book and if so what did you think???
Do you have any other recommendations of usefull reading for weight loss and healthy nutrition...

Especially for the finicky family with some who needs to lose weight and some who difinately dont...

Also I have been pondering the whole "Colon Detox" thing and was wondering if anyone has tried it and did it have any real positive results or is it worth the time and money...

:huh: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :happy:


  • jillholleysmith
    jillholleysmith Posts: 30 Member
    I haven't personally done colon detox but know firsthand a few (at least 4) who have. They all say it's bogus and don't waste your time and money.
  • BamaRose0107
    Detoxes are not really good to use as weight loss method. I do one twice a year but all it is meant to do is get the harmful toxins out of the body. I have digestion problems and it help with that but are far as weight loss any weight I do lose is just water weight.
  • lissmiller
    The book - haven't read it - you might check your library - if they have it you might get a few good tips to add to your routine, without the expense of buying it.

    The coloc cleanse - I have done them occasionally over the years to detox , and that can be helpful to general well-being. But this "new" emphasis on weight loss/management through colon cleansing is, in my opinion, bogus. At least, I never lost the kind of weight they describe - even when cleansing for a colonoscopy!
  • AmandaB4588
    I have the book but have not read it yet. This post reminded me, and I will start on it tonight! I think Dr. Oz is great, and reading his book definitely will not hurt.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I liked the book a lot because it explains everything in very plain terms, not a lot of medical jargon that's imposibble to understand!
  • LJCannon
    LJCannon Posts: 3,636 Member
    Dr Oz mentioned the colon cleanse on his show Friday Oct. 30. He said the only reason to do it is if you enjoy the feeling. There is no real health benefit to it. I think I have heard other Doctors say that it is bogus. A waste of time and money.
  • SturgeonGal
    ordered the book yesterday and can't wait for it to come in so I can read it...

    as for the detox thing I am going to further research it more... maybe ask my doc what he thinks before I do it.... Not sure if it is really worth the cost of the detox pills and if I really want to take that many pills for 7 days ..
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I've read the book and it's a good one. It has a common sense approach to weight loss: basically eat a little less and exercise a little more. I think it's a good read for anyone who is trying to live a healthy lifestyle and to lose weight.