T.H.E. Team (Trying Hard Everyday) Week 39 ~ Newbies Welcome



  • In reply to the thread above I mean burning 500 calories a day - sorry
  • Any body have a day where nothing satifies them? That was me this weekend. On Saturday I went over my calories by a whole lot because I just felt endlessly hungry.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    LW4M ~ Wow! That's a real challenge ~ 30 days in a row burning 500 cals?!?! I'm lucky if I get 5 days in a row! Good luck, I'll be here cheering you on!!

    CC - I hate days when nothing is satisfying! Those are the times when we have to remember that food doesn't really HAVE to be satisfying - it's only real purpose is to provide nourishment, not necessarily to "satisfy" - and we have to use mind over matter and just redirect our thoughts. Drink more water, take a brisk walk to kill the craving, do a few jumping jacks, just .... move.... on ~ I have a day like that at least once every ten days. Ugh. Oh well, shake it off and move forward :drinker:

    Okay, I really love my sister-in-law and my neice - but I am REALLY ready for that precious baby to get out of the hospital so they can allllll go home!! Maybe tomorrow.....

    Night all:heart:
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    HI pawprint, Lisa and LuLu!! I've had a rough week with this weight loss. I've not posted, drank a lick of water or done well at all. I fell way off the wagon. HELP, I'VE FALLEN AND I CAN'T GET UP!!! Don't know what is wrong. Not sure if it is the new blood pressure meds I am on for migraines or just plain me. I feel guilty and sad. I wanted to badly to have lost 40lbs by Christmas and looks like I won't make it. I've gained back 5 lbs. so that makes 10lbs to go before Christmas and at this rate i won't make it. How can i get back on track?
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I was thinking about everyone on MFP but didn't have much time to read or post over the weekend.

    LuLu - thanks for all of the encouraging posts to everyone. Remember the saying I repeated this morning as my company left. It's great to see them arrive but even better when you see them go :wink: I can feel for you. Company seems to mess up our exercise, eating and rest.

    cc - I have those days. I over ate this weekend because it was here (or on the table). Thankfully, this group reminds us to Try Harder Everyday. I am still trying to figure out how to deal with the temptations.

    LW4M - Wow. 3 days of 500 calorie burn is great. Keep it up for a week and not only will you be healthier but burn off a pound.
  • cc - I have days like that a lot - especially more stressful days. To get back on track again this time and to keep from eating I keep thinking about a local grandbaby due to arrive in December then my other four will be five Montana grandbabies are coming in the summer this year so I so much want to be thinner so I can run and play with them more.

    Lulu- exercise is where I let down when I got off track so I have to challenge myself to get it back on track. I will probably have to restart over many times. I have four days in - we will see.

    Debbie - I have have my ups and downs for 4 months. I am still up 6 pounds over my lowest MFP weight. My main focus is getting back into exercising every day somewhat and drinking my water. Of course watching my food intake to a degree but not starving myself. My focus is no longer on Christmas but a March or April 15TH goal. You can do this . Try setting goals of having a certain amount of water drank by 11 am then so much more by 3 pm then the rest before bed. Pick one thing to start on and get it going good such as water then add the exercising every day then bring the food around. I have lost three pounds since I started again

    pinbotchick - thanks for the encouragement
  • this thread is growing more and more quiet all the time. I can't say much. I faded out and back in. I am thinking after the holidays some people might return.

    SO how is everyone doing?? exercising, drinking your water? making healthy choices

    I got in over 800 calories burned on 93 minutes of aerobics and drank my water. My food choices for the most part were healthy - had to have some chocolate though so I had a brownies. With the exercise I am still under calories.

    Well good night to anyone just lurking and reading. and to everyone posting.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm still here chugging along; I just haven't had much to say. :flowerforyou:

  • I got in over 800 calories burned on 93 minutes of aerobics and drank my water. My food choices for the most part were healthy - had to have some chocolate though so I had a brownies. With the exercise I am still under calories.

    Well good night to anyone just lurking and reading. and to everyone posting.

    Congrats!! 800 calories is great!
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Still have family staying with me.....

    Ate well today, walked after work, did not get in enough water....

    I'll post more tomorrow, busy night for me:yawn:
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Wow, 24 hours and not a single post.... Don't leave me hanging here:glasses:

    Weighed in this morning cuz tomorrow I have an early meeting:

    lulubar - sw205/gw145/cw183 = -1 lb.:happy:

    That's a pound last week and a pound this week - I'm happy!

    My sister-in-law and niece went home today - the baby's all better and doing really well and she is sooooo precious - all 5 pounds of her:love:

    Come on team! Get back here and take part!
  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    Sorry to leave you hanging lulubar. Glad to hear your company was able to leave and that the baby is doing well.

    I took Monday off work since I still had company. It seems like taking a day off isn't worth it sometimes - I just had to put 40 hours of work into 32. But I discharged 4 people yesterday - so next week should be easier. Thankfully, I've managed to still exercise everyday - even when my company was here :bigsmile:

    I am happy to have maintained this week. Last weekend was my first company since starting MFP and my choices were less than optimal for food and drink - I should have cooked instead of eating out. And that TOM started yesterday afternoon - I still feel bloated.

    lulubar - sw205/gw145/cw183 = -1 lb :happy:
    pinbotchick - sw237/gw140/cw221 = 0 lb

    Hope everyone had a great week. Keep Trying Harder Everyday :bigsmile: I will.
  • Hey,

    Here goes:

    SW198, GW 140, CW 167 = 2lbs loss :)
    I' m going on a yoga retreat this weekend I'll post about it when I get back.
    Have a great weigh in.
  • lulubar - sw205/gw145/cw183 = -1 lb
    pinbotchick - sw237/gw140/cw221 = 0 lb
    Manda1111 -SW198, GW 140, CW 167 = 2lbs loss :)
    losingweight4me - sw 226.2/gw155/cw 186.2 = +.6

    Lulu - sorry I didn't get here to post yesterday. I went babyshopping for my soon to be grandson's baby shower Saturday right after I got off work Thursday moring and TOM started at midnight Thursday morning and I was totally wiped out yesterday evening.

    Manda1111 - congratulations on the loss and good - luck on the retreat. I will be waiting to hear about it.

    Pinbotchick - congratulations on the maintaining especially with company.

    mY weight is really a starting weight since I started posting again. The .6 pound gain is fron the lowest weight I had this week. I am not to upset since TOM started Thursday morning. I just hope I can start losing a little. Hope you have a good day.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well team, I've slammed head first into a plateau. I'm working out hard (over an hour every day, sometimes 2) and I'm eating well. But I've lost 0.2 pounds in 1.5 weeks. Monday my scale said 242.8 and Tuesday my scale said 242.6 but today I was right back at 243.8 so that's what I'm claiming.

    lulubar - sw205/gw145/cw183 = -1 lb
    pinbotchick - sw237/gw140/cw221 = 0 lb
    Manda1111 -SW198, GW 140, CW 167 = 2lbs loss :)
    losingweight4me - sw 226.2/gw155/cw 186.2 = +.6
    jlb123 - sw 270/gw 150/cw 243.8 = -0.2

    I know plateaus are a pretty normal part of the process but they're still frustrating! Of course I'm not going to stop eating healthy and exercising and I know the weight will come off eventually. I'll give it a few more weeks doing what I'm doing and if I'm not losing at a steady rate again, I'm going to try changing things up a bit somehow.
  • lulubar
    lulubar Posts: 739 Member
    Pinbotchick- Way to go exercising with your company there! That takes great dedication. I'm very proud of your commitment ! And maintaining through company and dinners out - that's great! I would call this week a success for you!

    Manda - Great week for you girl! Congrats! Have fun at your yoga camp:bigsmile: What a fun thing to do!

    LW4M - It's so great that you are back here and back on the path to good health! I'm excited to see what we can do in the next few weeks before Christmas! How's your exercise challenge going?

    Jlb - Plateaus come and go, it's true, but UGGHHH how I hate them!:grumble: . Have you recalculated your BMR and calorie requirements since you've lost quite a bit of weight now? I didn't know to do that until someone pointed it out to me ~ so just thought I'd mention it. AND with as much as you are exercising, are you sure you're getting enough cals?? A couple of things to think about~

    This will be a busy weekend - looking forward to some beautiful weather and lots of time outside! Added some new equipment to my garage gym too - a weighted jump rope and a heavy bag - and can't wait to add them to my circuit:bigsmile:

    I'll check in tomorrow ~ hope the rest of our teamies show up soon or we're gonna have to go huntin' for them!! later gaters
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    HI Girls, I didn't weigh in this week. Havent weighed in a week. I didn't post or drink water or do anything so I am afraid of the scales.

    Spent most of my time online this week trying to be there for a friend who ended up losing her mom last night. Was a rough week for her.

    Cindy and Adopt seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. What's up??? Has everyone totally given up? I miss everyone.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    Jlb - Plateaus come and go, it's true, but UGGHHH how I hate them!:grumble: . Have you recalculated your BMR and calorie requirements since you've lost quite a bit of weight now? I didn't know to do that until someone pointed it out to me ~ so just thought I'd mention it. AND with as much as you are exercising, are you sure you're getting enough cals?? A couple of things to think about~

    Yep, I've recalculated, thanks for looking out for me though! And yep, I've thought about the not getting enough calories thing. I actually decided if I don't lose anything next week I'm going to try eating more. I know my net calories are *really* low some days but I was going with the school of thought that folks with a body fat percentage as high as mine don't really go into "starvation mode" like folks with less weight to lose. I'm definitely keeping it in mind, though.

    :embarassed: I peed my life away yesterday and last night when I weighed it looked like I was going to be down to 242 or so this morning. But then my bf talked me into Mexican food so I'm suffering from water retention today thanks to sodium overload instead of seeing that weight loss. I'm keeping my sodium very low today & trying to drink a lot of water to get it out of my system. But... my friend's band is having a reunion show at a bar tonight (they haven't played together in years) so I've also budgeted today's calories for beers. Then my best friend just surprised me to say she is visiting me tomorrow (she lives 2 states & 450 miles away yet she always manages to do the "I'm in your state so I'm dropping in on you tomorrow" thing!). So, it looks like the odds are stacked against me this weekend, but I'm going to stay on track!
  • lulubar - sw205/gw145/cw183 = -1 lb
    pinbotchick - sw237/gw140/cw221 = 0 lb
    Manda1111 -SW198, GW 140, CW 167 = 2lbs loss :)
    losingweight4me - sw 226.2/gw155/cw 186.2 = +.6
    jlb123 - sw 270/gw 150/cw 243.8 = -0.2
    Pawprint sw168/gw-130/cw-150=1 pound loss

    My holiday challenge:
    To lose 15 pounds by Christmas
    I've lost 5 pounds since I started with it
    So I have ten more to go =)
    still have ten more lol

    I'm right back where I was two weeks ago. Last week my body was getting ready for TOM so I didn't update my ticker since it was only one pound. I'm feeling good. We kinda did a few fast food meals this week and I figured my weight would show it but it didn't. So I'm thinking that I am at a point where I can control my weight and my food intake and give in to those fast cravings here and there. Makes me feel good. Since I've dropped my weight so far, I have a noticed a huge difference in my acid reflux and IBS. My sister has severe Krohns disease and it kinda runs in the family especially with those who struggle with weight. My issues are getting better with every pound dropped. I am looking forward to the holidays this year because I know deep down I have learned how to control what I eat, and how I eat. So this year I know that even with all the goodies I am the one in control of my body not my body. I'm hoping by Christmas (news years at the latest) to lose my ten holiday pounds. That would be awesome. But, I'm staying steady where I am right now. Which is how I lose weight I guess...

    CrazybeeRX--I'm sorry to hear about your friends mom. I'm glad that you are there for as a friend and offering your support.

    losingweightforme--Glad to have you back again.

    Lulu--your new equipment sounds fun, hope it helps you.

    Ok guys-I have been with this team since June. This was the first group who welcomed me and helped me really get a hang of what was going on with my weight loss. But to be honest with you, I'm starting to drift away from this group big time. We have a few posters on here who are super dedicated. I know things get in the way and life happens... but where is everyone? We preach about this group being good for advice and for support but we went a good 24 hours with no posting at all. I use to come here every single day, sometimes multiple times. Now I don't because the first thought that pops in my head is oh I doubt any one has even posted...I am trying to get out of that frame of thought and start posting myself more but this is not the group that I started this journey with anymore... it actually depresses me a bit... everyone is on facebook all the time... but no one can come post? I'm calling all you guys out on this what's going on??????????
  • Holiday Challenge- weigh 140 by Jan 1st, 2010

    SW 149 lbs (Oct 23rd, 09)
    GW 130
    CW 144 (-2 since last week), met my Mini goal- 144 by 27 Nov 2009 a little early

    Are we moving to a new thread/post?
This discussion has been closed.