Do people actually listen on here?

hi everyone

topic is self explaintory. ive noticed whenever i post a topic about finding friends or seeing if people have the same goals i dont get any or few responses, and then im left blank thinking to myself if anyone really cares or of people are on here just to be personal brags.i'd love to find 19 yr olds like me so we can compare our journeys and be apart of each others success. im currently doing jillian michaels ripped in 30, is anyone else here doing that or planning to? because i'd love to hear people success stories.

and these are my current measurements

weight:134 approx (havent been on the scale since april)
bust: 35
thighs (right):24

looking to get a little more toned, and im doing jillian michaels ripped in 30

is anyone here on the same boat?


  • wannyreed
    wannyreed Posts: 8 Member
    Im not in the same boat, but am sure someone will be and will be able to offer motivation and support. This 30 day rip, lots of discussion groups for that, type it in the search sure there will be people who will want to discuss and support.

  • Hi

    You are so good not weighting yourself since April. I'm not is the same boat as you have a lot more to lose. Good luck
  • Eureka175
    Eureka175 Posts: 77 Member
    Sorry, not in the same boat, but wanted to acknowledge your post:) Good luck to you!
  • dalila747
    dalila747 Posts: 153 Member
    I'm a bit older (33, lol) and currently I weigh 128. So like you, I don't have a lot to lose. I'd like to get down to 110 or 105, but mostly I want to get rid of my belly fat and get toned overall. So feel free to add me as a friend.
  • RubyRubixcube
    RubyRubixcube Posts: 258 Member
    I skipped my 30DS this morning cause I'm a loser... so I'm doing it twice after work... that is seriously one hell of a work out!
  • masumaj
    masumaj Posts: 153 Member
    I skipped my 30DS this morning cause I'm a loser... so I'm doing it twice after work... that is seriously one hell of a work out!

    i did that yesterday 2 because i logged it in the day before and didnt do it...its actually a good punishment :)
  • wenefryde
    wenefryde Posts: 9 Member
    Hi sorry not doing the same work out as you but best of luck and keep trying the forums as there are some great people out there for support.

    Having read your post I am going to look into that work out.

    I am alo from the UK so often find difficult to stay in touch with USA friends