New to Power90.. search of friends :)

Hell everyon i am new to power90 and i am loking for friends. For like storis, dvice, share motivations, ideas recipes..:) whatever it may b from people going though the same thing. I am 32 , reently found ou I m diabetic, and alo trying to cncieve. So losing weight is very important to me... feel free to add me I look forward to hearing from different people nd to see results in myself as well... This is day 2 for me :)


  • NickiPelfrey
    I am starting Power90 Monday (Again) Hoping to keep the motivation to stick with it this time!
  • TSivak
    TSivak Posts: 17 Member
    Fairly new to mfp was wondering what power 90 is could someone enlighten please?:blushing:
  • JediSwan
    JediSwan Posts: 455 Member
    I am not doing Power 90 but I have the program. My sister is doing it. But I am doing P90X which is similar in some respects. You can add me if you want. :)

    TSivak - Power 90 is like the prequel to P90X. and search Power 90 for specifics.
  • AmyP619
    AmyP619 Posts: 1,137 Member
    My husband and I just completed 90 days of Power 90, and we've been on P90X for the last 3 weeks. I felt that Power 90 was an excellent tool to get people back into an exercise routine, especially if it's been a while since you've exercised. I did feel, however, that 90 days on Power 90 is a VERY long time. There are only 2 workouts (Cardio and Strength training) and only 2 levels (1-2 and 3-4) that you do 6 days a week, so it's very easy to get tired of the workouts and the cheesy lines Tony Horton uses lol. I think if you mix it with some other workout so that you're doing a few different things each week it will help a little!!! I liked that you're able to make it low or high impact with whatever effort you choose to put into it. The DVD acknowledges that it's a beginner workout, so they don't beat you up too bad! :) good luck and enjoy!