not really about weight loss....

but im royally f'd!! :cry: I broke up with Scott a few days ago....I have no where to go with my kids :ohwell: I have no idea what to do......ugh im just so stressed that I want to cry


  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Why are you going anywhere? Send him away. There is a thing called 'child support' that he has to pay. Do not delay, begin the proceedings right now. He will legally have to pay it or they will do things like take his drivers license.

    Or - maybe give it a day or two to cool down, and see if you both can't make things right again.

    I'm a single mother who believed she could not do it alone, until I realized that I was better off.

    Bless you and just keep your head up and look for the opportunities that will show themselves all around you.
  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    If you can't stay where you are.. then is there family near by that you can stay with? Or maybe a helpful friend? Temporarily, of course.
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    nope no family near by and i wouldnt impose on any of my friends they all have enough problem of their own :ohwell: .... As far as child support im not going to get anything from him......he's on disability ack im stresseeeeedddddddddddd and theres no working it out i've tried and been down this road for over its officially over
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Yes you will get child support. They will take it right out of his disability before he gets it. He has to take care of his kids, unless you don't expect him too.

    You can do this, you can stand on your own two feet, but you're going to have to decide that you will do this.

    Look for a woman's shelter, they can get you started.
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    What? Your Man is a Jerk with a capital J:angry: He's gonna let you leave with the kids? If he "won't" leave then go to a Hotel tonight...come Monday morning you go to the Welfare office & tell them your a "displaced spouse" they should set you up. I know this because my sister kicked her husband out & he had no where to go but here but after a while I kept telling him to go to welfare & see what they'd say. Sure enough they helped him out. I'm in CA though maybe rules are better/worse where you live? Try not to fight in front of the kids & don't let the fights get so big the cops come & take you both to jail. That's what they do these days. :noway: I'll pray for you:flowerforyou: