Halloween predicament!

So, it's Halloween and I'm going to be drinking a little with my boyfriend and some friends tonight. I've got myself some Smirnoff Ice Light (no idea if it's any good, but it's low in calories!) and I'm going to exercise to be able to drink these things later. However, my friends are getting upset with me because I refuse to take their mixed drinks in addition with my drinks. Apparently I'm "too obsessed with counting calories and I should just stop because getting drunk one night won't do anything."

Well, I'm waay to proud of what I've done so far to go all out tonight, so what can I tell them?


  • savvystephy
    savvystephy Posts: 4,151 Member
    Just be honest with them. Just tell them you appreciate their concern and their offer for mixed drinks. Just let them know you're all set with your drinks. :)
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    Just take it good naturedly at least on the surface, grin and tell them your end goal is worth more than having one mixed drink, and besides you LOVE this smirnoff. *wink*

    I think the reason that some friends and family feel this way is that they are afraid you are depriving yourself too much and they feel sorry that they are imbibing while you seem to be holding back. Just assure them that you don't feel deprived and you are very happy with how things are going.

    Good luck - it is frustrating, but try your best to just keep your eyes on the end goal.
  • Arienna
    Arienna Posts: 913
    In my opinion they could be jealous at the progress you have made. And honestly, if they're your friends you shouldn't really have to "figure out what to say" just because you care about your health and what you put into your body and they should just respect what you say.
  • swissdutchess
    Just express to them that you are grateful for them looking out for you, but that it is important for you to stay consistent with your dieting choices in order to be successful. I find that if I let one day slide w/ my eating, I totally get off track and its hard to get focused again. If they don't understand, don't give in. They will eventually. :)
  • SturgeonGal
    there may be an easier way out... Volunteer to be the Designated Driver then you don't drink Any alcohol and can drink water or coffee and enjoy your self and then at the end of the night you don't have to worry about anyone getting home safe because you can get everyone home safe and remember the fun you had the next day and wont have to do anything you might regret later ... put a twist of lemon in your water and who will know...

    Have a Happy Halloween .... :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • minekoq
    minekoq Posts: 10 Member
    I think all the advice you have received so far is wonderful. In all the 50+ years of being overweight and dieting, I've experienced on occasions what you are going through. Once you go off, it IS very hard to go back especially if you do not see a gain. This gives you reason to continue thinking that you can do this and that it won't affect you. I also like the advice where you just tell your friends that you LIKE the light Smirnoffs. Good luck and hang in there.
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I agree with all of the above. :wink:
    Just say, "I'm good. Thanks." and be ready to change the subject. Have a list of topics ready to go & have fun.
    Don't let the stresses spoil your fun.
  • kstefanski
    kstefanski Posts: 68 Member
    Thank you all so much!! I'll definitely try these out, and I'll just stick to my own drinks and let everybody know I'm good with them.

    Thank you again for everything, I'm so glad there are so many great people on this site! :flowerforyou:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I was thinking about this today...
    They probably wouldn't appreciate you pointing out all the calories they're consuming, so it shouldn't be okay for them to critique your choices either.
    So you might try that approach - "You know, I won't bug you about all your drinking if you won't bug me about mine."
    :wink: :wink: :wink: