
So I feel like I wasted the entire month of October.

I have been working out faithfully nearly every day (walking, elliptical, weights, situps...) since the beginning of August. I am also usually at or under my allotted calories for the day, and am still not losing the amount of weight I would like. At least not as fast as I would like. (is it ever?!)
To make matters worse, on Tuesday night, I strained my left calf tendon behind my knee, and have instructions from my doc to lay low for a couple weeks to let it heal. When I weighed in this morning, I gained almost 1.5 pounds, putting my total weight "progress" for the month of October at a gain of 2 pounds.
This morning, I am completely frustrated. I realize giving up is not the answer, but I am just sick about the whole thing.

Thanks for "listening".


  • BetterVersion
    That sounds like a very frustrating predicament. I'm sorry.

    If I were in your situation, I would readjust my calorie intake. If you're currently taking in enough to do so, you could try decreasing your calories by a couple hundred. Also, I wouldn't weigh myself too often... that could do more damage than good if you see that you're losing more slowly or if you continue to gain.

    Also, keep in mind that any activity is better than none, so if you're only able to do a leisurely walk or even just work your upper body, that would be better than nothing.

    Don't give up hope! Though frustrating, this should only be a temporary problem, and you don't want to undo all the good you've done so far.
  • Wecandothis
    Wecandothis Posts: 1,083 Member
    This does sound like a very frustrating situation. But based on my own experience, and after having read these forums for 5 months I can give you a couple of suggestions.

    First try mixing up what you eat - try different things that are out of the ordinary. It's fall, and time for squash which is rich in vitamins and potassium, eat more veggies and less meat, or more protein and less carbs. Whatever you've been doing, reverse it somewhat.

    Perhaps you might try varying your calories - more one day and less another. I have had great success with this.

    And while it sounds nuts, perhaps you're not eating enough. Without knowing exactly what it is you're doing it's hard to tell - but if you're not eating enough you won't lose. I was eating about 200 less calories a day and I slowed way down in my weight loss - I increased my calories to around 1400 and started losing like crazy.

    You have to be confident enough to tweak what it is you're doing until you find what is right for you.

    I know you can do this, I can tell that you are not going to quit, that this is just going to make you more determined. You can do this!!! Blessings!
  • kmhuneb
    That sounds really frustrating, DONT GIVE UP!!!! Try some weight training with your upper body. It only takes a couple of soup cans (used as weights) sitting in front of the TV to start. This will help you build some muscle, which muscle burns fat - even when you are resting. Another benefit of protein is that it fills you up. Protein is what triggers the "I'm full" response in your brain. I try to get in about 120g of protein a day. I know that sounds like alot and some people will argue that is too much and it is way over the rec. daily intake - but it is working for me and alot of the other dieters in the group I go to weekly. I am just starting with them, but alot my new friends there are over 50#'s lost following this. It works! Just be careful that your protein sources are lean. And don't eat more than 30-35g at a time, it will give you a little stomach/intestinal upset. Good luck to you and stick with it! Even if you don't follow my suggestion, a couple of weeks is a small setback - don't let it get you down. Once in awhile if you take a few steps backwards, thats ok - just keep moving!
  • conniestar
    conniestar Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks for all your encouragement. You guys are awesome!

    It is strange to think that not eating enough could keep you from losing weight. Last week, I actually bumped up my calories a bit, because it seemed like the only reasonable explanation as to why my weight loss had slowed down, but then the injury came along and messed me up.

    This journey we are on is a long seems like forever for me. I guess it would be unreasonable to think that there are no detours along the way. The great thing about a detour is that you have a chance to learn something you may not have had a chance to by taking the direct route.

    Alright - today is a new day and I am back at it!

    Blessings to you all and happy "travels",