How, I ask you? HOW?!



  • DestroyTheOpposition
    DestroyTheOpposition Posts: 444 Member
    It irritates the crap out of me as well. I don't understand why they cant have at least 2 healthy selections. Not healthy SOUNDING but actually not bad for you crazy over the top crap.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    Olive Garden has a Venetian Chicken Breast that is 400. All the other places are not so easy to win at.
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    7 for $7 steak and eggs!
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    I KNOW~~~~~ I love love love going out to eat, and I have found it sooooo hard!!! I have no idea why they add all of that crap to their food... the sodium counts are the worst!!!!
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    Let's put it this way. Yes, restaurant food is extremely unhealthy, especially chain restaurants. But if you want sustainable weight loss and a plan that will work in REAL life, you have to go ahead and have the unhealthy restaurant meal every once in a while. I only eat out in restaurants about once or twice per month so when I go, I don't worry about calories or whatever and just get what I want. Because I know the next day I will be back to my eating plan and usually the stomach ache and bloating from said restaurant meal stops me craving for quite some time. I had a calorie buster for my birthday dinner last night and it'll be the last time I think about a restaurant for a WHILE lol
  • Heyyleigh
    Heyyleigh Posts: 268 Member
    Funny- I had to got to TK Tripps today and did the same thing, BUT they do not offer nutritional info on their food. I wrote to the corporate office, like it matters. I had to order Lettuce! with a piece of fish. I don't like to throw a fit when the menu offers nothing not lathered in butter, or floating in grease! But it is hard. O M G and the platters of bread with oil..........I didnt touch it....

    The only place I can really go and feel good, is Ruby Tuesdays. The have it going on. I had a good experiences at Red Lobster too.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
  • foxfirekenzie
    foxfirekenzie Posts: 244 Member
    Have you seen any of the info for The Cheesecake Factory? Would scare the crap out of ya.

    EAT AT HOME. ohhhh... if it were only that easy.
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    thinking that one meal is going to ruin your diet is like thinking that you have to junk your car after you get a flat tire.

    It doesn't ruin your diet, but if one meal racks up the majority of your day's calories it can ruin that day unless you feel like hitting the gym for a couple hours just to justify something else.

    That aside, a lot of chain restaurants have their food frozen or preserved somehow so that can lead to high sodium levels, loss of nutritional value, and of course you have how they cook it and the portion sizes. I've gotten to where I don't even like going out because everything tastes so salty to me that I'm downing a liter or so of water during the meal and have to brush my teeth when I get home to get the taste out my mouth.
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    Guess I'll be only eating half of my meal and taking the other half home.
    That's exactly what you should do. When you order, ask them to bring a go box when they bring your entree. Then, when it arrives cut everything in half and box up half of it and stash it away. That way you won't be tempted to eat more (unless you're still hungry, of course--but wait 20 minutes to decide whether or not you're really still hungry). I've done this before and it absolutely helped me keep my calories right on track for the day. I had a few to spare on a cocktail, in fact (I don't go out much or drink very often, so I thought it okay to treat myself to a mojito that evening).
  • JenPeerless
    It's CRAZY! One of the worst culprits? Panera Bread. They like to masquerade as healthy food but the reality is I might as well eat a Big Mac (except for the freshness factor, the fat and calories pretty much are comparable.) I ate at Chipotle the other day - I don't know what I was thinking - and I came home to find out my burrito packed in 1000 calories. And I thought I was being good skipping the chips and soda...

    The one fast food chain that I think offers the best truly not-terrible-for-you food is Chickfila. Say what you will about their CEO's values and beliefs, they make real unprocessed chicken and offer delicious non-fry side alternatives. The milkshakes, delicious as they are, however are deadly. Small - 720. But now that I think of it, that plus a Grilled Chicken Sandwich still comes in under that burrito and sounds waaay more satisfying....
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    if you look close it should say if its 1100 for the meal, burger+side(s)
  • joannecando
    i mean come on, everything is better with a stick of butter...

    Are you related to Paula Deen? My husband swears he will leave me for her.
  • CaseyCrafter
    So true, like wtf lol why?
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    thinking that one meal is going to ruin your diet is like thinking that you have to junk your car after you get a flat tire.

    It doesn't ruin your diet, but if one meal racks up the majority of your day's calories it can ruin that day unless you feel like hitting the gym for a couple hours just to justify something else.

    a day, over the course of a year, is 0.27 percent of the year. that one day might be ruined, but the year isn't.
  • echosentwo
    Wow! I did not know that their veggie burger is so high in calories. My sister uses weight watchers for her weight loss support program and she has the calorie finder booklet for restaurants. although weight watchers use the point system to monitor their food intake. The average daily points most members can intake per day is 26 points and this veggie burger is equivalent to 23 points. almost a total day allowance.
  • joannecando
    Have you seen any of the info for The Cheesecake Factory? Would scare the crap out of ya.

    EAT AT HOME. ohhhh... if it were only that easy.

    I haven't looked, but I am under no illusions that fried mac and cheese is good for me :laugh:
  • jonibc
    jonibc Posts: 104 Member
    It seems best to check the websites beforehand and plan it into your calorie budget.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    That's insane! Great example of why it's always good to double check calories at restaurants. Just because it sounds healthy doesn't mean it is!!
  • airangel59
    airangel59 Posts: 1,887 Member
    It is scary. I've been eating out a lot this week and I check the nutrition info and write down my choices, then I ask for box, ask for stuff on side (dressing which I use fork tines to dip into then dip into my salad, butter on side etc). I also will ask what they cook things in or what sauce or seasoning they use on the food. I also tell them I'm watching my weight or whatever or have to watch my carbs etc. I've found most places will accomodate you.