College life

Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
I want a degree in American Sign Language interpreting, but the closest school near me is two hours away. My only other choice is online courses, but I'm the type that learns better in a classroom setting with teachers and student's being able to help me when I need it which is often. I never been good in school and need A LOT of help in EVERY subject and I can't get that with online classes and I know for a fact I will fail. I don't qualify for scholarships (except one) because of my grades so my only funding is financial aid (FASFA). are there any assistance, funding, grants, ANYTHING avaliable for community college student's that want to recieve an education away from home but need housing, ect assistance? it is not possible for me to travel there everyday because I don't have a license ,car or the gas money if I did or any other transportation. My plan is, if I am to move there and don't have those things yet, is to rely on public transit which is what I am doing now going to and from work and school.

Two other questions:
How does anyone fit in work AND school (classes, studing, homework, tutoring, ect) into their schedule? I need to work, but can't figure out how I am going to handle that. I want/ need to work more because I need the money and how does anyone save up to afford their own apartment? I'm working 7.25hr partime in fast food and Cant save up enough money for anything. I don't want to be 30 or even 25 and still living with my parents (I'm 22, 23 next month).

For anyone that is familiar with ASL interpreting, I know a bach degree is required for most feilds and an associates degree plus the EIPA testing is required for the educational setting for school aged children, but my question is (I'm trying to find a way around the law lol) other than college campus where could I get a job as an interpreter and it doesn't require a degree or testing of some sort? I want to freelance since that is probably my best and only choice.


  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Apply to the school, and see what FAFSA money you get. I got half my tutiton paid, and I'm middle-middle class. If you're less off than than, your whole education might be paid for.
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    the education is paid for but the school doesn't have housing programs or any kind of housing assistance since it's only a community college. the refund I will get will only pay for a month of rent, maybe two. not including the utilities and bills. plus I'm planning on buying a car with the one i will get for fall.

    I'm going to take classes at a local college, but I need to transfer by sping because other than my math and english there is nothing I can take that will transfer. local college don't have the classes I need.
  • you'll just have to suck it up and either work more than one job or stay with your parents until you're out of your community college. another option would be looking for roommates who can share rent, but at that point you might as well stay home where it's free.
  • If you do move, public transportation isn't that bad. I use it to get to college and work.
    As for the first question you asked: I work 30 hours a week and go to school full time. It isn't easy, but it is doable. I just make sure to pay attention in class and when study during my free time. It may not be fun, but it will be worth it in the end. My grades do not suffer because I work. This is due to the fact that I make sure I put all of my effort in my studying. I don't 'cram' for tests. I take time and study every day of the week so that I do not have to worry or study excessively for a test. Good luck! :)
  • acora
    acora Posts: 25 Member
    the education is paid for but the school doesn't have housing programs or any kind of housing assistance since it's only a community college. the refund I will get will only pay for a month of rent, maybe two. not including the utilities and bills. plus I'm planning on buying a car with the one i will get for fall.

    I'm going to take classes at a local college, but I need to transfer by sping because other than my math and english there is nothing I can take that will transfer. local college don't have the classes I need.

    I am currently a full time student at Indiana University AND I have a part time job AND I substitute teach 1-2 half days a week at the local elementary school. Working and ging to school can be busy, but if you manager your time well, it's totally do-able. Also, if you want to do both, I would recommend being a server/waitress at a nearby restaurant, because in the past as a server, I usually made roughly $10/hr just in tips. By working part time as a server, you can make more money to pay your rent AND still have time for school. I hope this helps! :)
  • Nan_
    Nan_ Posts: 83 Member
    My oldest just graduated college suma cum laude with a 4.0. He worked 32 hours a week and carried a full course load. He pretty much worked and studied and that was about it. He got what scholarships/loans he could, and also had a roommate to help share the cost of the apartment.

    He said he became known as the kid who slept a lot, because when he wasn't working or studying he was sleeping. He didn't have a huge college social life but that's not what he went for. Still, he managed to fit some time in.

    Working that many hours is stressful but so is having a lot of college debt after you graduate!
  • Charmed285
    Charmed285 Posts: 189 Member
    the education is paid for but the school doesn't have housing programs or any kind of housing assistance since it's only a community college. the refund I will get will only pay for a month of rent, maybe two. not including the utilities and bills. plus I'm planning on buying a car with the one i will get for fall.

    I'm going to take classes at a local college, but I need to transfer by sping because other than my math and english there is nothing I can take that will transfer. local college don't have the classes I need.

    I am currently a full time student at Indiana University AND I have a part time job AND I substitute teach 1-2 half days a week at the local elementary school. Working and ging to school can be busy, but if you manager your time well, it's totally do-able. Also, if you want to do both, I would recommend being a server/waitress at a nearby restaurant, because in the past as a server, I usually made roughly $10/hr just in tips. By working part time as a server, you can make more money to pay your rent AND still have time for school. I hope this helps! :)

    HOW do you do that? where do you find the time for this?! I need an example of your day or of someone similar becuase I can't wrap my head around it. when is free time as you or someone above mentioned? when do you sleep and study and do homework?
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    the education is paid for but the school doesn't have housing programs or any kind of housing assistance since it's only a community college. the refund I will get will only pay for a month of rent, maybe two. not including the utilities and bills. plus I'm planning on buying a car with the one i will get for fall.

    I'm going to take classes at a local college, but I need to transfer by sping because other than my math and english there is nothing I can take that will transfer. local college don't have the classes I need.

    If you qualify for more money than tuition costs, you can take it and apply it to the cost of off-campus housing.