flaxseed good for irregular period..?

Hi, I'm having troubles with late periods in my whole life.
I'm only 32 and my last period was about three months ago.
I've never had periods every month unless I was on BC pills..
Other than that, probably once in two or three months..?
I'm worried that I will have menopause soon??

I heard flax seeds might regulate periods..
Has anyone heard about it?
Or evening primrose oil...??


  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I've been the same way forever, but the doctors have said it's no reason to worry and our iron is actually higher than "normal" women. Unless you're trying to get pg, is there any reason you want it every month?!

    ETA: you're not pre-menopausal, you have irregular periods (unless of course you've talked to your doctor about this and s/he says you are)
  • kurasuny
    kurasuny Posts: 12
    Yes, I forgot to mention.
    I'm newly married and I want to have a baby in a year or two.
    Also my husband is a lot younger than I am.
    I feel so old right now :(
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    I know this sounds really odd, but I went to an acupuncturist for seasonal depression and when she found out I didn't get regular periods, she noted that and over the months I do accupuncture, I get my period regularly... I never would have thought it, but it worked :)

    As far as flax or anything else, I would check the contraindications of taking those if you get pg because it can take 8 weeks to know if you're pg and if any herbs would be harmful to a baby, you could hurt the fetus without knowing it.

    Check with an herbist or your doctor about what stuff can work and won't harm you and the potential baby in the long run
  • kurasuny
    kurasuny Posts: 12
    Thank you very much.
    I appreciate it. :)
  • I was having the same problem...But since i have been more active with workouts and less stress ive been pretty regular actually im very surprised..I am also trying to get pregnant and of course that was so stressful. But just try and relax and do more activities...
  • kurasuny
    kurasuny Posts: 12
    Okay, I will!
    Thanks :)