Can't do it!!



  • joselo2
    joselo2 Posts: 461
    Thank you all for listening. I have to tell you I am quite young and immature and sometimes I get like this when I have a moan and whinge so thankyou for indulging me!!

    I was just having a hard time, i am getting help though, the dr referred me and it begins on the 20th. I know lots of good tips and now you have told me some more on here (I like the idea of SLEEPING away an urge to eat!!!) I just have to try and follow them!

    Sorry, what does eating your feelings mean? Sorry, I am not very clever!! I think it is half a cas that I have some sort of issue that needs help, and partly a fact of just I need more willpower,; I mean, there is no other way around losing weight!! I just have to try and learn that. Bhankiii, you are so right about binge shopping!! I think the ritual of buying the food is a part of what I get an urge to do. I think my diet gets busted before I even eat anything. Even before I BUY anything. Once i have DECIDED to buy it, that is it blown!! I tend to shop every day because keeping food in can be a risk, but I wonder if this is fuelling the shopping urge. I tried a new thing- I have bought 4 days worth of food and I am determined to stick to it. If I eat it before then I will have to starve a day or 2, hahaha!!

    I had a talk with my sister today, she is older than me and she is very keen for me to lose weight. She was so delighted that I lost a stone, but she said she noticed I always struggle after the initial success (I have tried to diet many times before). She said some things to me that a re very hard to have to hear! Tht she thinks it is because I like the start bit when I can get lots of support but I am not willing to do the bit after when I should be becoming more self motivated and self reliant in my weight loss. She says she thinks I am immature (I told you!) and want to have people look after me instead of taking responsibility. She thinks I need other people to tell me I am doing good or bad instead of using my own resources. I was real upset hearing that but I think she is right because maybe why I needed to post here this is proof of that!! She loves me though, and that is hard to hear. But I definitely feel stronger today than yesterday anyways!

    I feel like I got some insight into myself and that is a good start.
    Thank you all for listening. Sorry about that xxxxxx
  • I think weight loss coaching ( can really help you stay focused and motivated, but I want to tell you- this journey is YOURS and yours alone. You have to understand that there are ups and down in weight loss (ask anyone on this forum who’s had to lose weight!), but they’ve lost the weight by keeping at it and NOT giving up. If you really want to lose weight, you’re going to have to do it by remembering that it will be hard, there WILL be days when you will probably see no result and that might make you feel disheartened, but if you keep at it, you WILL lose the weight. You can’t go wrong, if you never give up!
  • lisafitmama
    lisafitmama Posts: 7 Member
    You can do this, start by using a smaller plate when you makes you think there's more to eat. It's a mind over matter thing. Eat what you want just in portion control. Eat more veggies they feel you up. And stop beating yourself up' we all fall down! YOU CAN DO THIS! =)
  • cjc166
    cjc166 Posts: 222
    I would look into Eat to Live. I started it 5 weeks ago and have lost 25 lbs since then. The first week I lost 10 lbs and have been losing 3 lbs/week steadily after the first week. I'm convinced it is the healthiest way to eat on the planet. I no longer count calories, eat until I'm satisfied, and cravings for unhealthy foods have pretty much vanished.

    It's definitely worth considering.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Do you have access to a medical professional?

    It sounds like your problem might be with your emotions and mental state? (Not being mean or rude!!!)

    If you had the ability to get evaluated by a medical professional, it would at least let you know if there is an underlying medical reason for your binging.

    If it is not a medical issue. Perhaps it is dietary? If you are "depriving" yourself of foods that your body needs you may be creating scenarios where the binging is just your brain taking over to get at the sustenance your body is craving.

    When you eat to lose weight, is your diet healthy? Have you tried to eat healthy and manage your calories?

    I hope that you can sort things out and enjoy a healthy life style!
  • boopsiegrl
    boopsiegrl Posts: 105 Member
    Contol is very hard and I am fighting it all the time! I am an emotional eater and there is not a time I don't have some kind of emotion good or bad. Today I am taking self control in small doses. I can control from breakfast until lunch. If that is all I can do then I have controled that today. Maybe tomorrow I can control not eating from breakfast until lunch then from lunch until dinner.
    that may take several days to get a grip on but then I can handle not eating between breakfast and lunch and lunch until dinner then I have learned not to eat between meals then I can add not eating after dinner. then when conqured start working on poritions

    what I am trying to say is take it in steps you can handle if not you will not reach your goals we must walk and not run to keep from falling I hope this help and I hope I can apply it.

    Have a blessed day:smile:
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    Whether you think you can do or can't do something, you're right.

    My absolutely favorite quote by Henry Ford.
    I write it on my mirror for some extra strength
  • mcpherson4
    mcpherson4 Posts: 287 Member
    You can do this. You are NOT a failure. One day at a time. One pound at a time. There is no rush or pressure. Just do your little thing and it will happen. The good thing is you are noticing that you turn to food for comfort. Now, you must decide to turn away from the food when you are feeling overwhelmed. One of my friends says she gets out of the house. She removes herself from the food. I remind myself that overeating will not comfort me in the end. I will feel guilty and let myself down. You are going to have to decide that you REALLY want to lose the weight. It is up to you. Self control comes when your mind is set to finally lose the weight. It is your choice and all of the encouragement and "medical" intervention can not force it on you. Until your mind and heart are set on facing your weight and eating issues you will stay frustrated. Make small changes. Don't rush. Slow and steady wins the race. Best of luck to you.
  • cobsaregreat
    cobsaregreat Posts: 1 Member
    Eating is an emotive issue

    I was bulimic for 12 years and the althoguh have manged not to purge now - binging is stil very hard to overcome. Dont beat yourself up - your view of yourself is very negative - you put yoursef down and not just about your weight - start beign positive with yourself and change that little voice inside.

    Learn to love you for you, and when you have done that try to loose weight - definitely recommend Geena Ford - good luck xxxxxxxx
  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    You really want it??

    Then do it!! You need to practice some self-control!! Not trying to be mean, but that's what you sounds like you need!!

    I am guilty of this myself. I still indulge here and there and that is probably why my weight loss has been slow. But you have to know when it's just not worth it.

    Before eating out and buying junk, eat something good for you. Never leave the house hungry, this is one thing I have learned.

    OP has an eating disorder. This is a mental health issue not a will power/self control issue.
  • laurrens
    laurrens Posts: 11 Member
    Yes, its really sodding hard.

    I relapsed last week and gorged my face, and felt hideous after!

    Dieting alone is not enough, you also need exercise - something i have recently discovered myself!

    I still treat myself to choclate and treats, but its about knowing when to stop. something that has taken me 2 years to control!

    if you want it, that badly, then you will succeed. but only whilst realising its not just a diet, its a lifestyle change too!!

  • kiachu
    kiachu Posts: 409 Member
    I have been dieting for 3 months and it's been quite up and down, but I lost a stone so far. However, I feel like I am losing control and problems I had with binge eating and compulsive over eating is getting worse. Binge days are getting more and more frequent again, I am doing bad things again. This is really impacting upon my weightloss and I feel like I could gain back all my losses. It is total sabotage :(.

    Also, my spending on food is getting silly again and that is making me really worried, financially. Does anyone else have this issue??

    I am 21 is 3 days and this problem ruined my teens basically, I want rid of it now for adulthood, sick of it. I am getting some help from a specialist weight management course by the national health service from 20th, I just hope it works, it feels like my last resort.


    Maybe you should stop trying to "diet" until you start working with the weight management specialist and I would also see someone about eating disorders. Just in a therapeutic way. Someone to check in with occasionally to help you put the entire picture into perspective.

    And eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive. make core list of items and just stick with that. Sales are your friend too. My core items are perdue chicken breast, sweet potatoes, kale, salad greens, tilapia, brown rice, plantains,. eggs, and so on. I plan my meals out a head of time and buy for that week. I buy frozen vegetables which cost cents. Rice cost nothing, buy store brand or off label. When I buy chicken I only by it on sale and then I load up and stock my freezer. I get 36 eggs for about 3 dollars a big box store (and I eat 6 eggs a day). I'm assuming since your going to see someone from the NHS your in the UK or something and I'm not sure what the prices are for fresh produce and meats, but if you can't buy fresh, buy frozen, if not buy canned with no salt added.
  • alliebug42560
    alliebug42560 Posts: 6 Member
    I had the same thought. Please work with your professional to see if there is a reason you are overeating. I used to eat my feelings on a regular basis. Sometimes you have to lose emotional "weight" before you see physical weight come off. I am mostly successful now, losing weight steadily. I can now allow myself one "No counting" day per week, but please don't do that if it will trigger a binge! I have been where you are; I know you can overcome!!!