New, please look at my diary?


I'm on my 4th day of MFP now, and just wanted to check I'm doing this right? The only experience I have of dieting is Slimming World, so I'm completely new to calorie-counting. I wondered if someone more experienced would mind having a look at my diary (only 3 and a bit days so far...) to pull up any glaring errors I'm making?

Basic stats that might be useful:
31 years old, female, 5'4", starting weight 163lb, goal weight 135lb. Vegetarian (with eggs, dairy, quorn).

I don't know if it's significant but on Tuesday evening I burned 336 cals at the gym (going by what the machines themselves told me, MFP wanted to give me much more), and only ate a few of them back. Yesterday I was SO hungry and it took all my willpower not to just munch all afternoon! Am I wrong at this stage to not eat back all my exercise calories? I really didn't feel like I needed to on Tuesday...

I also had a sneaky weigh-in just now and apparently I have lost almost 4lb since Monday. My body fat and water % are still the same though (46 % water - yes, I'm dehydrated, I have such trouble drinking enough :(, 36% fat). That can't be right, can it? Is this 'real' loss, or just a reaction to a sudden cut in calories?

Any advice welcome!


  • bluechip777
    bluechip777 Posts: 160 Member
    No need to be starving! Bump up those am calories instead of the bulk of your food coming in the evening. Your food has to be able to support your workouts. Maybe add some egg whites or protein at breakfast or morning snack so that your food is a little more evenly dispersed so that you don't have those big hunger swings.

    Make friends with water and make a real effort to get it in ( and lots of it)!!

    Good luck! You'll find your way through this ;)
  • head_in_rainbows
    head_in_rainbows Posts: 290 Member
    From what I saw you don't eat enough proteins but as far as I'm concerned you are doing fine
  • katymcd81
    katymcd81 Posts: 73 Member
    Thank you both!

    I will investigate ways to get more protein earlier on in the day, as this is definitely something I am lacking, looking at my diary and my diet in general. I think I tend to be a bit carb-heavy and that could definitely do with rectifying. I noticed the last couple of times I had a blood test, I had low urea, which can be caused by a lack of protein in the diet. if I up my protein, should it help with the weight loss/decreasing body fat %?

    Re water, what is 'a glass'? Is it a hi-ball? A pint glass? How many ml? And can some of it come from food? It doesn't have to be 8 glasses of pure water, does it? I have no problem with water at all, I am not someone who can't drink it - I have bottles of water all over the house...I think part of my problem is I work in a lab so I can't sip through the day, I have to gulp it on breaks and that's sometimes quite hard to do. Will endeavour to do better though!