
Hi everyone, might be a stupid question but is sweating more a good sign?? I've always been quite active and have never had any huge periods in my life where I have not had any kind of sport or activity on a regular basis so I'm fairly fit (the exception being post op after a cruciate ligament operation)
This year, and particularly the past few months, I have upped my workouts from purely cardio to include some weights and also and doing the 30 day shred. I have found that I now sweat so much more than I ever have done in the past! When I leave the gym after my cardio sessions (normally 20-30 mins running, 15 mins cycling and some step and cross training work) I am soaked!! Not just sweating from the 'usual' places but sweating from my arms and all sorts of places I am not used to sweating from! Haha.
I'm not bothered by it because it makes me feel like I have actually worked out but I'm curious why this change has happened?
Any comments?
Thanks :-)


  • hungrybunni
    hungrybunni Posts: 66 Member
    Could be a thyroid thing? I'm struggling with mine just now. Could be a menopause thing? Mine is getting the blame for that too. I've even gained sweaty feet ugh!!! Tracey.
  • bacamacho
    bacamacho Posts: 306 Member
    If you are super concerned, See a doctor.
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    There are lots of issues that impact how much you sweat. Age is a huge factor --- and not necessarily menopause, tho that can certainly exacerbate things. Sweat, for the most part, is a good thing. It's how your body cools itself and is typically a sign that things are working properly. You work hard, you heat up, you sweat.

    If it's excessive and you start feeling ill or lightheaded, see your doctor. If it's excessive and then you suddenly STOP sweating - get to the ER.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    I sweat like a pig. When I'm NOT dripping with sweat (from everywhere, arms, legs, etc.) I get concerned that my body isn't functioning normal.

    Sweat is your body's way of cooling you down -- so the sooner in your workout and the more you sweat just means that your body is keeping you cool. If you feel sick or lightheaded or something you may want to have it checked. But I see nothing wrong with sweating -- (even if you feel it's a lot it may not be)
  • Fred4point0
    Fred4point0 Posts: 160 Member
    I know what you mean. I sweat so much that it's ridiculous. Yesterday after running 8 miles I was soaked from head to toe. My shirt, undershirt, underwear and shorts were dripping with sweat. Even my socks and brand new running shoes were drenched. I know some will say your not drinking enough water but that's not the case because I'm careful to hydrate well since I'm training for a marathon. I sweat so much yesterday that I turn cold and it was 106. Don't know what to tell ya except to enjoy your workouts and know that at least you are getting the job done.