Finding the balance of calories and exercise hard

My net calories have been minus a few times or around 500 when I don't exercise. I don't want to cut down on my exercise as i'm really enjoying it and i'm finally starting to feel fit again. However, I do feel I eat a good amount of food, I never really feel hungry except before a meal. With fully breastfeeding, I burn alot of calories during the day even when I'm not exercising. I was just wondering if anyone has any tips for me? I want to lose the weight properly and sensibly. At the minute, Im losing around 2lbs a week which seems quite sensible to me as im 169lbs.


  • It sounds like your issue is loss without the necessary exercise, if I'm not mistaken? I had the same issue when I first started using My Fitness Pal and I ended up having problems because of it, the worst being that the weight I lost, I gained back as soon as people realized how little I was eating to stay close to the calorie goal set for me. Try adding some long lasting proteins in between your regular meals, like a few cheese cubes or packages of nuts. These will give you a buffer, so if you have say, 3 of these types of snacks added to your diet, it will add 3-400 calories that you can safely burn in your workout without putting your body into starvation mode.
  • Ive started adding a few peanuts and added some cheese to my 2 boiled eggs for dinner. I don't really work out meals according to calories, more to do with it being fresh and as unprocessed as possible. I'm happy with my meals, so I think i'll really try and add the extra protein into snacks. Thank you! I don't know why I didn't think of that, i kept trying to see where i could add them to my meals. This way makes much more sense as i'll have constant energy throughout the day.
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm not sure if I'm understanding this right, but especially since you're breastfeeding you should really be eating a lot more food. Your NET should not drop below 1,200 (likely more, depending on your height/weight) as your child is relying on your body to supply them proper nutrients! Add in more snacks, increase portion sizes. Eat more chicken, add peanut butter, cheese, eggs, etc. Snack more!
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I tried looking at your diary but I couldn't...I would really try to eat more than 2 boiled eggs for dinner, especially if you are breastfeeding. If you don't eat the proper nutrients, the breastmilk will take any available nutrients from your body. I found this out the hard way...keep in mind you're not just eating for yourself, but for your little one as well. I would go for balance in your meals to really get the best nutrition.
  • autumnk921
    autumnk921 Posts: 1,374 Member
    You really should NET your BMR at least plus add 500 calories each day for breastfeeding...You need these nutrients for you to keep your body healthy and keep you going plus the nutrients needed to feed your baby. Keep up the workouts if you want but find out your BMR, TDEE, etc. so that you eat enough throughout your days. Best of luck to you! :flowerforyou:
  • I've made my diary open now.
    I meant the eggs for Lunch not dinner! That would be worrying if i just had the eggs for dinner! I really do think I eat good portions and good food, but I agree on the snacks. What would you recommend? I don't want to have too much cheese as I was badly allergic to dairy as a child and i'm scared the little one will be too!
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    Diary's still private. :P

    I personally like snacking on strawberries with peanut butter, tuna with some chopped up celery, grape tomatoes, etc. I really like eating scrambled egg whites as well as anything that I can involve chicken in (wraps, mixed with veggies, etc.)
  • Ok, should be done now.

    Strawberries and peanut butter? Sounds weird! Tuna sounds good too.
    I think i might dial back my exercise a little too, i've recently started doing the 30DS in the morning so I think i might just go to the gym every other day and do alot more on strength and less of cardio.