Running outside vs. treadmill?

I started this running thing by doing it outside, but since i got a treadmill i've found I can run so much longer on that than i ever did outside. I tried running outside again last night and really struggled. I can't put my finger on what the difference is though. Does anyone else find this?


  • I only run outside because I'm broke, but my friend, who runs inside, thinks it has to do with pacing. Like, she doesn't have to pace herself on a treadmill. She feels that when she goes outside, she has difficulty slowing down. I've only ever run outside because I don't want to buy a gym membership, but it was very very hard for me to get started. Now I cannot imagine running inside (nothing to look at), though when it gets to be winter, I think I'll have to join a gym and do it. Hopefully it will be easier ;)
  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    It's because the treadmill controls your speed for you. Outside, you have to control it yourself. Also, outside often has uneven terrain which also can add to the difficulty and you are dealing with weather conditions as well. That being said, I enjoy running outside more because there is more scenery to look at and the time seems to go by faster.
  • kbc525
    kbc525 Posts: 149
    I don't know. In the beginning, when I first started running, I couldn't run outside to save my life, but I could run forever on the treadmill. Then I don't know what happened, but something clicked, and now I find running on the treadmill the most boring thing ever, and I find myself ending my workout quicker than I normally would; or I have to do sprint intervals to keep me occupied. On the other hand, I can run outside, and don't want to stop. It's weird. I wish I knew the answer. I'd be interested if someone has one.

    At least you're not alone!
  • vickycollo
    vickycollo Posts: 16 Member
    I have to work alot harder when I run outside. There are all kinds of things to contend with: weather, hills, uneven ground, dodging dog poop, wind, traffic... But I get bored running on the treadmill. I don't have one in my house (no space) so I use one at the gym. What I've been doing lately though is running to the gym, doing my strength training, and then running home.
  • 6spdeg
    6spdeg Posts: 394 Member
    yes there is a huge difference one is the air you breathe.. humidity etc has an iss with what you can do also carrying your own weight (you propel yourself) vs just keeping up on a treadmill is by far diff and much easier.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    I'm the opposite, hate running on the treadmill, find it running outside, its harder because of the various inclines and really your getting a better its more work :wink:
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    It's because the treadmill moves your feet for you. Outside, you have to sort of jump to move forward...a lot of small jumps forward to keep going. On a treadmill, it does the moving, you just pick up your feet and set them down again.

    It's really a totally different exercise. Treadmill running is more pure cardio. Real running is more than just cardio..
  • I find running on the treadmill is so much easlier than outside. When you are outside you don"t see the sudden inclines or declines. As well as the belt on the treadmill helps move your legs along while outside it is your own muscles that have to keep you moving. Outside is definately more of a challange but somedays that just isn't possible because of the weather. But either one as long as you are trying to get in some exercise it is a good thing!!:smile:
  • Superbritt2drescu
    Superbritt2drescu Posts: 273 Member
    I have had this same problem. I've been running outside more and more training for races though. I'm guessing by the time I get back to the gym and run on the dreadmill I will be able to run longer. For me its a combo of the trail/road/sidewalks that I have to run on not liking my shins, my pacing, my breathing, the hills, etc. I say breathing cause on the dreadmill I'm inside in a climate controlled room. Outside its hot, humid and I'm trying to avoid eating bugs. But I honest to goodness love running outside more. The wind rushing past you, the freeing feeling, its just more inspiring to me.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Treadmill=Dreamill....boring! I like to look at stuff :) Even if I go to our high school track, that's better than being on a machine inside. However, in the ice and snow theres no other choice...
  • nickiw68
    nickiw68 Posts: 71
    Yep, I find it exactly the same...can run easier and for longer on the treadmill but slower and not so far outside. I think aswell that outside you have the weather (wind) to contend with as well as maybe inclines.
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    Out of embarassment, I used to only run on a treadmill. Now, I can't stand running on the treadmill. I like the variety and challenge of running outdoors. I can run further and FASTER outside than I can on a treadmill. I give up after 3 or 3.5 miles on a treadmill. Sometimes weather, in the winter, will force me indoors. But, if I can stand whatever mother nature is dishing out that day, I'll go outside every time!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    When you're running outside you are propelling yourself forward rather than having a mat move underfoot. You're also setting your own pace (something that takes practice) and, typically, when going from treadmill to outdoors people tend to try and run too fast. Last but not least, you're dealing with varying terrain, even a relatively flat running route will have some inclines to run, headwinds to deal with etc. (you can simulate some of this by varying your incline on the treadmill)

    Personally I find running outdoors far more enjoyable and run all year 'round (we've got it all, frigid winters, scorching summers and everything in between) the only thing guaranteed to keep me indoors is freezing rain.
  • lots of people around here run outside - and I think they are risking their lives because they do it on the street and don't watch for cars. Plus, they have to breathe in all those exhaust fumes. I have a treadmill set up in front of a TV / DVD player. It really helps me keep going because my mind is on something else. Plus, I can do it regardless of the weather. I do crack open the window to let in fresh air.
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    Last year I did C25K mainly on the treadmill, yikes big mistake for me a non-runner. Had to "wog" my first 5K (walk/jog). This year I am in W5 of C25K and am doing it outside to prep for my second 5K and have plans to run/jog it. The whole propelling forward, etc. is true - at least for me. Outside gives me a better overall workout.
  • lila1980
    lila1980 Posts: 63 Member
    I have a treadmill, and will use it if I must (torrential downpours, dangerous ice, etc.), but I much prefer running outside. I'm like the rest... I have to do something to keep myself occupied on the treadmill, and I find it easier because the pace is controlled for me.

    I also find that I get a better workout outside. When the pace is controlled on a treadmill, it's like I set limitations on myself. I only go as fast as the treadmill tells me to, and don't run nearly as hard as I do when I'm outside.

    The reason you find the treadmill easier may possibly have to do with elevation... Outside, even if it's "flat", you're always running up and down little hills which can be more difficult if you're accustomed to running at one speed, at "0" elevation.
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    I find that outside I can run faster and longer Longer since I have people saying hello things to look at less boring etc faster since I am older the thought of a stumple on the treadmill that will pile my old body into the corner of my basement is scary. I use the treadmill when its raining or under 15 degrees or so or snow and ice but except for that I head outside. for me I think its all in my mind but outside is easier
  • mhotch
    mhotch Posts: 901 Member
    I have been running on the treadmill for years. My son has convinced me to run a 5K race with him in Sept. So I have been training outside for it.

    It is much more difficult, but soooo much better running outside. The treadmill belt helps to propel you along. Wind, humidity, change in elevations, [even minor changes} makes it more difficult outside.

    If you are going to run on the treadmill , keep the incline at a minimum of 1.5% -2%. That is equal to running on level ground outside. {0% on the treadmill is equal to a slight downhill outside}
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    I think you've had enough responses now to know why running on the treadmill feels easier (it's assisted running) but I agree with the previous posters, running outside has so many extra benefits that I just don't get while running on a treadmill. Things to see, variety of terrain, weather benefits, ability to take my dog out, not to mention the fun of enjoying some fresh air and exploring your neighbourhood/city. The only time running on a treadmill is of benefit to me is when I'm running with a friend who is slower than I am, we can both set our comfortable paces on the treadmill and chat without one of us being miles ahead of the other.
  • drgndancer
    drgndancer Posts: 426 Member
    Everyone else finds this :wink: The treadmill is a good tool and great for bad weather days. It's fine for occasional use, or if your only goal is to improve your fitness generally. That said, it does some of the work for you, and is always easier than doing the same distance on the road or a track. You can improve matters by doing your treadmill runs at a 1% or better incline, but it still isn't the same. If your intention is to run road or track races, join a running club, or otherwise do things that involve running outside, you have to mix up your treadmill runs with outside runs, or you'll always find that you can't go as far as you expect on race day. If you're just trying to improve general fitness, use the treadmill all the time and just expect your rare outside runs to be a little slower and shorter.