Long hours but good pay but no exercise?



  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    I work 65+ hours a week and have found myself too tired to work out. I'm exhausted from going to work at 8 am and getting off at 9 pm 6 days a week. This has got me eating at the wrong times as well. There is no time in my day to make a healthy meal. It's is also hard for me to find super healthy and filing snacks due to the fact that I am allergic to nuts and can't keep anything refrigerated at work. I sit for 8 hours and then I am up walking lifting and etc at my other job for 4 hours, this to me is the only reason in not gaining weight. However, I've not been losing either. Does anyone have good advise on how to get myself motivated and energized after a hellish day at 2 jobs.

    i use my one day off to make 2 sets of dinners in crock pots. then i freeze in individual portions. i also use this day to plan my meals, down to the last snack, so when i am leaving at 0500, i don't have to think, i just grab what's on my menu for the day (including one of my home made good for you frozen dinners). i work out in the 20 minutes i have after i drive from one job to the next before i have to open my shop. it's only a mile that i run on my 16 hour days, but it's something. i get home at 1030, do a sudoku, and up at 0430 again the next morning. you have to force yourself to use every moment wisely, especially when trying to plan meals.

    if you need more ideas, please feel free to ask. it's not an overnight success. it took me 3 months of adjusting to my schedule to be able to do it with consistancy. just don't give up!!!!!
  • rachellem86
    rachellem86 Posts: 62 Member
    I went from bartending in a super busy club to working behind a desk and commuting 4 hours a day. That explains the weight gain, and some of the reasons why it is taking me so long to lose it!