Yesterday was BRUUUUTAL

So, on Tuesday, my partner and I decided to re-ignite our weightloss and aim for a more paleo/primal clean eating lifestyle. This coming from someone who for the last 6 months has miraculously maintained my weight with an iced cap, donut and breakfast sandwich nealry every day, indulging in fast food, treats and ice cream, and generally eating whatever I want. I gained a little, lost a little, but was basically off the wagon since about February.

Tuesday was not too bad...felt a little headachy and grumpy...slightly hungry but it felt good to start eating healthy again. Yesterday was HORRIBLE!!! Stomach ache, nausea, fibre-induced diarrhea, massive migraine, fever, the sweat and barfing. You know you've been eating terribly when your body actually revolts to eating healthy. I could barely eat dinner and had to force myself to eat it. Drank tons of water and went to bed at 9pm.

Well, I woke up this morning feeling much better, and happy that I made it through day 2. Day 3 is well underway and looking forward to my yummy lunch, and barely have a headache at all. Bye Bye carb flu! You won't get the best of me this time!