Did you go gluten or dairy free? Why?



  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    I have a true wheat allergy that gives me skin rashes and cold symptoms and even migraine headaches (thinking it's something to do with sinuses). Basically, I get miserable when I eat it. I decided to finally push myself to totally remove it from my diet and I feel fantastic. I'm not allergic to milk so I do have it but I also drink almond milk and mix the two up.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    On the oats, did you make sure they were certified gluten free?
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    I"m gluten and dairy free.

    I first went dairy free to fight what I was told was IBS, and though it didn't help at all with the tummy issues, the stomach pain and dizziness that we had been trying to figure out for years went away, and if I have anything with dairy they come back. I ate a bitg bite of cheese yesterday, and I'm still in pain. My skin also cleared up. I'd been fighting with acne since I was a teenager, its gone. My skin is so much softer.

    And then I was diagnosed with Celiac, but its only been 10 days off gluten so there hasn't been a huge change yet. My stomach bloating and gas (yuck) is so much better, and the chronic diarrhea that I've had for years seems to be getting better, though I'm on medication to control that so I'm not totally sure. My joint pain has also gotten better. Otherwise, nothing else yet.

    I do find it really hard. I also can't have meat because it causes pretty bad stomach pains, and its a lot to get rid of. Gluten, meat and dairy make up a huge part of what people eat each day. If I didn't have to do it, I wouldn't.
  • mittensofdoom
    mittensofdoom Posts: 69 Member
    When I'm not traveling I don't eat dairy for ethical reasons but I have to slide a bit when I'm in small towns that don't have a lot of vegan options and I only have a microwave to cook with.

    Unless you have a true gluten sensitivity there's no health benefit to cutting gluten out of your diet. But hey, the placebo effect runs strong when it comes to dietary choices so why not!
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    Red meat bothers me. I have cut way back on it because of other problems.

    Give it some time with cutting gluten out. It can take a long time for some problems to go away. I'm also having to watch my sugar even though it all comes from fruit. I didn't do so good today because of recipe experiment gone horribly wrong. lol.

    I eat a lot of eggs, beans and am trying to eat more vegetables thru the day.

    So far I'm doing better and have things under control but I need to add more foods in my daily diet. Finding something I can eat and like the taste of can be a challenge.
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    On the oats, did you make sure they were certified gluten free?

    yes they are gluten free. I have been experimenting with different breads this week using them. Some turned out good, some not. lol. One was really good and my dogs were even jumping in the air to have some. So of course they got a few pieces. They have issues with what they can eat too. lol. We are a messed up house.
  • accioalpacas
    If you don't feel like baking your own breads, Udi's brand of breads is delicious! I keep mine in the freezer and pop it in the microwave for about 10 seconds before I use it. They have a lot of options, including english muffins, bagels, and more. It's not very fattening, either.
  • oonegative
    lol I dont have a choice ...but they have some rock hard frozen bread if ya really need it.And corn pasta isn't bad at all
  • KareninCanada
    KareninCanada Posts: 836 Member
    We are in the process of it.

    It started with my kids... one daughter is showing signs of allergy/sensitivity but we don't know to what, and allergy testing takes months for an appointment, so we're doing an elimination diet.

    Well, just to make things easier, I figured I would go on the same diet, and save the hassle of making different foods.

    We had been cutting out dairy for a while - both girls were dairy-intolerant from birth but kind of have threshold levels where they can handle it. However, I decided it was time to fully eliminate it and see what happened. I added gluten and soy to that as of two weeks ago. So far, we haven't seen *dramatic* changes, but we are seeing improvements. Bowel function is starting to stabilize, her tonsils are starting to shrink a little (they've been big for years), she hasn't complained of tummyaches in quite a while now. For the most part the kids are happy with the plan, so long as I make the effort to find substitutes for ice cream and other treats.

    It's complicated by her having hay-fever-ish allergies as well, and a cat allergy that has only really revealed itself since we started this elimination, so we are still going ahead with testing once her appointment gets here.

    As for me, I started dropping weight overnight at the rate of about a pound a day... I don't know how much is due to the elimination specifically and how much is just due to the cleaner diet overall, but if it keeps up I'm going to think we're onto something. A week into the diet I got lazy and made myself a sandwich, and it did NOT go down well, so I haven't done that again. I have had a couple of non-GF snacks, like All Bran bars, and I had an ice capp one day. But otherwise I've stuck with it, and I've personally noticed an improvement in my sinuses and ears.

    I still have to sell hubby on this... but so far I'm pretty much sold.
    JSMJSM Posts: 8
    I have been gluten free for 6 weeks at the advice of my naturopath as I have chronic allergies. Before, it was difficult to run or do jumping jacks as my stomach would hurt. Now my stomach feels fine. My naturopath says my gut is healing.

    I went dairy free 3 weeks ago. I have been dairy free in the past - I was getting horrible congestion when I ate dairy. I was able to get all dairy except for whey and yogurt back into my diet. I started having a scratchy throat when I consumed dairy and a week later I had a bad reaction (swollen lips and face).

    I try not to eat GF substitutes very often. At a restaurant I might order a GF pizza but at home I will eat rice, quinoa or potatoes as my starch.

    I think some people definitely have sensitivities to foods and if you think you do, it would be worth doing an elimination diet.
  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    I went dairy free after reading a blurb in Neal Barnard's Reversing Diabetes book (for a family member). He wrote that dairy was linked to eczema, and I had been dealing with a closely related autoimmune disease, seborrheic dermatitis.

    After months of steroid cream, within two weeks of cutting dairy, I was off my medication. It has been five years now.

    My clear skin has definitely been worth the loss of dairy. I miss nachos, but that is about it.
  • bronnibee
    I limit the amount I eat. I get really moody if I eat too much + I get stomach pains
  • Swampstar
    Swampstar Posts: 102 Member
    I get really bad stomach cramps and awful wind when I eat gluten, it bloats me out something chronic too so I avoid it where possible. I've found gluten free bread is a pretty disgusting substitute so I avoid that too if I can. To start with I found it hard to avoid gluten, it's in more food products then I expected, but it's got a lot easier and I find stores are starting to stock more gluten free options. The only time I struggle is when my other half has pizza or toast, then the temptation gets too much!

    I'm also milk free, not dairy, just milk. It makes my throat itch when I drink it so I stick to soy milk. It's not as nice but stops me from coughing so I put up with it.

    As from losing weight by being gluten free, I've yet to see any change, if anything I've put weight on...
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Let me know if you need help! I am vegetarian, grain free, dairy free, with other allergies. I try to keep the fruit servings down too, which has made a big difference to my skin. And hot spices cause me problems too.

    My diary is open. Note that I am just journalling foods in the notes section right now, so scroll down if you don't see anything logged.
    Red meat bothers me. I have cut way back on it because of other problems.

    Give it some time with cutting gluten out. It can take a long time for some problems to go away. I'm also having to watch my sugar even though it all comes from fruit. I didn't do so good today because of recipe experiment gone horribly wrong. lol.

    I eat a lot of eggs, beans and am trying to eat more vegetables thru the day.

    So far I'm doing better and have things under control but I need to add more foods in my daily diet. Finding something I can eat and like the taste of can be a challenge.
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    Let me know if you need help! I am vegetarian, grain free, dairy free, with other allergies. I try to keep the fruit servings down too, which has made a big difference to my skin. And hot spices cause me problems too.

    My diary is open. Note that I am just journalling foods in the notes section right now, so scroll down if you don't see anything logged.
    Red meat bothers me. I have cut way back on it because of other problems.

    Give it some time with cutting gluten out. It can take a long time for some problems to go away. I'm also having to watch my sugar even though it all comes from fruit. I didn't do so good today because of recipe experiment gone horribly wrong. lol.

    I eat a lot of eggs, beans and am trying to eat more vegetables thru the day.

    So far I'm doing better and have things under control but I need to add more foods in my daily diet. Finding something I can eat and like the taste of can be a challenge.

    Thanks. This is nothing new to me. The gluten thing has been going on for a few years. Menopausal issues are why I started eating meat again and looking back it wasn't a good idea. For the same reasons I am weaning myself off it.

    I eat the way I do because it's what works for my body. I get so mad when people say I don't enough. I'm really bothered by some posts I see on this site. For me it's all about health and feeling good, doing what I can to be healthy and prevent disease.

    Not to be rude and I'm sure this will offend many.....But I see a lot of people eating 1800 to 2500 calories a day who say they have struggled with weight their whole lives. If you need to lose a very large amount of weight and that calorie amount is good for you then do it, but too many people, in my opinion, are logging exercise to add calories and when I see a diary with cupcakes, ice cream, 5 or 6 diet protein bars and stuff like that every day I don't think they have found a long term solution to the weight problem. It's fine to have treats once in a while, I enjoy them. But I can't stand it when someone who eats that way says I'm not eating enough.

    It's about what you eat. Why are there so few people understanding this? If a person is eating cupcakes and ice cream every day it doesn't really matter if they stay within a certain calorie range. Once they stop they will gain it back because they haven't made lifestyle changes. It's hard at first so sometimes cutting back a little at a time is needed.

    I think a lot of the advice given on some of these threads is dangerous. Some people have food addictions and need help switching over to healthier foods, telling them to just exercise off the donuts every day isn't going to be a long term solution.

    I want everyone to be healthy. The obesity problem in the country is out of control and I personally believe it's due to eating bad foods.

    Sorry for ranting about this here but it's been bothering me. There are people on here seriously trying to become healthier and make positive changes and they need help by being supportive and shown healthy examples.
  • karagetsfit
    I try to cut back as much on both. Working on cutting them both out completely again. They both make me feel like crap.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    A heads-up before you look at my diary, then! I run and weight train, so my calories are 2500+. However, most of my intake is "clean" whole foods. If you see cookie, muffin, or ice cream in my journal, rest assured that it is homemade, grain free, vegan, fat free, and a small portion size! LOL.

    Not to be rude and I'm sure this will offend many.....But I see a lot of people eating 1800 to 2500 calories a day who say they have struggled with weight their whole lives. If you need to lose a very large amount of weight and that calorie amount is good for you then do it, but too many people, in my opinion, are logging exercise to add calories and when I see a diary with cupcakes, ice cream, 5 or 6 diet protein bars and stuff like that every day I don't think they have found a long term solution to the weight problem. It's fine to have treats once in a while, I enjoy them. But I can't stand it when someone who eats that way says I'm not eating enough.

    It's about what you eat. Why are there so few people understanding this? If a person is eating cupcakes and ice cream every day it doesn't really matter if they stay within a certain calorie range. Once they stop they will gain it back because they haven't made lifestyle changes. It's hard at first so sometimes cutting back a little at a time is needed.
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    A heads-up before you look at my diary, then! I run and weight train, so my calories are 2500+. However, most of my intake is "clean" whole foods. If you see cookie, muffin, or ice cream in my journal, rest assured that it is homemade, grain free, vegan, fat free, and a small portion size! LOL.

    Not to be rude and I'm sure this will offend many.....But I see a lot of people eating 1800 to 2500 calories a day who say they have struggled with weight their whole lives. If you need to lose a very large amount of weight and that calorie amount is good for you then do it, but too many people, in my opinion, are logging exercise to add calories and when I see a diary with cupcakes, ice cream, 5 or 6 diet protein bars and stuff like that every day I don't think they have found a long term solution to the weight problem. It's fine to have treats once in a while, I enjoy them. But I can't stand it when someone who eats that way says I'm not eating enough.

    It's about what you eat. Why are there so few people understanding this? If a person is eating cupcakes and ice cream every day it doesn't really matter if they stay within a certain calorie range. Once they stop they will gain it back because they haven't made lifestyle changes. It's hard at first so sometimes cutting back a little at a time is needed.

    That wasn't directed at you or any one person. lol.

    Everyone should eat what they need to eat. Since I wrote that today I was lectured by someone who weighs about 100 lbs more than me on healthy eating. The whole time I'm looking at the 3 bags of chips and boxes of cookies on the counter, she was also eating ice cream at the time. Oh but I don't eat right! It's that kind of thing that makes me mad. It all got started because she noticed I had lost a few pounds.

    I admit I did set my goal on here higher than what I probably need to. It's 10 lbs less than my normal weight should be. I'm gonna change it. If need to lose the extra I will, I only did it because of some changes my body has been through and I may need to be a little thinner because of it.

    Oh but I've had so many people tell me I'm not eating enough because of the amount I need to lose I'm going to change it to what my normal weight was.

    When I was younger, before my injuries, I ran and worked out a lot, I ate more. lol. I can't run or do any type of workout really. I can walk though and walk all day with my job. I get paid to do what most people are doing for exercise, I walk dogs. How great is that? If I'm having a bad day or can't do as much I don't. But I stay active and do what I can. A lot of little habits make a difference. I park at the end of parking lots, always have. Just because I can't do some things doesn't mean I can't do others.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I'm contemplating going gluten and dairy free. If you have tell me why, and what you've noticed is different.

    No, because these products don't cause me any issues.
  • starracer23
    starracer23 Posts: 1,011 Member
    I chow down the gluten and the dairy...

    There seem to be a lot more people that suddenly want to be gluten free....cause it's a new "fad" thing. If you have issues with gluten...then yeah don't eat it. If you think that you will lose weight by going gluten free...you need to do some more research :)

    What really gets to me is how marketing plays into the the whole "fad" thing...now they are adding onto the labels "GLUTEN FREE" when all long there wasn't any...but now it needs to be advertised...silly fad crap!