Parenting advice...



  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    I agree with the others saying he just doesn't realize when to go. He is probably having fun and being distracted and thinks he can hold it longer then he really can. Has happened before to my 5 yr old, she also wets the bed occasionally, but not often. I try not to discipline her for it. I do make her go potty often tho, I will just say "I have to go potty" and then make her try to go while we are in there... always works too ;)
  • Dwamma
    Dwamma Posts: 289 Member
    When you are out together use yourself as an example. Such as as you enter the store say.. "I had better go to the bathroom before I begin shopping". This works everywhere....even when you arrive at a friends house....than just tell him it is his turn to go.
    Work very well for my son and yes he did out grow it.

    Best of luck!

    Blessings!! <><
  • PhotogNerd
    PhotogNerd Posts: 420 Member
    After two sons, my youngest is six also, I just make them go especially when we're out and about.

    It's normal to a degree and as far as having a conversation about it, just don't make it a huge deal.
  • caslyn3
    caslyn3 Posts: 70 Member
    My daughter used to do that too. She would be sitting at the computer and just wet all over herself because she was too into the game she was playing. First, I took the game away from her as punishment. Second, I did consult the doctor , Come to find out she had a bladder infection. I would be more concerned about the reason he is doing this. Ask him questions like, do you know you have to pee before you wet yourself? Or, are you scared to go to the bathroom when you are out in public ? Ask him if he likes smelling like pee and does he get embarrassed about it ? I never made fun of my daughter but I did tell her that if she kept doing that all her friends would think she was a "baby" and God knows she doesn't want to be considered a baby.. LOL I even considered making her go to school in a diaper to make her feel humiliated. But - she stopped wetting herself on on her own so everything is good now. Except sometimes when she is in a rush, she won't wipe.. which causes UTI's.. Not good!
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member
    My niece did this when she was turning 6, and we tried everything because the pull up thing just didn't work she didn't care. We tried everything we could think of and the only way we got her to stop was to set up a "pee calendar" and treated it like allowance, she got a dollar a day for every day she didn't pee at the end of the month. Days she peed her pants she would lose 2 (that day and one other). She was allowed to spend the money on anything she wanted at the end of the month (usually books), and one month she walked away with 1 dollar, you can't buy much for a dollar - after that it was clear sailing and she hasn't wet herself since she will be 8 in Jan.
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Totally normal 5 year old behavior, totally.

    I just ask my big one every so often to go to the bathroom. He went through that phase not too long ago and it was pretty brief. I just think that their little brains are too busy to stop and think... so we do the stop and think for them. This too shall pass.
  • vidvox
    vidvox Posts: 62 Member
    We had similar problems with my son at that age, likely related to the purchase of a gaming system. He would hold it and hold it while he played, then just leave it too long. Whenever he had a gaming-related accident, he knew he had lost his gaming privileges for the rest of the day. After a few days of consequences, he learned to listen better to his body.
  • waldenfam2
    waldenfam2 Posts: 203 Member
    My son's 8 but he has Asperger's Syndrome and he's been wetting occasionally for the last year. I just tell him that he needs to stop and go to the bathroom when he needs to and get him cleaned up and on his way. The thing with my little guy is he isn't embarrassed about it, he just wants to get changed and get back to doing whatever it was that he was doing. :) I think it's fairly normal like the other poster's have stated. They grow out of it eventually.