Blood Pressure Meds??

Hi MFP gladiators.

Hoping someone has some insight. I'm 5" 6" female, 48 years old, staring weight 206 over 3 months lost 32 lbs, down to 174.

Eating 1200 calories a day, fruit, veggies lean meat, whole grain wheat bread. Most days exercising at least moderately and up to 4 to 6 mile walks several days a week.

I recently found out I have really high blood pressure 181 over 119. The doctor put me on blood pressure medicine, a diaretic type.
I have been stuggling to lose any more weight since! What gives? I lose 3 lbs then gain it back with no change in food intake or excercise.

This has been going on for three weeks now.

I'm dealing with a lot of stress. If anything I'm not eating enough, but try really hard to make 1200 calories or just over.

Should I ask doctor to change medication? If so any recommendations?

Thanks for any words of wisdom!


  • scubawarm
    Hello... I have DCM, (dilated cardiomyopathy) so eat a handful of various heart meds twice a day.

    Yes, they do impact the amount of energy your body uses at rest. Also most beta blocking type don't allow your heart to beat very fast even during exercise. (my heart cant get much above 130)

    I've gained weight the last 6 months mostly because my EF improved and I let my low sodium diet slip a bit. Which in turn meant eating more things in a restaurant that I shouldn't and had more calories. Before when I was watching my sodium closely I was worried about getting to thin.

    I guess what I'm saying is... It does make a difference but diet is still the biggest part of it. If you are only eating 1200 cals a day, it seems odd that things should have come to a halt completely.

    For what it is worth, hang in there a couple more weeks. It takes a couple weeks for your body to adjust to new meds, you may get one of those SWOSH moments any day now.

    Good luck