Women With Children



  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    " Rock in a sock boobs."

    Oh how did I forget these? I went up to DD when I was BFing, and now they are A cup "rock in sock boobs".
  • ElviraCross
    ElviraCross Posts: 331 Member
    When I was about 7 weeks pregnant I was 164.

    Now I'm about 138. I'm the lowest I've ever been since 10th grade maybe?

    My baby is 10 months now.

    hmm my body changes...bigger boobs, wider hips, smaller waist, more tone in my arms, legs... Overall better than pre-pregnancy
  • direwolfprincess
    direwolfprincess Posts: 261 Member

    An excellent site, if you think you are the only woman on earth whose body looked/felt like a war zone after pregnancy! It's user submissions, brutally honest, and shows the good and bad.

    I went here and loved it! It was almost hard to look at even when I know there are others out there like me. Incredible to feel solidarity at a mothers journey.
  • lundii
    lundii Posts: 151 Member
    I can't say my kids are guilty...
    Before pregnancy I was at 140 lbs. I didn't gained that much weight and some weeks after giving birth I lost every pound I gained.
    I have four children btw.
    I started to gain weight when my youngest child was about 5 years old... when I was 40 years old.
    Maybe it was my age, maybe it was the Mirena, maybe it was just too much of good food and less exercises... but after 8 years I was at at least 200lbs. I don't know for sure, because i refused to use my scale...
    This year in january i started to lose wight... a long way...
    I am at 167 lbs now... and I will be OK with 150 lbs I think.
  • My belly is wrecked! 2 C-sections so I have a belly flap that i don't know if I can get rid of and even though I am at pre prego weight I look heavier because I now have no waistline to speak of darn kids anyhow!....Boobs are now a cup bigger and a little longer (ha ha) but not to bad
  • I had two c-sections and got back down to my pre-baby weight. I really got blessed with a great doctor for my first c-section b/c she did my incision so low as possible. I have gotten down to 150 something and my stomach was pretty flat so I don't think I would have a big problem with getting a decent flat tummy. But for sure the stretch marks which I rub cream on twice a day. I didn't breast feed my kids but my boobs have gotten a little droppy I am on the smaller side of a b cup. I do plan on getting something done to them with in the next year maybe a mini tummy tuck as well.
  • cblevitron
    cblevitron Posts: 243
    I had totally forgotten about the shape of a mother! Thank you.

    I guess I was wondering more about differences in weight distribution. I got down to about 10lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight and found the shape of my body is extremely different now. I wasn't sure if it was all in my head or what.
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    I had totally forgotten about the shape of a mother! Thank you.

    I guess I was wondering more about differences in weight distribution. I got down to about 10lbs heavier than my pre-pregnancy weight and found the shape of my body is extremely different now. I wasn't sure if it was all in my head or what.

    I can't say mine is extremely different, but it certainly isn't the same! I'm just about at my pre-pg weight before #1. 2 kids/2c-sections so my tummy isn't as flat and definitely more stretchmarks :tongue: But my chest/waist/hip proportions are almost the same. Maybe because I already had hips, lol!
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Other than a little loose skin on the lower tummy area and a few (faded) stretchmarks on my hips (why not my belly? I have no idea!) it's better than it ever was before I had kids! I also had 2 c-sections and a good diet and lots of strength training have toned up my tummy decently.

    I weigh about 15lbs LESS now than I did pre-kiddos. And I'm in far better shape (I've run 5 marathons, didn't do my first one until my youngest was 3).
  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    I had my daughter and then 9 months later I was pregnant again with my twins. I ballooned up to 265 when I delivered them. When they were six months, I was still 217 so I had to do something. I exercised and dieted and got down to 153 my lowest in YEARS. The stomach was still a disaster. Between the two c-sections, huge abdominal wall gap and heaps of extra skin, I still looked like 5 months pregnant (without my girdle). I could stand it no longer so 9 weeks ago I got a full tummy tuck with abdominal repair. I know have a flatter than flat stomach with a few stretch marks but I'm okay with that. The boobs held up okay considering I had 3 babies sucking the life out of them. I did have a boob job like 6 years ago so maybe that's why they look okay-ish. Now I am working really hard on my tone and fitness. I'm okay with my weight.
  • Khamani
    Khamani Posts: 4 Member
    I see you have lose 82 lbs are you will to share some of your tips. I would like to learn as much as possible.

  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    I see you have lose 82 lbs are you will to share some of your tips. I would like to learn as much as possible.


    Hi Khamani,

    There are no magic pills :(. I have followed a rather strict diet and exercise plan to get where I am today. Of course I have had slips along the way, but you have to just jump back in and give it your best. It's not quick but you will see improvement. Start moving ... I am doing 30 Day Shred right now along with Body For Life. Even though we have three kids, I am doing this for me. Sometimes the house is messy or I get up really early in the morning to exercise, but I am worth it. Commit yourself to getting fit and the rest will follow.

    That's all I got :)

  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    i think Ill echo what most women have already said, Stretch marks on my belly and breast, loose skin on my belly, boobs are now "mature breast" ugh (what my Dr called them when I mentionned the change after pregnancies)
    Please note I went over the 200lbs mark with both pregnancies and I had large (ei 10.8lbs/9.9lbs) babies. So the skin on my tummy took a beating.
    All in all worth it :)
  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 376 Member
    I've had two boys (one vaginal, one c-section) and am now thinner than I was when I got pregnant the first time 9 years ago. However, my weight has definitely been redistributed. I have a belly pooch that isn't as firm as I would like, my breasts have gotten larger, and I weigh more than I did when I was this size 15 years ago. But I'm not finished yet :)
  • maspicantexfa
    maspicantexfa Posts: 73 Member
    The stretch marks were there even before my pregnancy from my weight gain, so no big loss there. My boobs are bigger D to DDD, ugh. But still are not saggy, even though I didn't breastfeed past just a few weeks. I don't think that there has been much of a change in my body though, since I was really big before as well.
  • SonjaCRice
    SonjaCRice Posts: 6 Member
    so I'm also still dealing with ab separation right now.

    Are you doing anything special for this? I had twins and mine is horrible!

    Edit to say: oh I read further! I have almost the same thing! I had my son and 10.5 months later had my twin boys... I want the surgery so bad because nothing I do makes the abs smaller! Was yours covered by insurance?.
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    I can't say my kids are guilty...
    Before pregnancy I was at 140 lbs. I didn't gained that much weight and some weeks after giving birth I lost every pound I gained.
    I have four children btw.
    I started to gain weight when my youngest child was about 5 years old... when I was 40 years old.
    Maybe it was my age, maybe it was the Mirena, maybe it was just too much of good food and less exercises... but after 8 years I was at at least 200lbs. I don't know for sure, because i refused to use my scale...
    This year in january i started to lose wight... a long way...
    I am at 167 lbs now... and I will be OK with 150 lbs I think.

    Me too.
    Had my mirena at 41 and the weight just crept up on me. I lost a stone last year but now I'm just under 11 stone and feel uncomfortable.

    I went to have the Mirena taken out last week but the threads have curled up, I spent one hour with my legs in the air and 3 women trying to get it out. Never has that part of me been given so much attention!
    They are going to have another go next Tuesday then it's key hole surgery! Yuk!

    Also have 4 children!
  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    so I'm also still dealing with ab separation right now.

    Are you doing anything special for this? I had twins and mine is horrible!

    Edit to say: oh I read further! I have almost the same thing! I had my son and 10.5 months later had my twin boys... I want the surgery so bad because nothing I do makes the abs smaller! Was yours covered by insurance?.

    Not sure if you are talking to me? We paid out of pocket, but I couldn't write that check fast enough. My stomach was a disaster and I had done the work so I wasn't taking the easy way out. If I could have exercised the skin away and got rid of the gaping hole in my stomach any other way, I would have :(. I'll be 40 end of next year so I aint no spring chicken either ... sheesh!
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    I weigh what I did before I got pregnant for the first time but now I have a layer of mush over pretty much everything but my face, arms and lower legs. My hips are wider, my butt flatter and not that I ever had abs, but they are certainly nowhere to be found now. I gained 65, 58 and 35 pounds with my pregnancies and settled back to 150 pounds each time (15 pounds heavier than I am now) and it looked worse and worse each time. I gain all my weight around the midsection so when I'm really undisciplined about what I eat, I can easily look 20 pounds heavier than I am.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I am 20 pounds below my prepregnancy weight, and my body is WAY better. I think kids made me work harder, and learning about nutrition really did the trick. Of course my belly has a little looser skin than it did and I have a couple more stretch marks, but it doesn't bother me. I actually look better now at 35 than I did when I got pregnant at 24.