JUNE STARTERS - November 2nd

SW 208.5
LW 174
CW 173.5

Hey ... down ½ lb. this week ... still heading in the right direction ... woo hoo ... I'm happy with that.


  • shannahrenee
    saving for Wed.
  • linnebooc
    linnebooc Posts: 84 Member
    LW 272.8
    CW 272.8

    No change. Might be because of all the splugging I did this weekend. Bad Linne! :cry:
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    CW-144 I'm frustrated! I've been staying within my calories and exercising and no results!
  • schlieffen
    I've had a bad case of the flu since last week (doctors say its likely H1N1, but aren't testing), so I've been lounging in bed/on the couch and barely eating anything all weekend. I'm starting to feel better, my fever is going down and the aches and chill are gone finally! I also found out that having the flu is one way to quickly lose a lot of weight (definitely NOT recommended though!). So while I have ridiculous numbers this week, I anticipate gaining some of it back once I get healthy again.

    SW 182.4
    LW 148.8
    CW 144.4

    Hope all of you stay healthy! :flowerforyou:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    SW: 253.4 lbs (June 26)
    LW: 208.6
    CW: 206.4

    Progress this week: - 2.2 lbs
    Total Progress: - 47.0 lbs

    It's been a busy week and very hectic here at work due to the H1N1 vaccination clinics running here. Hope everyone had a good Halloween and ate well despite the temptations.

    Have a great week!

  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Bumping for Wed. We just got a boatload of new customers at work so things are crazy busy. (yay!) I'll try to check in a bit but no promises.
  • Melissa_123
    Still a loser and loving it!!


    I am so excited to be getting close to the 130's..... My goal is 125 but I am not sure I would want to go that low....I might start looking old!! I don't want wrinkles!!! I might take a look after ten more pounds and just stop there....135 is not too bad....
  • Melissa_123
    I've had a bad case of the flu since last week (doctors say its likely H1N1, but aren't testing), so I've been lounging in bed/on the couch and barely eating anything all weekend. I'm starting to feel better, my fever is going down and the aches and chill are gone finally! I also found out that having the flu is one way to quickly lose a lot of weight (definitely NOT recommended though!). So while I have ridiculous numbers this week, I anticipate gaining some of it back once I get healthy again.

    SW 182.4
    LW 148.8
    CW 144.4

    Hope all of you stay healthy! :flowerforyou:

    Hey...good job....we have the same start weight and we are the same weight :bigsmile: Nice .....I am wearing a loose 8....but I am much older .......what is your size right now???
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    I just saw that I'm the spotlight of the week :) Thanks busymom for that...needed that lift! :flowerforyou:
  • yellowhouse
    down 2 lbs this week-

    sw: 265
    lw: 228.75
    cw: 226.75
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Just wanted to say that I appreciate each and every one of you ...

  • schlieffen
    Hey...good job....we have the same start weight and we are the same weight :bigsmile: Nice .....I am wearing a loose 8....but I am much older .......what is your size right now???

    Thanks! Right now I'm in a comfortable 10, but I have a bigger frame and haven't been doing much exercise to tone up :blushing: I wish I was in a loose 8! :laugh: Someday soon!
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    You're welcome Courtney, we all need a nudge some days. :happy: :flowerforyou:
  • amandadaisylotus
    Saving for Friday...
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hmmm ... this isn't going well at all ... it's only 3:45 PM and I still have to have my supper and my calories left for the day is at (negative 41). I'm pretty sure I'll be going over today. Oh well ... I'll eat something nutritious and act like I didn't go over during the day ... I'll just carry on. Hope you're all doing better then me. It all started with that Whole Grain Raspberry muffin from Tim Hortons for breakfast and it's been downhill since. :blushing: Can you believe they have 400 freaking calories???
  • ardunham07
    SW: 140
    CW: 138.9
    GW: 125

    didn't lose any weight this week, but on the upside...i didn't gain any either so i'll take that :)
  • Melissa_123
    Hey...good job....we have the same start weight and we are the same weight :bigsmile: Nice .....I am wearing a loose 8....but I am much older .......what is your size right now???

    Thanks! Right now I'm in a comfortable 10, but I have a bigger frame and haven't been doing much exercise to tone up :blushing: I wish I was in a loose 8! :laugh: Someday soon!
    well I am only 5'4' (really a little over 3" but whatever) so height could be a thing. You will be there in like 5 pounds I guess...that is how it went for me, just all of the sudden
  • shannahrenee
    LW: 191
    CW: 189.5

    Down another 1.5 yay!!! I'm super excited to be in the 180's I'm just nervous it won't last. :ohwell:
  • busymom74
    busymom74 Posts: 3,341 Member
    Sw; 195
    LW: 165.9
    CW: 165.9!!

    Whoo! No change! I'm pretty excited since Friday, sat and sun, I didn't count calories but I tried to offset it with working out and I know I'm bad at estimating. YAY!
  • thirtyby40
    thirtyby40 Posts: 702 Member
    Well I am down a pound. I will take it for sure.