Abdomen/back cramps while biking

I rode 14 miles this evening- averaging 14.6 mph on my road bike. Half way through my ride I started getting horrible cramps in my abdomen and back. Didn't really feel like it was a digestive thing, more like muscle cramps. This has happened twice this summer, and it's so uncomfortable that making it home wasn't easy.

The only thing that was the same both times was the heat- It was 94 degrees this evening, and the other time it was pretty warm also. I know you can get heat/dehydration cramps in your legs, could I be getting them in my trunk area? I had eaten a granola bar about an hour before my ride, and the last time it was a banana.

I would think if it was something with my seat position, etc., it would bother me all the time. I've been riding all summer.

Any experienced cyclists who might have some answers?

Thanks. I appreciate any suggestions. I'd really like to avoid this happening again-



  • Julie7741
    Julie7741 Posts: 93 Member
    I did some more research and I think I answered my own question-

    According to WebMD, you can get heat cramps in your abdominal muscles and in back muscles. It was incredibly hot this evening and I haven't had enough water today. I had water on the bike, but didn't drink enough throughout the day.

    I was sweating a TON, and was really pushing myself (before the cramps, that is... ) I didn't realize how hot I was because it was pretty breezy on the bike. Before the pain started my avg. speed was 17 mph, with a few small hills in the ride. I am really surprised that my legs didn't start cramping first.

    I will be more serious about my 8 glasses a day in the future!! Everyone, drink your water :)