A big step

I made a big step yesterday and I am proud of myself! So far I have been just trying to eat all the foods I want in moderation but I figured out after a couple months that just wasn't working. I havn't been able to really give up eating my comfort foods. So yesterday at the grocery store I didn't BUY my comfort chips and salsa or my reduced fat cheez its. I can't eat them if I don't have them. It feels really good! I am starting fresh today and I think that I can do it! :smile: If anyone else is hanging onto a couple of foods, let them go! It feels awesome not to be dependent on corn chips.


  • Timothy2000
    my worst is pizza, this weekend I did really good though and only had a slice on saturday and a small slice on sunday, it helped to have a salad with each one to help curb the want for more. I threw out all my junk food the other day and slowly trying to get away from potatoes, Other than that I feel wonderful I have more energy than I ever did.