How did YOU break binge monster ?



  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    I weigh myself in the morning, every day. THAT stops me binging as it's just not worth it to see 1 or 2lbs up the next day.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    I found setting myself the challenge of no processed food for 2 weeks - nothing with an ingredients list or in a packet has really helped ( so far 12 days / 2 weekends with no binges and i have not had cravings!

    also doing online research on the health effects of trans fats, and sugar ( and then searching for the truth rather then teh hype

    watching "super size me"

    peppermint tea and 100% liquorice pastilles (store liquorice is 6% or so so very strong) when a craving hits (either or and not both at the same time)

    good luck and if you do fall of the wagon, try to get back on ASAP no " oh well I've eaten XXX i might as well give up for (today/ever)
    try to make each binge less bad and each post binge unhealthiness shorter!

    you can do it

    also someone posted this on the motivational sayings thread.
    " you are not a dog, - don't reward yourself with food!"
  • graelwyn
    graelwyn Posts: 1,340 Member
    I noticed immediate difference when I did the following:

    -cut carbs/sugar
    -cut wheat out of diet
    -up healthy fats

    The reduction in carbs/sugar was the first thing I did, and it only takes 2-3 days to not feel hungry. I eat more of my own version of low carb but pretty close to Atkins, and feels great. Every now and then I will have an off plan day and I notice the difference in how I feel when I have more carbs/sugar.

    I also took wheat out of my diet. I've been reading how wheat today is not the same as our grandparents and may be bad for human health. Strangest thing is that I've never been more regular in my life. Also, this seems to b the thing that REALLY did the trick. I haven't had a binge in months. I recommend looking at the Wheat Belly website since I know they had a testimonial recently on the blog of a woman who had a horrible eating/binge disorder and finally was able to control it after removing wheat.

    It is true, 90% of the foods I end up bingeing on contain both wheat and sugar. I rarely, if ever crave anything savoury to binge on. I bought some sprouted grain bread, which literally has only sprouted wheat in it, so am hoping that will be okay to use when I am feeling the desire for a sandwich or something. But yeah, I sometimes wonder if I am intolerant to wheat and the like, simply due to the insane cravings I get.

    And, for the record, personal opinion wise, when I speak of binge, I do not mean an extra glass of alcohol or a muffin, those are slip-ups, not binges. My binges usually exceed 4000 calories of sugary, wheat based things (think doughnuts, cookies, muffins, peanut M+Ms, cheesecake(oddly my most severe craving lately), shortbread, danish pastries) consumed in one sitting.