Eating your workout calories?



  • DeMarraDontStop
    DeMarraDontStop Posts: 342 Member
    Just telling you what worked for me and I tried this method for a full week where I ate close to all my exercise calories and I did not lose a pound (I didn't gain but I didn't lose either)! You will need to see what works for you to be really sure! But, now I know exactly what to do when I am ready to maintain! Good luck either way!
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    It is all about what your goals are, honestly. I lost a lot of weight sticking to a 1200 calorie diet and not eating my exercise calories back. Now that I'm down from 232 to 169 I want my body to look good, right, and not just weigh less. I eat about 1600-1700 now, basically all my exercise calories back. I can tell you, my body is looking a hell of a lot better with the extra calories than it was without. So decide what you want. Do you just want to lose weight fast? If so, don't eat em. Do you want to lose and tone? If so, eat em. My suggestions tho.. lots of water.. hydrated skin is much more elastic. Lift weights.. don't be afraid of it. Your body will thank you. Buy an HRM so you are getting an accurate calorie count. You will feel better about eating them back knowing what you actually burned.
  • PoliticalRN
    PoliticalRN Posts: 112 Member
    Yes, you have to eat your workout calories if you are on such a low daily calorie as 1200. If you eat too little your body will go into starvation mode and hold on to all of the fat to save it. It's the feast to famine phenomenon. There is a tool on this site you can use to figure out how much calorie your organs need to live on and that's based on your weight, sex, age and height. It may be worth looking at. It's the BMR Tool under the tools tab. I've been successful in consistently losing weight since April 26th and I am also on 1200 calorie a day but I always eat my workout calories!
  • awillkies
    awillkies Posts: 53 Member
    this is awesome! great info. and sorry if it's redundent to some of you but it really truly helps the people who just found MFP - and especially for me, as i'm a little overwhelmed taking in all this 'new' info in (but it's making sense slowly) :-)
  • There are a certain amount of calories your body needs so that it wont go into starvation mode and start storing fat. That's why when I log in my food for the day the message at the bottom of the screen tells me to eat more calories if I don't eat my work out calories.
  • I would get a Resting Metabolic Rate. Mine is 1600 cals if I laid around all day and did nothing, which is medium to low for my age 55. But I exercise vigorously about 5 hours a week, so I make sure with My fitness pal show I'm getting enough protein first and then I "net" 1200 calories for the day. A person will stop losing if your not getting adequate protein and exercising at least 5 days a week.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Op, the "starvation mode" crap, is crap. Unless you have 8% bf or less you are not going to go into starvation mode by netting less than 1200 calories. It's not that serious. If you notice headaches, cramping, menstrual cycle issues, etc. those are things to pay attention to. The idea that if you only eat 1200 calories now you will gain it all back later is crap, too. If you gain it all back later it is because you lack discipline, you ate way to much, moved way to less and made really bad choices later. It isn't because you are choosing to eat 1200 now. IF you do choose to stick at 1200 what is most important is nutrition. All 1200 calories must be nutrient dense. If they aren't, you will not succeed. Drop processed foods. Eat lots of lean protein and lots of fiber. Like I said before, I lost 60 lbs eating 1200 calories. I never went over 1400. Now I'm eating 1600-1700 because my goals are different. I haven't gained an ounce by increasing. Once I hit my ultimate goal, I expect to be able to eat 2200 or so and still stay active just like I am now and not gain an ounce. Just choose your goals wisely.
  • PoliticalRN
    PoliticalRN Posts: 112 Member
    Op, the "starvation mode" crap, is crap. Unless you have 8% bf or less you are not going to go into starvation mode by netting less than 1200 calories. It's not that serious. If you notice headaches, cramping, menstrual cycle issues, etc. those are things to pay attention to. The idea that if you only eat 1200 calories now you will gain it all back later is crap, too. If you gain it all back later it is because you lack discipline, you ate way to much, moved way to less and made really bad choices later. It isn't because you are choosing to eat 1200 now. IF you do choose to stick at 1200 what is most important is nutrition. All 1200 calories must be nutrient dense. If they aren't, you will not succeed. Drop processed foods. Eat lots of lean protein and lots of fiber. Like I said before, I lost 60 lbs eating 1200 calories. I never went over 1400. Now I'm eating 1600-1700 because my goals are different. I haven't gained an ounce by increasing. Once I hit my ultimate goal, I expect to be able to eat 2200 or so and still stay active just like I am now and not gain an ounce. Just choose your goals wisely.
    Being a medical professional I will cite my source. Starvation mode is a scientifically known phenomenon. Below is a link from a physician's blog site. I have many other research studies to support my position. Here is an easy to read article: