Jillian Michaels Flush

Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
Today I started a flush by Jillian Michaels and was wondering if anyone else has done this and if it worked?

Jillian Michaels recipe for losing 5 pounds in 7 days...

Get 60 ounces of distilled or pure water...
Add a tablespoon of sugar free cranberry juice...
Add 1 dandelion root tea bag and...
Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

This recipe works because it helps flush out excess water weight you have carrying around in your body and...

You could lose more than 5 pounds in 7 days depending on how much excess water weight you're carrying around


  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306

    I haven't done it but it sounds interesting. How many days do you do this? Do you eat as well or only drink the tea?
  • tjones7
    tjones7 Posts: 306
    Sorry, I see that you said it's for seven days:happy:
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    Hmmmm interesting. Do you just ingest that all day with nothing else? or is it in addition to your regular meals? :smokin: How does it work exactly?
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Today I started a flush by Jillian Michaels and was wondering if anyone else has done this and if it worked?

    Jillian Michaels recipe for losing 5 pounds in 7 days...

    Get 60 ounces of distilled or pure water...
    Add a tablespoon of sugar free cranberry juice...
    Add 1 dandelion root tea bag and...
    Add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.

    This recipe works because it helps flush out excess water weight you have carrying around in your body and...

    You could lose more than 5 pounds in 7 days depending on how much excess water weight you're carrying around

    No food?
    That can't be good
  • tron3002
    tron3002 Posts: 440 Member
    Thank you for the recipe. But along with the question about the food, how much are you supposed to drink a day? The whole 60 oz?
  • jowily
    jowily Posts: 189 Member
    Here is a link to a short video from Jillian - not sure it answers the questions...but here you go.

  • jowily
    jowily Posts: 189 Member
    Here is somemore - from another website

    she gave some tips to the readers of Ok! Magazine on how they can quickly lose a dress size for an upcoming event. Here are nine things a gal can do:

    1. Take three to five days to prepare.

    2. Drink a gallon of water a day with two tea bags of dandelion tea, all-natural cranberry juice and the juice of one lemon.

    3. Eat asparagus and a little watermelon. The potassium helps flush water out.

    4. No salt. Sodium-rich foods include cold cuts, most meat, anything processed.

    5. Avoid tanning because the sun will dehydrate you. If you want color, go for a spray tan.

    6. Work out.

    7. Spend three 20-minute sessions in a sauna and sweat it out of your cells.

    8. Avoid carbs.

    9. Go to a spa and get a body wrap.

    Jillian also said that when she doesn’t have time to workout she avoids the empty calories of alcohol.
  • MollySue30
    MollySue30 Posts: 288 Member
    I tried the flush from Jillian's and I couldn't stomach the taste of it at all. The root tea bags are very nasty and it has a very bitter taste to it. I thought it was a waste of my money. Just my input.

    Good Luck if you try it. I just didn't like the taste of it. :sad:
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Well I wasnt 100% sure if you ate foods but I just thought you did so I am.

    I am still doing my regualr routine but with adding the mixture of dandlion tea, cranberry and lemon juice.

    I actually like the taste of the mixture but need to find somewhere cheaper to buy the tea since I live in canda and got it at the nutrtion house and was $12 for 16bags!

    Well keeping my fingers crossed that it works!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    I did this, for the whole 7 days, and lost only one pound. I ate my normal healthy diet, exercised every day etc. The thing with this is that if you don't have any water weight you won't lose any weight. I was already drinking 60 oz of water a day so I wasn't retaining much, obviously. It's a real pain in the butt though really for what it's worth, and it's gross, tasted like watery lemon and dandelion. I lost more when I wasn't doing this honestly, I wouldn't bother, but that's just me. :bigsmile:
    If you do choose to continue it, I bought my tea from Well.ca (I'm in Canada too) and it was under $4, free shipping and was at my house in a few days. I think the company is out of Hamilton or Cambridge or something like that.
  • Kta277
    Kta277 Posts: 1

    I have a question, do you have to boil the 60 oz water?

    Thanks! :)
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    Sorry to rain on everyone's parade, but i simply do not see the point in any of these "flushes" or "detoxes", other than lining the wallets of their creators.

    If you simply drink enough water and avoid high sodium, you will lose water weight free of charge.

    There is no 'magic bullet'!
  • flutterby321
    flutterby321 Posts: 3 Member
    If you aren't carrying much water weight, I don't reccomend trying this because it will most likely be a waste of money (and a big let down). Some say it's hard to tell the difference between fat and water, but if you seem bloated, don't drink very much fluids/don't urinate very often, eat more than the recommended amount of sodium, and absolutely LOVE carbs (like me!), then you're probably filled to the brim with H20. So I say, if you're in doubt and want to see a few pounds gone, you might as well give it a try. I mean what is there to lose really? The stuff isn't THAT expensive, and it's most definitely not BAD for you, so either way it's worth a shot. Plus, if it works for you, seeing the pounds drop like that may be very good motivation to keep dieting and exercising :)

    You don't need to boil the water, but it has to be pure or distilled, not tap. Obviously if you have a Brita filter or whatever, that works just fine. I tried this a loooonnngggg time ago and it seemed to work pretty well for me, but I think I'm going to try it again with some substitutes. Maybe green tea instead of dandelion root because it's easier to get. I don't know how that'll work out, but I think the important part is that you're getting at least 60 ounces a day in, the other stuff just helps kick-start the process. Anyway, I'll let you know what happens! Good luck to anyone who tries this!!
  • SIGP229
    Further proof that Jillian is a complete idiot.
  • Curvy1taliana
    Curvy1taliana Posts: 371 Member
    I have drank this before and it does work. I just brewed 1 cup of hot water with the tea, then when finished steeping, I poured the tea into the rest of the water.
    I have this tea at my local grocery store, so I plan on doing this again :)
  • dreamjo
    dreamjo Posts: 104 Member
    How did it work for you? :)
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    Everything that comes out of Jillian's mouth should be flushed.
  • afulton1
    I was wondering if you eat with this cleanse?
  • gigiangelique
    gigiangelique Posts: 233 Member
    yeah it did not work for me at all . it backed me up and made me bloated.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    and after the flush---your body goes right back to retaining water if you aren't drinking enough daily anyway.
    there's no magic pill! Its about a lifestyle change if you want to keep the weight off! Hard work and dedication-not Sensa or pixie dust!