sahm 11/2 - 11/8



  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    HI everyone,
    I haven't been on this thread in a while. Just caught up on everyone's post and sounds like everyone is trucking along.

    -stacy- I need to vacuum as well #1 household chore, but my #1 exercise for today is go for my walk. I can't believe it's been almost a week since my last walk around my neighborhood. I miss it :sad: I plan to do that and thend head to the gym today for some circuit
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    good for you shera! walking feels so good. that's one of the things i miss about not having the puppy (one of just a few :tongue: ).
    going for that long walk first thing in the morning is my fave. of course, i could still do that sans puppy--but you know how that goes!

    have a great workout!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Today my inner compulsive buyer reared it's ugly head and I splurged and bought a Wii, Wii Fit Plus, Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010, and Biggest Loser. I think I am well stocked for working out indoors over the winter.
    At least there won't be any more excuses to get it done, right? Let's hope!
    They should be here by the 20th. I have been working hard this week, getting ready to go to a business function in St. George, UT, and between that & chasing a 16 month old, I am bushed.
    Okay, done ranting. Just tired and wanted to feel included in this week's thread :)
  • amypyr
    amypyr Posts: 660 Member
    Hello ladies! I have done really well with my kids' Halloween candy today. I only ate 2 pieces. :happy: And that was all the candy I ate today. The ones they didn't like are already gone. Luckily, there weren't too many of them to begin with, and with my splurge on Monday, there were only about 3 of them left yesterday.

    It's supposed to be nice again tomorrow, so I will not make any excuses! I will get home from work in plenty of time to walk to pick up the kids.

    I hope everyone has had a good Wednesday! :flowerforyou:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    So even though I was super naughty last week, I still lost a pound. I was positive I put 2 lbs on, but I didn't. Wow, I feel better about that. I guess I wasn't as terrible as I thought. What a relief! Here's to getting back on the horse and plugging along.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    yay trish and amy!

    having the right tools is very helpful trish. so i hope you enjoy your new purchases!

    my eating wasn't great last night, but i'm holding steady. i did improve my water intake. and vacuuming done.

    later chickadees :heart:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    GM ladies:happy: ..I think I am fried from pre-algebra this morning! I am sure my son is!LOL I am still frustrated, but a little calmer today!:wink:

    Trish and Amy-good job! We are all there riding right beside ya!

    Stacey- would you mind swinging by and vaccuuming my place? LOL:laugh: :laugh: :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member

    how do you know when your toddler is transitioning off of naps?? what are the signs? and what do you do for it schedule wise??
    have him nap on m,w, f??

    i need some kind of routine but he seems to be getting up earlier in the am...he used to nap for 2hrs every day, go to bed at 8/8:30pm and wake just before 7am.

    help :indifferent:
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member

    how do you know when your toddler is transitioning off of naps?? what are the signs? and what do you do for it schedule wise??
    have him nap on m,w, f??

    i need some kind of routine but he seems to be getting up earlier in the am...he used to nap for 2hrs every day, go to bed at 8/8:30pm and wake just before 7am.

    help :indifferent:

    My dd just turned 3 in aug. and she's not napping any more :cry: she just stopped sleeping at nap time. Instead she would just sit in her room. I still enforce quiet time, she can lay there, read a book or anything that includes her in the room quietly. That way I keep my sanity and she gets a little rest. If she's having a really good day and not to tired I let her have quiet time on the couch. Sometimes I get lucky and if she's in her room she will eventually fall asleep. But gone are the days of long nap times.
    The good part about her not napping is she does go to bed earlier. Our routine was wake up about 7, nap around 12-12:30 until 2. Then bed time around 8:30-9
    Now she gets up about 7. Has quiet time at 1 for about and hour (sometimes 30 min) and then goes to bed around 7:30-8
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    I wish I could help you Stacey, but my kids are older and they are actually my step-kids. I wasn't around for their toddler years.

    As for me...I figured, what the heck....since I'm frustrated about my weight, lets measure myself. Since I haven't measured myself in 2 weeks. I lost another 2 inches total!!! YEAH me!!! :drinker: :drinker: :bigsmile: It is a total of 4 inches since September. I am glad for that!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks shera! i'm figuring it's going to be day by day right now. he conked out in the car today at 12:30 but he might not need a nap tomorrow at all.
    my other ones were more clear cut. oldest napped for YEARS and middle stopped in a clear cut way. she requires the least amt of sleep of all my kids.

    so, i now have 2 hours to eat, mop and....exercise?? or cook dinner? or futz around. hmmm

    hope you are all having a good afternoon. nicolee--awesome on losing inches!! that is GREAT!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    still not great eating at night. but better than last night??
    no exercise but did mop the main area.
    and i must, i must, i must EXERCISE

  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Stacy, good luck on getting some exercise in.

    Shera, I don't know what to tell you about nap times. Shar's 2 and still takes naps, atleast an 1.5 hour nap.

    Nicholee, congrats on losing inches. I lost .5 at my waist! You inspired me to check my measurements.

    If I missed anyone I'm sorry, I'm trying to catch up on a page and a half of posts. So hey all!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    gm ladies! :flowerforyou:
    holding steady on the scale. dressed for exercise so after take the girls to school, it's home for a workout. then to gymboree for boy's class.

    oldest goes on an overnighter (2nts) w/the synagogue tonight. it will be nice just having the little two.

    hope you all have a great am!
  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    Have a good weekend, Stacey. I hope your oldest has a good time. Have fun with the work out!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Stacey....go get 'em with the exercise! It is always a little easier when there is one less kiddo around!

    Silver- I am so glad I inspired you to measure!! That's awesome that you lost a 1/2 inch on your waist!

    I haven't lost any weight this week, but the inches are cool!
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    AHHH I just need to vent for a moment. Today i'm having a very hard time the my patience and my willpower. I had a great morning went to my first MOPS meeting and I had a really great time getting to know some new people and haning out with other moms.
    Then I got home and entered in my food for the a.m. and I did HORRIBLE. I thougth I made some good choices there but I was WAY off. it's only 3pm here and i'm in the hole by -300....

    Then I pick up my ds from kindergarden and he and my dd have done nothing but fight, bicker, whine, and get angry w/ eachother for the last hour. Now I want my halloween candy, but thankfully it's frozen and I want nothing more then to curl up with some pj's right now and eat some candy :explode:

    Today has been a tough one for me to say the least. Atleast now that i've written it down it seems so trivial :cry: but the fighting between the 2 of them has been on going for a while and i'm just wooped. Between everything in the news with the shootings, my husbands a in the coast guard so the c-130 crash really hit home. Now I just checked the news & more shooting in FL.
    i'm hoping I can sort this fighting out between my kiddos. I'm trying to pick myself up by giving myself a MFP break LOL . They are in their rooms for a moment and then I plan on going for a walk with them, maybe wear them out find some interesting "treasures" and have a good weekend.
    Thanks for the shoulder...
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Shera- I feel your pain!!! My dd and ds both bicker all of the time and they are 13 and 16. I relief and asinking feeling to you probably, knowing that you are not alone with that, and that they will still be bickering when they are older!:ohwell: :frown:

    Just chalk it up as a bad day today and move on from here. Next time you have a meeting, know you will have to make different choices, or do what I do....I eat before I go to things like that. I am still tempted, but after the initial temptation, I start to feel empowered after I see all of the junk other people eat!!!:tongue: Hang in there, and don't beat yourself up too much!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    ((((HUGS)))) shera

    sounds like a rough day. and it's not trivial. our lives are made up of all these small things and it's hard/draining on us when we hear our precious children be mean to each other. they can't see how precious they are and they just go after each other. :grumble:
    so, i totally understand. i'm glad the mops mtg gave you good company. that's important--and hopefully you'll make some more irl mommy friends to shoulder the burden on days like today.

    btw, thanks to you, your dh and kids for his coast guard service. i'd put a waving flag here if i knew how to do those things. :flowerforyou:

    i hope you were able to find some peace tonight and that the candy stayed in the freezer. if it's still too tempting, THROW IT OUT! you're a grown up and if you really want candy some time, you can go to the store and buy it at that moment rather than having it around whispering your name.

    (((HUGS))) again. and sweet dreams. :heart:
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    ((((HUGS)))) shera

    sounds like a rough day. and it's not trivial. our lives are made up of all these small things and it's hard/draining on us when we hear our precious children be mean to each other. they can't see how precious they are and they just go after each other. :grumble:
    so, i totally understand. i'm glad the mops mtg gave you good company. that's important--and hopefully you'll make some more irl mommy friends to shoulder the burden on days like today.

    btw, thanks to you, your dh and kids for his coast guard service. i'd put a waving flag here if i knew how to do those things. :flowerforyou:

    i hope you were able to find some peace tonight and that the candy stayed in the freezer. if it's still too tempting, THROW IT OUT! you're a grown up and if you really want candy some time, you can go to the store and buy it at that moment rather than having it around whispering your name.

    (((HUGS))) again. and sweet dreams. :heart:

    Thank you so much, I made it through :tongue: Let's just put yesterday behind us because darn it I just had to make it better. The kids and I went for a walk, but didn't make it far, ended up at the playground a few blocks up and they played. Thankfully they played amazing together, we had a bunch of friends up there and had a great time. Even stayed for 3 hours! I know, puts a smile on my face just thinking about it. No candy in my body :drinker: and everything was as it should be. We even went to dinner with some friends and I made good choices, the kids felt like they wern't even there our friends daughter kept our 2 company and they were awsome all through dinner :happy: Almost felt like a double date w/ no kids !! WHOOHOO.
    Back to myself today, picked myself up and even went to spinning class bright and early this am.! Burned 700+ calories today so I'm feeling much better.
    Have a wonderful day everyone big hugs

    thanks Stacy for your kind words on the coast guard, i'm so proud of my husband for what he does. I just wish he didn't have to work yesterday or we would have driven to sacramento to see the memorial service.
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