any ideas on STRESS & weight LOSS

So most have probably heard the ties between stress levels and weight gain (either due to cortisol increase, eating junk food or not so healthy comfort food, becoming still or for some going so fast in your workday schedule that you decrease your eating) does anyone have any thoughts/ideas on battling stress to keep weightloss and healthy habits on track.

For example, today i left with healthy fruits and my usual 56oz bottle of ice water. (8:30am) By 11:00am all ice was gone, by 2pm i had realized that i had not eaten anything. tried to eat my grapes and they were actually too hot to eat( between 102-106 outside temp) By 330, I could not deal with the stress of the day and not eating and finally had lunch. (not too healthy and on the run). On the other side, I was walking in an out of hospitals, counselors office, resources office, homes, etc. (much more movement than on a daily day) only sitting down to drive from one place to the other. (may be sitting for the longest 30 minutes.) Day ended at 6pm. This is the short version of a very tense job.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated because i just found out that this may be an ongoing issues until next year due to the situation. Job is normally stressful, but i had been sticking to a better schedule and making it all balance and will not be able too regularly anymore.

thanks in advance:)


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Exercise is the best thing I know of to combat stress.