Big Bouncy Boobs and Group Classes

I was wondering if any other well-endowed ladies out there dread jumping jacks, burpees, knee jumps, and other activities that were clearly designed by men (or women who are either smaller than a B or have fake boobs and don't have to worry). Even when I was at a healthy weight I had size DD breasts and with weight gain over the years (+ genetics) they have gone up to a GG.

Doing bouncy activities in small group settings makes me self-conscious because when I look in the mirror all I see is MY boobs going up and down. Moreover, they seriously can bounce up to my neck and make me feel like I'm choking! I also have a fear that they will get stretched out or lose firmness if I do too many bouncy activities....

I have invested in an AH-MAZE-ING Sports Bra ("The Shock Absorber") which has helped tremendously - but with boobs that weigh 7lbs each I still find these kinds of exercises uncomfortable.

Wondering if other women can relate - and what kinds of things you do to modify when you are in group fitness situations...


  • Anastasiasosa
    Anastasiasosa Posts: 36 Member
    I've lost some of my fullness so I just wear one bra now but in the beginning I was wearing an underwire bra and a sports bra on top. The sports bra kinda squishes them down and keeps them jumping at the same rhythm and the underwire just adds support. :wink:
  • blackgem98
    blackgem98 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey there. I am one of those insensitive smaller than B instructors that often forget the woes of my more endowed partners in fitness. :-) I apologize to you and all of them, we just don't think when we have you bouncing all around. :-) I'm joking, of course. You have done the thing that I have suggested to Ladies, an amazing sports bra, and sometimes they double up and wear two. You can always change a jack into a squat, or just don't make it as bouncy. Trust me though, you are self concious, but so is everyone else in the class regardless of their breast size, I say this to say, everybody is paying attention to themselves. Rarely do they focus on someone else in the group. :-) We are all too busy watching what on our own bodies are jiggling. You have an awesome awesome weekend.
  • Shawnette97
    Shawnette97 Posts: 29 Member
    I feel your pain. I wear two sports bras and that seems to help.:smile:
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I don't do group classes, but it is seriously painful if I don't support myself properly... I wear my normal bra(to keep everything in place) and a tight sports bra(to pin it all down!) Good luck!
  • DistantJ
    DistantJ Posts: 155 Member
    I wear two bras, and plan to invest in a compression top to go over it as well. I'm a G, not a GG, but they are still completely embarrassing. I stand where I can't see myself in the mirror and try not to think about it!
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    I've lost some of my fullness so I just wear one bra now but in the beginning I was wearing an underwire bra and a sports bra on top. The sports bra kinda squishes them down and keeps them jumping at the same rhythm and the underwire just adds support. :wink:
  • Cathy_ann913
    Cathy_ann913 Posts: 59 Member
    I attempted to do the 30 Day Shred, but when it got to the jumping jacks, I gave up. I've heard many people say they wear two sports bra, i haven't tried it, but maybe I will. From one bouncy bounce to another, work it out! Wishing you luck on your journey!
  • KettleBellHoe
    awesome problem to have
  • crowunruh
    crowunruh Posts: 246 Member
    I personally don't worry about it. I doubt the other people in the class are paying attention, they are too worried about what they doing.
  • nascarbettie
    nascarbettie Posts: 69 Member
    I've been trying to find a good sports bra. I'm a DDD and when I've worn my regular bra under my sports bra I have some major chaffing (keeps me from working out from it too). Any suggestions for a good sports bra? I've only found 1 I can wear and honestly I can hardly get it off when I'm soaked in sweat. I wish I could find one with a zipper or something.
  • RoseAsRose
    I appreciate everyone's posts!!! So glad I'm not the only one who feels physically and emotionally uncomfortable with jumping jacks!!! [ and if I COULD find someone to hold them during the workout that would probably actually help =)

    I like the idea of an underwire bra under a sport's bra! The bra that I recently purchased that has really helped is the Shock Absorber - the website has a "Bounce O Meter" and lets you put in your size and then simulates what a girl your size looks like running while naked, with a regular bra, and with a shock absorber:

    That website is based out of the New Zealand though, so I actually purchased my bra from:

    Here are some other good blogs with reviews of bras for busty ladies that I came across in my "quest" for a supportive bra:
  • RoseAsRose
    You can always change a jack into a squat, or just don't make it as bouncy.

    That is a good idea! Still get the leg work out... Awesome that you are a fitness teacher btw!
  • RoseAsRose
    I wear two bras, and plan to invest in a compression top to go over it as well. I'm a G, not a GG, but they are still completely embarrassing. I stand where I can't see myself in the mirror and try not to think about it!

    Yes - It makes me feel like I'm at some kind of burlesque show gone wrong... I like the idea of a compression top!
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    glad you got the shock absorber.
    I dont think there is any reason that your boobs should be bouncing up and down more than a half inch. The secret is making sure the band size is really tight. yes it might not be as comfortable but its only for an hour or so, and with the best sports bra in the world you just will not stop the bounce unless that band is tight as that is where most of the support comes from (NOT the straps). I am a 34GG/H and dont bounce one bit! I too have the shock absorber, I can jump up and down for hours now :D
    Enjoy your exercise! x
  • KarenLamyman
    Absolutley, intructor last night kept doing calf raises and jumping jacks total night mare. I wear a sports bra and a tight sports crop top, especially when rebounding. Feel for ya chick.
  • kittyr77
    kittyr77 Posts: 419 Member
    I've been trying to find a good sports bra. I'm a DDD and when I've worn my regular bra under my sports bra I have some major chaffing (keeps me from working out from it too). Any suggestions for a good sports bra? I've only found 1 I can wear and honestly I can hardly get it off when I'm soaked in sweat. I wish I could find one with a zipper or something.

    Its never going to be majorly comfortable but I wear mine for a couple hours at a time with no chafing and easy to get on/off. Its the D+ shock absorber. Make sure the band size is really tight, you should struggle to fit a finger under it. Because the band is so wide this isnt as painful as it sounds! Also, the higher the bra commes up at the top, the more it'll hold the girls down. I just tried this panache one and it was so low that every time i jumped the b(r)easts literally flew out the top, no good! No need for the double bra. That sounds sweaty and uncomfortable. A vest with lycra over the top helps too. Im a GG/H.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    quite frankly burpees and similar exercises are the work of the devil........

    I may try the double bra idea (at a 34D I am feeling quite titchy). But so often I see women running without sports bras and have to really really stop myself from shaking them by the shoulders and shouting 'WEAR A BLOODY SPORTS BRA!!!'

    sorry. I just needed to get that off my chest...
  • alliwithaneye
    alliwithaneye Posts: 163 Member
    I have this problem too and it hurts! (38D) I always had small b's and then had a baby and BAM d's! The husband appreciates them however they are such a nuisance. I found 1 workout bra that fits and hooks (success!) but can't seem to find a sports bra to fit over it. They all seem to be made for teeny tiny people >_< The shock absorber looks and sounds amazing but unfortunately I can't afford that right now or anytime soon :(
  • RoseAsRose
    Yeah- the shock absorber is an investment - i had to save $$ and waited for a friend to buy it first and give me a review. Cheaper than a reduction tho...and it is well made so I'm thinking it should last for a while.
  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    Same problem here! (I am a 36 D).
    I bought an amazing sports bra from Nike and I have several different models of shock absorber.
    I find they work best when they are really TIGHT, the "I don't think I can breath properly" kind of tight. I never had to wear two, because the ones I have are doing a great job so far, but I am afraid I will have to buy new ones soon as I am losing weight and it's getting a little expensive.