3stone before christmas!? Let's get it done

Hi everyone
I love this site, its brilliant but i havent used it to it's full potential.

About me: 29, Marketing Exec in London who is 3 stone away from my goal of 10stone. I want to get there by Christmas if I can and I Would love some support, help, tips, assistance, motivations, anything you think you can throw at me that would help me reach my goal and vice versa, would be great to meet some new people to help you achieve your fitness goals too.

Good Luck and i'm looking forward to getting to know everyone on here a little better

Rebecca x


  • ZivileZu
    ZivileZu Posts: 56 Member
    Hey !

    I need to lose about 2 stone (if my conversion is correct). We can try doing it together :)
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I'd like to lose another stone by xmas but having difficulty getting re-motivated as already been dieting a year and getting fed up (stuck in a plateau i think)

    What diet and exercises are you doing? I think I need to try something different but having hard time getting started!
  • lisamlc
    lisamlc Posts: 61
    I would love to lose three stone by Christmas and I make that to be 2.15lbs a week between now and then (19.5 weeks for 42lbs) Totally do-able if we work hard and support each other! Friend request coming at you!
  • cathomer
    cathomer Posts: 88
    Sounds doable, feels like a lot though, I'm sure I could do it if I put my mind to it. Maybe doing it as a sponsored slim would help keep the motivation up. I don't know how that works though, what happens if you don't lose the weight? do you just get people to pledge and only give the money when you've lost it?
    Would be a great Christmas present to me if I could do it!
  • cathomer
    cathomer Posts: 88
    I mean the losing weight, obviously not the sponsored bit lol.
  • DaEndgame
    Hey Peeps,

    Just a lil about myself since I don't plan to write my whole life story on here lol. The name is troy, I stay in miami, I work as a retail specialist for a company that I love so much. I am strong focused and determined to reach for the highest star in the sky. I am a true definition of a friend as well as a wonderful person to seek advice from. I try my best to live my life without anger or hate which can be quite difficult at times. But I also like to make my own determinations about something. I don't care what race, gender, sexuality, religion, body shape, disability you may be/are. My heart will forever treat you as a human being as long as you treat me the same. If you want to get to know me more just drop a line, I'm down to earth. My goal is to get fit in time before new years and just be healthy, life is too short and i think by getting to know people on here I will know that I am not alone on my journey. If any of you guys or girls want to add me as a friend please by all mean stop by my page and do so. I'm an open book.

  • littlemissmo83
    littlemissmo83 Posts: 25 Member
    hey guys, great to meet you all and will be sending out friend requests so we can keep each other motivated!

    Currently I am trying to really keep my food clean, whole foods, and keeping my cardio up, mixed and fitting in weight training too. I am a member of pure gym and attending pure loser so i'm getting weighed tomorrow. their incentive is great as whoever in your class loses the most body fat in 6 weeks wins a years gym membership! what a great prize - so that is keeping me "eye on the prize"

    a sponsored weight loss would be ace, although you could always do it with a partner or friend perhaps and if you give them £10 for every kilo you want to lose, then they can give it back to you for every kilo you lose. so if you want to lose 20kg, give them £200 and weigh in each week with them and they can give you back what you've earnt? Not sure if that would work maybe?

    What exercise is everyone doing? xx
  • lois_curls
    lois_curls Posts: 2 Member
    3 stone before Christmas would be a dream, I'd like to drop a stone though!
    I am joining pure loser tomorrow and hopefully it will be the kick start I need. I feel ready for it!
    I'd like to lose a stone before Christmas, it's frustrating as i eat well and excercise 4 times a week.
  • misscampbell
    Hi i do Kettlebells, strength training, exercises the "core' so tight bottom/tum it is quite cardio too so feel quite amazing after. I have a class once a week but have also bought my own KB. Hope this helps.
  • lexikay28
    This sounds GREAT! i'm sure its do-able with Good honest work :) so why not? I'M IN!

    Lexi X