How much did you lose on your first weigh in?



  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    I weigh in once a week...the fist time, I lost 3 pounds. Now it varies 1 lb, 2lbs, 3lbs, sometimes none. But whatever happens, don't get discouraged, because so many things can happen - you body is in shock, your body is holding water, you are making muscle which weighs more than fats. Just keep it up and keep up with your measurements, too :)
  • msacurrie
    msacurrie Posts: 144 Member
    Pft Puh-LEEZ! My first weigh in I gained 2 pounds... :grumble: :angry:
    After my body realized there wasn't a: famine, zombie apocalypse, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome type of Extinction Level Event... and this was going to be the new normal, on week number two I was down 4 pounds. LOL!!! :bigsmile:
    So, don't be freaked or discouraged if the number on the scale doesn't make you jump for friggin joy!


    LOL! love this :)
  • Irisheyes88
    I did my first weigh in a few days ago and had dropped 3 1/2 lbs. and have dropped and adittional 2 lbs since then all in about a 10 day period. I have completly changed my eating habits though, lots of Lean Protiens(Fish and Chicken) Green veggies, and some fruit, Yogurt and whole grains. I have probably cut 75% of my normal sugar intake wich was ALOT. I have also been going for regular walks at night and doing Zumba in the morning on the WII and plan to start Jillian Michaels 30 day shred tomarrow morning.

    Watever the outcome stay positive everybody loses at there own rate there is not "set" number for everyone.