Freedom of speech, opinions and respect!

LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
I had to start a thread. I had to.
When I saw one thread locked because a debate began in between 2 groups, I was shocked!
When I read some posts, I was shocked as well.

"15. Divisive Topics Are Better Suited For Groups, Not the Main Forums"
What's the diff? It's chit-chat and others opinion can be nice... that's what debates are for. Otherwise, it's would be like creating a sect or hate group.

You can't expect to have everyone on the same page about subjects, regardless the subject and it includes RELIGION and weight loss. But MATURE ADULTS will respect one's opinion and have CONSTRUCTIVE comments or points of views that will make a healthy debate that shouldn't be locked because of fear of... I dont know what actually.....

I am not the one that will start a fight, but I can surely participate, and I like a lil debate. But after I saw that Atheist thread, I had to start this thread and put my 2 cents on what happened. I dont care much about participating in the forum, as I am not here for that but for the counter, but I like to read it once in a while.... and add some of my own spice if I feel like it.

Anyways.... All this to say that I am not of with the mods and I am not okay with some lack of respect and nonconstructive thoughts I saw.




  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    But MFP does not have ALL only mature adults and people get heated.

    I know this because I help moderate a public forum on another site.

    This is SOP for pretty much all public forums on the web. If you want to have discussions like this, they need to be moved to a group or done between private messaging.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Well here's the point: We are not in high school to punish everyone for a bunch of... sorry.... retards. They do this in school, we are in a "adult" community. The trouble makers should be reprimanded, not the others....
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    Well here's the point: We are not in high school to punish everyone for a bunch of... sorry.... retards. They do this in school, we are in a "adult" community. The trouble makers should be reprimanded, not the others....

    And here's the problem, you think using the word "retard" is ok. I don't.

    I work with special needs students and my sister had a daughter who falls into the moderate category of "intellecutal disapbility" category.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    At this point it is. I am always clean usually., I would have say "mentally narrowed and not evolved" but I got pass this.
    This thread was about me being mad. period. When you see me going "retard" in other thread, then, I will authorized anyone to blast me.
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    It's OK, really, I"m not upset. I completely get where you are coming from. We live in a world where speech is free but in a forum, this is not always the case due to there being TOS we have to follow.

    I have seen (while moderating) small things blow up huge because of a small misunderstanding.

    It's hard to read only written words with no voice influctions and "understand" what someone else is saying.

    And in regards to "retard" for me, it's just about educating other people. It's not something I blow up about, it's something I educate people about. :wink:
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    I hear ya! And agree... still... that is what those are for --- :laugh:
    And I will repeat that if someone misunderstood... the person who was misunderstood has the duty to put things straight... but anyways, **** will always hit the fan, it's part of debates... but beside REAL "trouble makers", none should be punished for one's psychotic behavior.
    My opinion.
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Tolerance, mutual respect and civil discourse have all gone under the wheels of the politically correct bus.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    Tolerance, mutual respect and civil discourse have all gone under the wheels of the politically correct bus.

    Well said!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,458 Member
    Tolerance, mutual respect and civil discourse have all gone under the wheels of the politically correct bus.

    Well said!

    I think he was talking to you, Raven.

    And while we're quoting guidelines, here's one....
    11. No Airing of Grievances With Moderators

    a) Protesting a moderator or admin action is not allowed on the Forums or in Groups. If you have a question or concern about a moderator or admin action, please email one of the moderators or Steven, an MFP staff member, with your concern and we will investigate the matter promptly.
    b) If you have concerns about another poster, or wish to report a guideline violation, the only appropriate venue is to use the Report Post link or to message a moderator or Steven, an MFP staff member. You may not air such concerns on the message boards themselves. If you have a general concern that does not involve a specific member, you may post your question in the Feedback or Help forums.
    c) Threats made to moderators will not be tolerated, and will result in an immediate ban from the site.

  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    There are mature adults on MFP?
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    Just remember that while this is a public forum, it is privately owned. Speech is free in the context that the government cannot suppress it or punish you for it, but privately owned websites whose primary focus is to run a business - they can do whatever they want with their site.

    Which actually still leaves you with a choice. You can use it. Or you can choose not to use it. There are other options for engaging people on topics outside of this forum.
  • LaLouve_RK
    LaLouve_RK Posts: 899 Member
    What? I cant say my opinion!?!?!?!???????????!?!??!??!?!? Or even ask for opinions!?!?!?!?!?!?
  • What? I cant say my opinion!?!?!?!???????????!?!??!??!?!? Or even ask for opinions!?!?!?!?!?!?

    No, now go pout in the corner.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    While I agree always with free speech, as another said, this is a privately owned forum and they can impose the rules in any way they wish. The problem is that many threads will degenerate into flame wars and personal attacks, just look through anything with the titles like the ones below:

    Low carb

    You'll find that people fight about these topics and some can't engage in intelligent debate without devolving into name calling. Namely vegans and vegetarians that are against low carb paleo eating and are also communists...
  • Steven
    Steven Posts: 593 MFP Moderator
    We make every effort to maintain a safe and respectful environment in our public forums, so that all users can visit the forums, and get the support and encouragement they're seeking.

    To achieve this goal, we've established (and constantly update) our Community Guidelines.

    These guidelines are upheld by our moderators, a few of whom are staff, but the majority of whom are dedicated volunteers.

    An accumulation of experience has taught us that certain topics inevitably cause great upset among the users of the site, and/or present a huge time investment for the moderators to keep the conversation in these topics guideline-compliant.

    We do our best to moderate lightly, but sometimes there is no better recourse than to lock (or delete) a thread.

    Last year we launched our Groups feature precisely for the purpose of giving folks an alternative to the public forums where moderation is not bound to all of the guidelines, and where certain incendiary (or explicit) topics may be discussed without the intercession of the site-wide moderators (though groups are still obligated to uphold most of the guidelines, there are some that apply only to the main forums).

    We'll continue to evaluate our guidelines and our moderation. For now, we do require that users of our public forums abide by the guidelines. This includes the guideline that prohibits public protest of moderator actions. Threads on this topic also tend to overheat. If you have specific concerns about an act of moderation, please feel free to contact me directly at and I will be happy to respond to your concern privately.

    That being said, I do need to lock this thread per the following guideline.
    19. No Public Protests Of Moderator Actions Or Decisions

    We at MyFitnessPal are people too, and most of our forum moderators are unpaid volunteers. We all work hard to improve the site and ensure MyFitnessPal remains a positive and friendly place for everyone. When problems arise, we do our best to be fair and nice people. We require that community members interact with us in a respectful manner, and while we understand that people get upset, we will not take abuse and we reserve the right to deny you access to the site at any time.

    If you have an issue with a moderator decision or action, you may send a private message to a moderator or to Steven from the MFP Staff. But please do not post such disputes on the forums themselves.

    Thanks for your understanding,
    MyFitnessPal Staff
This discussion has been closed.