for guys: I need your help!

My brother wants to lose weight, he is a student and doesn't have time to go to the gym, but he started running on treadmill that we have in our house.
He asked me to write down the things he should eat during the day to lose weight!
He is not too fat but has 15-20 pounds to lose.
How many grams of protein should he aim for? And carbs? Oh and calories, around 2000 right?
I know how a girl should eat to lose weight but for guys i'm not so sure.


  • Woodmangler
    Woodmangler Posts: 96 Member
    Not trying to be a smarta$$ or anything, but doesn't this site have all that information? He can join up and get all of that immediately.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    he's too lazy for that, i've been trying to make him join for a while now.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    raw vegetables
  • columbus27
    columbus27 Posts: 178 Member
    I do push ups and planks on every commercial for about an hour. 40 40 20
  • chaser1977
    chaser1977 Posts: 70 Member
    Think i'm going to sound like woodmangler here, but if he's too lazy to download an app...
    That being said, tough to give any recommendations as each guy is a little different on what is needed, varies wildlydepending on goals. Just on my friends list i have guys at a 1350 cal/day goal up to 3000 cal/day goal. Best thing to do it really push the app if nothing else have him read some of the stickies.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    A very simple way of determining where to start off with your deficit it to multiply your total body weight in lbs by 11 if you are man. So, if we weighs 200 lb then that equates to 2,200 calories per day.

    if he is too lazy to even do some rough calculations I doubt he will keep a track of his macros so telling him how many grams of protein, carbs and fat to aim for is a bit pointless.

    Tell him to concentrate on high quality protein sources (chicken breast, turkey, beef, salmon, tuna, yougurt) fresh fruit and vegetables and good fats (nuts, olive oil) and keep junk food in check (some is fine but it can easily stop a fat loss routine dead in the water if left unchecked).

    Tell him to be consistent and track progress every 2 - 4 weeks or so.

    Add time and patience.

    Job done.
  • jonchew
    jonchew Posts: 239 Member
    Not trying to be a smarta$$ or anything, but doesn't this site have all that information? He can join up and get all of that immediately.
    he's too lazy for that, i've been trying to make him join for a while now.

    It seems to me that he'll need to commit to whatever it takes to lose the weight, if he's too lazy to sign-up, won't he be too lazy to make a lifestyle change? I'm not being a smarta$$ here, either, but I wasn't able to lose till I committed to lose. It's a worthwhile struggle (IMHO), but a struggle none-the-less.
  • Benphi91
    Benphi91 Posts: 31 Member
    He doesn't really need to exercise to lose weight. All he has to do is have a low carb diet and he'll lose that weight no problem.

    Avoid bread, pasta etc, lot's of protein and veggies. See how that goes for a few weeks.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    thanks guys!
    what i meant is, he is too lazy to log everything, he wanted me to roughly tell him what exactly to avoid (obviously juices, sweets, carbs...)
    i know that guys should eat more than girls even on a weight loss diet.
  • dob70
    dob70 Posts: 2
    MSF74 is right on.. Some fruits, veggies, chicken, and fish are the most effective for me. I don't log everyday as I hit my goal and then some, but I still keep up my habbits. Oh, and he might need to stay away from beer. :-) If that is his thing. I know it's tough.
  • Benphi91
    Benphi91 Posts: 31 Member
    Aim for things that aren't processed and more traditionally prepared meals. He really should use this site so he knows how many calories he should aim for, though.

    As an example, a typical day for me is:
    - Porridge
    - Tuna omelette with spinach and cottage cheese
    - Chicken breast, veggies and rice
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    - Porridge

    I thought only bears ate that....
  • columbus27
    columbus27 Posts: 178 Member
    Have him go here and it will set him up with a meal plan
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    - Porridge

    I thought only bears ate that....

    Not if little blond chicks get to it first.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    if he's too lazy to do this he's gonna be too lazy to lose weight. you cant do it for him
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    - Porridge

    I thought only bears ate that....

    Not if little blond chicks get to it first.

    Only if it's just right. Not if it's too hot or cold of course.
  • jessepants
    jessepants Posts: 60 Member
    Not trying to be a smarta$$ or anything, but doesn't this site have all that information? He can join up and get all of that immediately.
    he's too lazy for that, i've been trying to make him join for a while now.

    It seems to me that he'll need to commit to whatever it takes to lose the weight, if he's too lazy to sign-up, won't he be too lazy to make a lifestyle change? I'm not being a smarta$$ here, either, but I wasn't able to lose till I committed to lose. It's a worthwhile struggle (IMHO), but a struggle none-the-less.

    bingo...let's be honest here
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    thanks guys!
    what i meant is, he is too lazy to log everything, he wanted me to roughly tell him what exactly to avoid
    He sounds lazy in general. How much effort does it take to look up basic dietary information on the net? It's pretty lame that he has to ask you to do it for him.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    How many grams of protein should he aim for? And carbs? Oh and calories, around 2000 right?
    I know how a girl should eat to lose weight but for guys i'm not so sure.


    I eat 2000 calories and I'm a girl.
  • billx2
    billx2 Posts: 1
    - Porridge

    I thought only bears ate that....

    Not if little blond chicks get to it first.

    Ha! I'm gonna have to get some porridge in then...
  • saxmaniac
    saxmaniac Posts: 1,133 Member
    You can lose weight without MFP, and without exercise, but not without some education and committing to dietary changes permanently.

    I lost almost all the weight without using MFP. All I did was focus on my macros - I ate a lot MORE protein, LESS carbs, and moderate fat - and the carbs I ate were mostly fruit/vegetables. That happened to put me into a caloric deficit, because I felt a lot more satisfied.

    Honestly, if he need hand-holding on what specific foods to eat, and not smart enough to eyeball the proportions of fat/carbs/protein in ANY food he is presented with, then this method will fail. I have always been very aware of the carb counts in most foods since my son has Type 1 diabetes, so this was easy for me.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    It does sound like he's lazy and I don't like his approach (food avoidance).

    But, he COULD still be successful, it's just that he's doing a whole lot of guessing.

    Ultimately, he needs to reduce his calorie intake below maintenance levels and he should probably do some exercise. If he does these things he will make progress regardless of whether or not he's tracking things. It's just that it's much more difficult to be even remotely close to the proper food intake when you don't track.

    I'd read what msf posted above and basically go with that for the most part.
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    - Porridge

    I thought only bears ate that....

    Not if little blond chicks get to it first.

    Only if it's just right. Not if it's too hot or cold of course.

    Baby and Mama kind of got the shaft on that deal. Papa's was too hot, Mama's was too cold and Baby's was just right. Papa said "EFF IT! We're going for a walk so mine can cool down"

    My theory is they said "who wants to eat porridge anyway? Let's go gank some pik-a-nik baskets!"
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    Okay, no snarky answer:

    At the simplest level, a diet to get ripped is a high protein diet. You may be expecting to hear the tried and true 1 gram per pound rule. That covers you in almost every scenario. But to get ripped like a bodybuilder or fitness model, go higher. People can debate the necessity of this on weight loss forums until they're blue in the face, but here’s a fact: bodybuilders and physique athletes use very high protein intakes on pre contest cutting diets. Typically it’s 1.25 to 1.5 grams per pound of bodyweight. Some go even higher.

    Since a diet to get ripped is a high protein diet and a hypocaloric diet, you must become familiar with the staple proteins in the bodybuilding and physique athlete repertoire. Although you’re not limited to these proteins and plant based protein counts too, these are the complete proteins most frequently used by the most ripped people in the world:
    Chicken breast, turkey breast, fish, shellfish, lean red meat (example: top round), lean game meats (examples: venison, bison, ostrich, etc), egg whites and whole eggs. Many bodybuilders go with the leanest proteins possible (egg whites, chicken breast and white fish), in order to control calories. However fatty fish provides valuable omega 3 fatty acids and whole eggs have valuable nutrients. If you do not include food sources of healthy fats, fish oil is a supplement worth adding.

    Load up on green vegetables and other fibrous carbs. Once you’ve chosen your protein for each meal, then add a fibrous carb or vegetable to your meal. Physique athletes sort carbohydrates into different categories than traditional nutritionists. Two of the
    primary categories are starchy and fibrous carbs. Fibrous carbs include non-starchy vegetables, green vegetables and salad vegetables. Popular examples: broccoli, asparagus, green beans, spinach, cauliflower, red/green peppers, onions, mushrooms, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce and other leafy greens. It’s almost impossible to gain fat eating green eggies and other fibrous carbs because the caloric density is too low. A diet that consists primarily of lean protein and fibrous carbs is the foundation of all serious fat loss diets. Read that again and remember it – because lean protein + fibrous carbs is the world’s most nobrainer diet to get ripped.

    That ought to do it.
  • Natashaa1991
    Natashaa1991 Posts: 866 Member
    thank you all!!
    also he can't cook so i will tell our mom to make him lean meats and veggies! (i can't do that for him as i'm studying abroad and my mom's cooking is....well, fattening)
    let's hope he will stay on this diet.
  • No, little blonde girls named Goldilocks eat porridge too.