Eating only 1200 but not hungry?

So I am just making my daily minimum caloric intake of 1200 calories. I tend to graze throughout the day and keep my protein intake higher that the default recommended amount. Protein tends to make me less hungry.

My worry is that I exercise daily and burn about 280 calories. With that in mind, I then dip below 1200 by the end of the day. I don't find that I am particularly hungry and I hate to force myself to eat more if I don't feel that I need it, but I do want to be health and make sure I'm getting the right fuel.

Can someone check out my food diary?


  • PinkEnvyx
    PinkEnvyx Posts: 172
    In my personal experiance my body knows more then the numbers and responds when I am not getting something it needs. Maybe it just simply does not need anything or that amount of calories or food, it will let you know when it needs more of something. Well mine does. :bigsmile: