Feeling sick and extremely tired

Hey guys, I'm 3 days into my diet and for the past two days I have been exhausted (wake up tired, by the middle of the day im exhausted and by 9:30-10 I'm exhausted--which is NOT normal for me) and I have also been feeling light headed and have had a constant headache...whats going on????
I'm a vegetarian so I'm afraid my B-12 levels have dipped down too far so I took a supplement this morning, or it could be because I have been trying to cut carbs..
Anybody else go through this?


  • Dahamac
    Dahamac Posts: 213 Member
    Sounds like how I feel after cycling and my body is craving carbs.

    Research your healthy low Glycemic Index carbs and try eating some of those and see how you feel. Tip, the healthiest source of carbs tends to be Fresh Fruit followed by Beans and then Whole Grains.
  • Can you open your diary? Maybe we can shed some light there!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    How many calories are you eating?
    How many calories are you burning from exercise?

    I see from your ticker you don't have much to lose, so your goal should not be to lose more than 0.5lbs/week, and you should be eating back the cals you burn from exercise. The less you have to lose the smaller your deficit should be (you should only eat slightly under your maintenance calories)
  • Mrsjenningsjr
    Mrsjenningsjr Posts: 149 Member
    I might experience this when I'm fasting and my sugar drops really low.
  • FoodPwnr
    FoodPwnr Posts: 153 Member
    When I made the switch to healthy eating I was on blood pressure meds and i would feel this way because my blood pressure was dropping too low..idk maybe your blood pressure is low.
  • When I don't get enough calories, especially for a couple days in a row, and I am exercising then I will feel like that. You don't want to cut your calories too far, I think you're more likely to be successful with a moderate approach. Just my experience, good luck and hang in there.
  • Meg_78
    Meg_78 Posts: 998 Member
    Do you take iron? I have done since having kids, but sometimes I forget for a while and it does leave me feeling really draggy. Or maybe you are simply not eating enough to fuel your body, having some carbs are necessary and important in a diet, have you cut it to low perhaps?. How are you protein levels - esp as you are vegetarian too?
  • sammniamii
    sammniamii Posts: 669 Member
    Yeap, sounds like you are carb craving - it will happen when you start to cut back them carbs. You body whines & complains that you aren't feeding it and thus you feel like crud. Dahamac's idea of looking up LG carbs would help you transition easier than "cutting cold turkey" per say. As a Veg, be careful to include some good protein sources if you go low-carb, unfornatetly alot of good protein sources aren't Veggie friendly and the remaining are higher in carbs (beans, tofu, rice, etc).
  • enb5056
    enb5056 Posts: 31
    Hey thanks for the reply! That makes some sense because I have been doing a Shaun T workout that is pretty strenuous so my body probably needs more carbs and food then normal...
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    Hey guys, I'm 3 days into my diet and for the past two days I have been exhausted (wake up tired, by the middle of the day im exhausted and by 9:30-10 I'm exhausted--which is NOT normal for me) and I have also been feeling light headed and have had a constant headache...whats going on????
    I'm a vegetarian so I'm afraid my B-12 levels have dipped down too far so I took a supplement this morning, or it could be because I have been trying to cut carbs..
    Anybody else go through this?

    I have had the B12 conversation with 2 doctors and both have said it takes years before there could be a real problem unless you just don't eat any food at all and then you would die of starvation anyway.

    Are you getting enough protein? Eat some healthy snacks though the day. We can't see what or how much you are eating so it's hard to really suggest anything. I'm guessing maybe you just aren't eating enough or eating the wrong types of food.
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    Don't just eat carbs....eat the right kind of carbs (fruits, vegetables). Eating the wrong kinds of carbs will send you crashing.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Hey thanks for the reply! That makes some sense because I have been doing a Shaun T workout that is pretty strenuous so my body probably needs more carbs and food then normal...

    According to the Insaity diet guide the minimum amount of calories anyone should eat is 1700/day
  • enb5056
    enb5056 Posts: 31
    The primary reason I am concerned with b-12 is i've had previous issues with it where i've needed to get injections, but I feel it may be my avoidance of carbs that is causing this, because i eat generally healthy and try to keep my protein up (though I know I need to eat more, i'm struggling with wanting to eat it with every meal) I believe i just opened up my diary...I'm new here and not the most tech savvy person ha!
    Hey guys, I'm 3 days into my diet and for the past two days I have been exhausted (wake up tired, by the middle of the day im exhausted and by 9:30-10 I'm exhausted--which is NOT normal for me) and I have also been feeling light headed and have had a constant headache...whats going on????
    I'm a vegetarian so I'm afraid my B-12 levels have dipped down too far so I took a supplement this morning, or it could be because I have been trying to cut carbs..
    Anybody else go through this?

    I have had the B12 conversation with 2 doctors and both have said it takes years before there could be a real problem unless you just don't eat any food at all and then you would die of starvation anyway.

    Are you getting enough protein? Eat some healthy snacks though the day. We can't see what or how much you are eating so it's hard to really suggest anything. I'm guessing maybe you just aren't eating enough or eating the wrong types of food.
  • enb5056
    enb5056 Posts: 31
    Holy, that is a lot of calories...but I could understand that, I've never sweat so much in my whole life haha
    Hey thanks for the reply! That makes some sense because I have been doing a Shaun T workout that is pretty strenuous so my body probably needs more carbs and food then normal...

    According to the Insaity diet guide the minimum amount of calories anyone should eat is 1700/day
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    Sometimes, when my clients experience this in the first three days it is from cutting out the carbs. Usually I recomend Dill Pickle spears and/or gatorade/poweraide zero which helps with the lite headed / fuzzy brained issue. However after 3-5 days they are normally back to normal and seeing thier energy rise as the body starts to release fat for energy instead of burning carbs. If you do not see a change in the next day or two, SEE A DOCTOR.
  • Hi hun, I checked out your diary (thank you for opening!) and it doesnt look too bad. If I had to give you advice it would be to eat more proteins and maybe watch your fat (it's not too bad right now). Maybe your body needs more energy from carbs than from fat.

    Also maybe your body is just resisting this sudden change. I had the same thing when I first started to change my eating-pattern.

    Good luck!!