Hurt and discouraged...



  • Dxleas
    Dxleas Posts: 1
    She Eleanor Roosevelt also said "No one can make you feel inferior without your permission". So don't give your power away. Office gossip is horrible. Women here also comment on a newlywed woman's body taking bets when the woman is going to get pregnant. It's horrible. Haters will be hatin'! Go get 'em!
  • apedeb09
    apedeb09 Posts: 805 Member
    They're just jealous of your beauty! Who wouldnt be? You are gorgeous! Dont let those b*tches ruin your day. :)
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    Wow, what a backhanded compliment!

    People ARE mean. What she said was not only mean, but totally uncalled for. You're doing just fine. If you know you're doing what you're supposed to be doing and are happy with that, then her opinion means jack squat. You look lovely!
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    Maybe it was a clumsy way of trying to get on your good side. A colleague of mine once did something similar to our manager - he told her that even though no one else liked her, he liked her and thought she was a good boss. Needless to say, it didn't have the effect he'd hoped for - she replied very deliberately 'Oh, I wasn't aware that everyone disliked me. I'm quite saddened to hear that. Are you really telling me that everyone dislikes me?' At which he became awkward and umm-ed and ahh-ed and tried to retract what he'd said!

    Oh my gosh that is so sad-I feel so bad for her :(

    I just wish I could go home and curl up in front of a movie with my dog...that usually makes me feel better.

    At least my workout is out of the way today so I can go slack off...actually I'm planning to buy my ballet outfit after work. My hubby got me ballet lessons for my birthday and I finally found a studio! I've always wanted to learn.
  • Carol_L
    Carol_L Posts: 296 Member
    Its one of those unfortunate realities that there are people out there who, unhappy with their own lives, don't want to see others be happy or successful. Coming in all glowing after your honeymoon was probably more than this sad individual could stand, and they most likely wanted to bring you back to their level. That's their problem.

    The one thing I learned in life is that I can't control other people's actions or feelings, I can only control my reactions to them. You're taking control of the things you can control, which is awesome! As Opuntia pointed out, learning some verbal jujitsu (turning statements back around at folks to get to the heart of their motivation) can be a powerful skill.

    You're doing great - its the other person who has the issues. Don't let them rain on your parade : )
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    Whether or not anyone in your work area actually said that, she was being a ***** by even repeating (or making that up). It was a hurtful thing for her to say. You look incredible, and should just rock that. Forget what they have to say about it. Enjoy the start to your new life with your husband and ignore them!
  • haylz247
    haylz247 Posts: 435
    i hate how mean some people are sometimes.

    i would just ignore them! you know you are doing well and people are jealous, that's all. people are horrible to others because they feel crap about the way they look.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    here is a hug. sometimes you dont know why people have a skewed perception of you or if one person just wanted to let you think that because they like to take people down a peg. sort of the whole - youre not as dumb as everyone says you are! kind of insult.


    dont worry.
    you are so beautiful.
    and you look quite fit.

  • illbetravelin
    illbetravelin Posts: 27 Member
    screw em, you are beautiful
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    here is a hug. sometimes you dont know why people have a skewed perception of you or if one person just wanted to let you think that because they like to take people down a peg. sort of the whole - youre not as dumb as everyone says you are! kind of insult.


    dont worry.
    you are so beautiful.
    and you look quite fit.


    Thank you, yoovie...I've been working like a dog. The week of my wedding I still went hiking or walking daily for an hour....

    And now that I'm home I'm back to the 5AM hearing that kind of comment when I'm working hard is hurtful...but you're right. This particular person just probably meant it as a compliment and it came out wrong...or it's a backhanded compliment and she wants me to feel like crap.

    Either way, I can't let other people's opinions affect my personal goals. I didn't start this journey for them anyway-it's for me!
  • 1holegrouper
    1holegrouper Posts: 323 Member
    Its simple. Your young, your beautiful, your happy and they are NOT. This happens to me all the time (OK, not really, lol)
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    screw em, you are beautiful

    illbetravelin-OH MY GOSH so are you!!! Such fresh and dewy skin and what a beautiful smile! You remind me so much of someone and I can't put my finger on it...someone I knew in school.

    Sorry-just had to put that out there.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    Bless her stupid heart. That nurse was itching to be a catty b*tch without actually taking responsibility for it.

    LOLOLOL!!!! This is so good!!!
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    I think you look amazing, and your wedding pictures are so beautiful. Enjoy. You know why you are doing this, it is for yourself and your health. Stay focused and live your life your way, girl!
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    people will always be petty. others cant grasp the idea of someone looking better than themselves. the best thing some people can do to feel better about themselves to hurt someone else..that whole superior attitude crap.

    I would say she attacked you cause you didnt come back from your honeymoon all bloated..cheers for you..I think you just keep moving on....success is the best revenge! look gorgeous in your profile pic!
  • lg3703
    lg3703 Posts: 190
    #1. Life is too short to worry about other peoples opinions as long as you feel good! #2 people are catty, mean and some are just plain stupid. I'm sorry but that IS a fact of life. #3 you freaking rock. OWN IT!
  • newbsar
    newbsar Posts: 6
    Thank you everyone for the kind words. Mission accomplished and I'm much more cheerful and motivated-strange how nice words from strangers almost mean more than those from people you know well.

    I decided to take a running tally of things to be happy about:

    1.) I have an AMAZING new husband that thinks I'm sexy and amazing (he is too-but no need to go down that bunny trail).
    2.) I'm still sticking with the 5AM routine and feeling good.
    3.) I have a solid job which helps me afford my lifestyle.
    4.) I have a dog that loves me and has no opinions of weight whatsoever
    5.) I have my health. My blood sugars have been infinitely better since I started working out daily.

    Thanks again for the encouraging words.

    And this is exactly why they are saying it my dear - they are jealous. You look beautiful in your wedding dress. Keep strong and focus on those things that make you happy x
  • lidiflyful
    The nerve of some people!

    Sorry I don't know you but that made me a little bit mad!

    That was a very rude thing to say! and excatly, you are not large at all it doesn't matter if you were it should not have been said.

    The only thing to do is ignore the comment and power through, it was a stupid comment so leave it hanging where it was!

    I just hate unneccesary rudeness! it grinds my gears.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    The nerve of some people!

    Sorry I don't know you but that made me a little bit mad!

    That was a very rude thing to say! and excatly, you are not large at all it doesn't matter if you were it should not have been said.

    The only thing to do is ignore the comment and power through, it was a stupid comment so leave it hanging where it was!

    I just hate unneccesary rudeness! it grinds my gears.

    I know other people have posted these same kinds of threads when people start making rude comments. It just makes me feel like I'm back in high much caddiness.