new to strength training

I just began my strength training today, with ab crunches, push ups and leg lifts. Couple of questions:

1. What is the best schedule for doing these? Should I do them one day, rest the next? Or do them 3 days in a row, rest for 2 days? Or go continuous, 7 days a week?

2. What are the best exercises (without equipment) for toning abs and obliques? I'd like to have the prototypical six pack, etc., so what should I be doing? Do ab crunches work the 3 sections of abs?

3. What is the best time for doing the strength training? 1st thing in the morning prior to any food? Or is this personal preference, and what fits in with your schedule?

Thanks all for the help!


  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    With what you're doing, go ahead and do it 7 days a week. Crunches a are pretty worthless.

    i assume you have no gym?

    consider getting the book or app 'you are your own gym.'
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    1. What is the best schedule for doing these? Should I do them one day, rest the next? Or do them 3 days in a row, rest for 2 days? Or go continuous, 7 days a week?
    If you are only going to do these, do them every day, but you should broaden your horizon
    2. What are the best exercises (without equipment) for toning abs and obliques? I'd like to have the prototypical six pack, etc., so what should I be doing? Do ab crunches work the 3 sections of abs?
    -The abs are all 1 muscle not 3 or 6 separate ones
    -Best way to have a 6 pack = eat 500cal below BMR (they are there, they are just hiding under the flab)
    -Planks are my favorite exercise for the core
    3. What is the best time for doing the strength training? 1st thing in the morning prior to any food? Or is this personal preference, and what fits in with your schedule?
    Find out when you have the most energy and go then.
  • FireBrand80
    FireBrand80 Posts: 378 Member
    1. what wellbert said

    2. there's no such thing as toning

    3. personal preference
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member
    Look up HIIT. Without a gym they have great workouts.

    Other than that, trust FireBrand
  • FireBrand80
    FireBrand80 Posts: 378 Member
    -Best way to have a 6 pack = eat 500cal below BMR (they are there, they are just hiding under the flab)

    Pretty sure you mean TDEE. BMR = the amount of calories required for basic bodily functions.
  • cristeberga
    cristeberga Posts: 251 Member

    -Best way to have a 6 pack = eat 500cal below BMR (they are there, they are just hiding under the flab)

    Do you mean 500 calories below BMR or TDEE? Isn't BMR the least I have to eat to survive? Thanks!
  • I recommend doing squats and dead-lifts as well. Those are the best all around strength exercises you can do.

    I also recommend you give your muscles a day to rest after working them out. I personally do a 3 day routine. Day 1 Legs. Day 2 Arms/Chest. Day 3 Shoulders/Back. And then back to day 1 so I don't have any days where I'm not doing something. Another option would be to do full body workouts every other, or every three days. Just make sure you don't do too much too quickly. If you don't give yourself proper rest you are more likely to get injured.

    The best exercises actually don't require any equipment. Squats, Pushups, Pullups, and other body weight exercises all work your core. If you have any weights to lift (even a heavy book would work) try lifting them while standing on one leg (switch legs regularly). When you are trying to balance like that, your core is working to stabilize you.

    I'm not a big fan of crunches or sit ups, I think they are too hard on my neck. But I 'love' doing leg lifts while lying on my back and doing hanging leg lifts.

    The best time for strength training is whenever you can do it. But make sure you get a little something in your stomach to help give you the energy to get through it as well. I like to do mine after work and before I get in cardio.

    Also, if you are looking for some entertaining fitness reading check out:
    He makes quite a few good points about exercising.
  • Plates559
    Plates559 Posts: 869 Member
    wooops yeah sorry, not spreading any pro ana or anything here.