
omg...............finally bought my elliptical, what I desperately wanted right?...wow when I tried it at the store I though this is simple..hahahahaha got on in and within 2 minutes I was out of breath....but I will keep trying, and trying and trying..any suggestions?


  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Great, it's working. That's what it's supposed to do.

    Today 2 minutes, tomorrow, 3. In a week it'll be 10, and soon it'll be a full 30 minute program. Just remember to do it a little every day, maybe get good and sweaty before your morning shower, and you'll be knocking it out before you know it.
  • kksam
    kksam Posts: 38
    Start out slow and build up each day. Watch your heart rate. It's a very good workout but has to be built up so you don't overdue it. Be sure to do your stretches.
  • grove29
    Just add a little longer each day, I promise it will get easier.
  • jdp21
    jdp21 Posts: 155 Member
    Don't worry, it totally gets easier! It's my favourite thing to use at the gym. It's low-impact so it doesn't destroy my shins, and it somehow feels less monotonous than jogging on the treadmill. I was proud when I saw that I could keep my heart rate from going up to the "danger" zone in a 30-minute program.
  • mscocoa30
    mscocoa30 Posts: 104 Member
    Trust me I know the feeling. That machine is no joke. Yet, it burns lots of calories in a relatively small amount of time. It's worth the investment.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I love the elliptical at the gym! Whne I started out I could only do 5 minutes and I was panting. I can now do an hour with the resistance set at 15 and I feel glorious afterwards. I have sweat streaming down me and I am so pumped!
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    I find that I can always manage longer on those cardio machines (elliptical, treadmill, stairs) with a distraction. Is there a TV nearby? Watch a show that you either really love, or that maybe is in 'theme' with what you're doing - the Last 10lbs or X-Weighed or something.

    when I run outside (which I am learning to do, and trying to learn to like) I find I just cannot do it without my ipod. I'm not sure if it is the selection of songs that are motivators for me, a beat I can run to or that it blocks out the sound of my breathing. Whatever the case, the music makes all the difference. The same can be said for spinning classes (or even the strength classes) I do in my gym - all are to music and I can't imagine getting through them without the music.

    Good for you - keep at it!
  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    Thanks everyone, I did do another 5 minutes today, :laugh: my hubby thought I was a wimp when I told him hell I can only do 3 minutes...he got on it....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: 2 minutes and he said.... well I cant repeat what he said , but it wasnt good :laugh: :laugh:
  • paddlemom
    paddlemom Posts: 682 Member
    Oh thank heavens!!! I've only tried it once and barely lasted 2 minutes. It was at a hotel gym with no one to show me how to use it, so I thought maybe I was doing it wrong or it really wasn't a good machine for me! I mean, I can do a half hour on the bike!!! Now that I have joined a gym, I will give it an honest go and know that I just have to work my way up!
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Just keep at it, it gets easier ..it will be like that with any new cardio you try ... Just keep at it

    I run over 30 K a week, did my first spinning class, felt like dying in the first ten minutes! haha

    Just the way it goes, think of how strong your cardio will be after!
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Just keep at it, it gets easier ..it will be like that with any new cardio you try ... Just keep at it

    I run over 30 K a week, did my first spinning class, felt like dying in the first ten minutes! haha

    Just the way it goes, think of how strong your cardio will be after!
  • NotSurprised
    NotSurprised Posts: 8,083 Member
    Wow the elliptical is that difficult, sounds intriguing may have to give it a shot, no wonder you burn so many calories in a short period of time. :smile:
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    I decided to just hop on the elliptical a couple days ago at the gym and I also thought that maybe I was doing something wrong because it was so hard and my legs felt like they were on fire and I was so out of breath. I managed to keep at it for about 12 minutes and it said I had only burned 77 calories, I don't see how that is possible I felt like I was dying. I am gonna wait a bit before I get back on it. I have only been at my gym for a week so I got a ways to go! :tongue:
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    That was me, the first time!!!

    I oozed off the thing after 2 minutes, legs quivering, sweat dripping into my eyes, breathlessly cursing the evil machine. And this was at level 1!! But I determined that it would NOT get the best of ME! I decided that every single time I came to the gym, I'd add 1 minute to my first time. No more, no less, just 1 minute. They fly by, right?

    Last night, I did a 20 minute hill interval routine at the machine's highest level of difficulty and completed it easily (although still sweating and out of breath). It took me a couple of months of gradually increasing both my time and the difficulty in order to accomplish that, but I did it.

    You can too!
  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    I guess theres hope...It just scares me after spending the money on it...I will probably have to pay for a divorce if I dont use it:laugh: ya know like the exercise bike and the tread mill that when we moved we got rid of...I wish now that I kept it all, but I had a hip resurfacing and could not longer do the pounding of the treadmill on my hip.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I have noticed when I do the eliptical machine that the first five minutes feel like they are going to kill me but if I push through those first few minutes I can keep going for an hour.

    To mkwrose....were you using your own hrm or the one on the machine? The one on my machine at home is way off compared to my HRM that I wear.
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    tcasmey: I don't have my own hrm yet. the initial joining of the gym just about killed me financially so I have to wait a week or so before I can get one. do the watch only style ones work, I don't like the idea of a chest strap.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    From my research that ones that have chest straps work better. When you adjust them correctly you really cannot feel the chest strap. They are supposedly better because they give you a constant reading where as the watch only style you have to push a button every once in awhile to get a few readings while you are working out. Watch ebay sometimes there a some great deals on them.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I have the watch style and it's pretty shaky. It seems that one time it'll do great and track my work and then another time it doesn't even realize I'm exercising. My wife has a chest strap unit and it's bulletproof accurate. Nice unit.

    Chest straps are easy for gals. You're probably wearing a bra anyways, just strap it on there right below your bra strap. My wife forgets hers...

    My first time on the elliptical I lasted 3 minutes and really thought I'd made a mistake buying it. Then it was 5 minutes, then 10. Now I do a 30 minute routine (almost) every morning and I feel lost if I don't get it done.

    The health benefits are unbelievable. When I started I was flirting with high blood pressure and my pulse was usually 80'ish. 2 flights of stairs winded me. Now,,, BP-110/65. Pulse 55. 6 flights of stairs, no problem. Just a wonderful amazing transformation, and I'm thrilled.

    So stick with it. You'll get stronger, and it'll happen quickly and you'll feel amazing and it's SO worth it!
  • amk1725
    amk1725 Posts: 156
    Thanks to reading this post yesterday, I went down to the gym and got on the elliptical for the first time in months...probably before summer!

    I forgot how much I loved it and the workout it gives you. My goal is to add it into my current routine and get on it at least once a week.

    Thank you! :flowerforyou: